
Harry Potter: Origin Magic

(This fic's previous name was 'Harry Potter: Chill Adventures') One year had passed since Jace, a destitute fifteen-year-old boy, had lost his parents. One day, a mysterious young man named Alexander walked into his home and greeted Jace with a casual "Hi Jace, name's Alexander, and I'm here to show you the ropes of being a magician," as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Jace was taken aback, but he had no say in the matter. As he embarks on his journey as a magician, Jace finds himself navigating through the complexities of life at Hogwarts, a prestigious school for young witches and wizards. With each passing day, Jace delves deeper into the world of magic, facing challenges and making new friends along the way. From mastering spells to discovering hidden talents, Jace strives to live a full life, embracing the wonders and dangers of the magical realm. Join Jace on his thrilling journey as he discovers the true meaning of being a magician. _____________________________________________ If you want to know more, you are welcome to read the fic. A lot of OCs such as Dumbles, Grindelwald, Tommy Boy, Harry, Hermione, and others will be students at Hogwarts. Can you imagine all of them studying together under the same roof? It's going to be quite a spectacle! Oh, and here's another interesting twist: the starting age at Hogwarts is now 15 years old, a small change that's sure to shake things up. Exciting, isn't it? R-18 -> maybe harem ->not. ---------------------------------------- I don’t own any characters other than my OCs. The cover picture is mine. So no one can say shit. Hope you got attracted :L

FakeViolinist · 書籍·文学
23 Chs


Enjoy the chapter :)


The following day, when classes had ended, Jace let out an exasperated sigh and pleaded with Tom. "Come on, Tom, don't be like this."

Tom replied, annoyed, "I already told you, I don't want to go to the dueling club. It's a dead club. There's no one there except for a few older students and Professor Flitwick."

Jace countered, "We both know those are just excuses. You really just want to spend time with Hermione."

Tom couldn't deny it. "Yes, that's true! So what are you going to do about it?" he asked, mocking Jace.

Jace grinned and said, "I'm calling in my favor." Tom's eyebrows twitched in response.

Tom couldn't help asking, "Are you seriously going to waste it like this?"

Jace jabbed Tom's ribs at that, "Hey Tom. With all those excuses you are coming up with, I can't help but wonder if you are just afraid of duelling."

Tom winced slightly at the jab to his ribs, but he quickly regained his composure. He narrowed his eyes at Jace, a defiant expression crossing his face.

"Afraid? Me? Don't be ridiculous," Tom retorted.

"I'm not afraid of dueling. I just think it's a pointless activity. It's not like we're going to be fighting dark wizards anytime soon."

Jace raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by Tom's response. "Oh, really? So, you think that yesterday's "attack" was merely a prank gone wrong?"

Tom was startled by that question. "Well, it could have been just a prank, couldn't it?" Tom said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Summoning a dark creature like that doesn't necessarily mean there's a real threat. It could have been a student trying to scare others for some twisted amusement."

Jace crossed his arms, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I suppose it's possible," he conceded. "But regardless of whether it was a prank or not, it's still important for us to learn how to defend ourselves. We can't always rely on others to protect us."

Tom sighed, his earlier stubbornness vanishing, "I will go with you."

It was Jace's turn to get surprised, "Really? It's decided then. You can't take it back."

Tom smiled at his friend's reaction, "Although, you will have to explain to Hermione why I didn't spend my time with her."

With the decision made, the two boys headed towards the 7th floor ,where the duelling club held its sessions, exchaning playful banter and lighthearted jokes.

As they reached the entrance of the dueling club, Jace turned to Tom, a reassuring smile on his face. "You're going to do great, Tom. Just remember, it's not about winning or losing. It's about learning and improving. We're here to support each other."

Tom smirked, "Don't worry Jace. I won't make much fun of you when I wipe the floor with you."

The two boys got in and found themselves inside spacious and well-lit room, with high ceilings and smooth, polished stone walls.

The floor of the room was marked with intricate runes and symbols, which served as both decoration and instruction for the duellers. The room also featured several raised platforms which allow spectators to observe the duels from a safe distance. That's where professor Flitwick was currently standing at.

The two teens, quickly got everyone's attention and all the activities ceased.

Professor Flitwick, noticing the commotion caused by Jace and Tom's entrance, smiled warmly and called out to them. "Ah, Jace and Tom, how delightful to see you here. Ready to join us in the dueling club?"

Jace nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Absolutely, Professor Flitwick!"

Tom, though still a bit unsure, mustered up his determination. "Yes, Professor. We've decided to give it a try and see what we can learn."

The other students in the dueling club, a mix of mostly older students, watched with curiosity. They were plesantly surpirsed by the addition of new participants.

Professor Flitwick gestured for Jace and Tom to come closer. "Welcome, Jace and Tom! We're thrilled to have you join us today. Dueling is a wonderful opportunity to hone your magical skills and learn valuable defensive techniques. I'm sure you'll find it both challenging and rewarding."

The older students, who had been engaged in their own duels, now approached Jace and Tom with friendly smiles and welcoming gestures. They introduced themselves and offered words of encouragement, eager to share their knowledge and experiences.

One of the older students that approached them was the old Ravenclaw student that greeted them in their first day at Hogwarts, Michael.

"Wow! Look at you! You pipsqueaks already joined our club?"

Jace and Tom couldn't help but smile at Michael's friendly teasing. It was nice to see a familiar face among the older students.

Jace chuckled and replied, "Hey, Michael! Yeah, we decided to give it a shot. Figured yesterday that some duelling skills could really come in handy."

Tom nodded, adding, "Yeah, we realized there's more to it than we thought."

Michael grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, you've come to the right place. We're always up for some friendly duels and improving our skills. Don't worry, we won't go too hard on you... maybe."

Seeing as the youths weren't planning on stopping their talk, professor Flitwick butted in, "Now, let's resume our dueling activities. Jace and Tom, I'll pair you with experienced students for your initial duels. They will guide you and help you become familiar with the some basic techniques and etiquettes of dueling."


I know it's kind of short and maybe be lacking, but I'm quite rusty and I have to start somehow.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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