
Harry Potter: Noctis

Move_On_3364 · アクション
21 Chs

Chapter 17

William Dawkins didn't know what to say. Everything happening right now should have happened to Harry Potter twenty years into the future. But now, it was he who was in the position of becoming the youngest Quidditch player. Did William like Quidditch? Hell yes, he did. But that didn't justify the current situation. He had planned to join the Quidditch team in the future, but now it seemed there would be a change of plans. William knew that Quidditch training might interfere with his other pursuits. He couldn't help but blame himself for being too careless.

As he was pondering his next move, Professor McGonagall spoke, "You don't have to answer right now, Mr. Dawkins. Take your time."

William snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the three teachers standing in front of him: Professor McGonagall, Madam Hooch, and Professor Flitwick. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

"Professor, I've made my decision," William said, determination evident in his voice. "I will join the Quidditch team."

Madam Hooch smiled approvingly at his answer, while Professor Flitwick clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "Wonderful!"

McGonagall was about to say something, but before she could, William interjected, "But," he said, emphasizing the word, "I have two requests."

"And what might those be?" asked McGonagall, raising an eyebrow.

"First, I want to take the Quidditch test. It will clear all suspicions regarding my competence," he stated confidently.

The three teachers nodded, understanding the reasoning behind his request. But William's second request made their eyes widen in surprise.

"Second, I want my fellow yearmates to have the same privilege as well," he said with a smile.

The teachers exchanged bewildered glances. "But aren't first years prohibited from taking the Quidditch test?" asked Professor Flitwick.

"No, they are only prohibited from bringing their own brooms. But that doesn't mean they can't take the Quidditch test, can they?" explained McGonagall, looking back at William with a thoughtful expression.

William nodded. He knew that if he joined the Quidditch team, other students might not take it lightly and could antagonize him. To prevent this, he had two solutions: reject the offer or convince the teachers to extend the privilege to all first years. But as a sports lover in his previous life, William couldn't let this opportunity pass. So, he picked the second option. Plus it might also extend understanding with other students.

McGonagall and the others understood the reasons behind his request. "So, Mr. Dawkins, do you want only the Ravenclaws to have this privilege, or the other houses as well?" asked McGonagall, judging his intent.

"I want all the houses to have this privilege. Like the Headmaster said during his speech, we are all one big family," William said without hesitation.

The three teachers nodded at William's words, seeing him in a completely different light. "Very well then. I shall talk to Dumbledore about your proposal," said McGonagall.

As they were parting ways, McGonagall called out, "And Mr. Dawkins, please keep this meeting a secret."

"Yes, ma'am," William replied and left the room.


William arrived at the Great Hall and sat beside his friends, Minny and Chris, acting as though he had been scolded by McGonagall and was in deep trouble. Minny and Chris looked at him worriedly.

"William, did McGonagall scold you or something?" asked Minny, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"They said they will take the matter to Dumbledore," William said, half lying and half speaking the truth.

Chris's eyes narrowed. "What? They can't do that. It was just a harmless prank," he said.

Even Minny couldn't understand how such a small prank could have escalated this far. Chris was about to march up and talk to McGonagall, but William stopped him.

"What are you doing, William? You know this is wrong. The prank you pulled this morning was very small and harmless. Why would the teachers take it this far?" Chris demanded.

"Listen, Professor McGonagall said that Dumbledore will look into the matter very closely and told me not to worry," William explained.

Minny and Chris exchanged puzzled glances, sensing that William was hiding something. Before they could probe further, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. The students got up and made their way to the Herbology class, their minds still swirling with unanswered questions.