
Embracing the Future

There was absolutely no doubt in Sirius' mind anymore about the teens' story. He then thought of something. "Harry, the connection to Voldemort was the reason Snape was giving you Occlumency lessons. Did you ever get back to him or learn it in the future? Dumbledore thought it was the most important thing to be done."

"Miranda gave it as a gift when I agreed to have the horcrux put back in," Harry sighed, "I don't know if I was just incapable of learning it from Snape, or if our mutual hatred was causing a problem with the lessons, but I seemed to be more open to the manipulations the night after a lesson than other times. And that is how you ended up dead Sirius," Harry's eyes met his godfather's. "It was my fault."

"Your fault?" Sirius asked.

"Voldemort tricked me into believing you had been captured and were being tortured in the Department of Mysteries," Harry explained. "I now know he just wanted the prophecy," Harry again thought back to that night. "If Dumbledore would have just told me there was something Voldemort wanted and might try to trick me into getting it, I would have been on guard, but again he thought he knew best. He kept everything from me."

"So...what happened?" Sirius asked, unsure he wanted to hear about his own death.

"I led an assortment of students; Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood there in an attempt to rescue you. We were up against twelve Death Eaters, led by Lucius Malfoy and for a short time we were able to hold our own. Eventually, though, we started taking casualties. Fortunately none of our friends died, though Hermione came extremely close. You, Shacklebolt, Tonks, Moody and Remus arrived just in time to save us, with Dumbledore showing up a few minutes later. In the fight, you were dueling Bellatrix and you weren't taking it seriously enough. You were even laughing at her. She hit you with a stunner and...and you fell through the Veil of Death," Again tears had sprung up in Harry's eyes at the remembrance of his godfather falling through the ragged curtain. "And it was my fault. If I had used these mirrors," He held up his, "I would have known you were all right. I tried to talk to you. We ended up having to break into Umbridge's office and we got caught. But I did floo here and…and...Kreacher lied to me. He told me you weren't here. I found out later you were, but you were up with Buckbeak. It...it was one of things the Malfoys had told him to do, distract you on that night."

Sirius's face had turned very pale, but at the last statement he had turned to Kreacher.

"No, Sirius," Hermione said sharply. "It was your fault as well. The way you've been treating him has been horrible," Her voice softened. "When Kreacher told us his tale before we had Regulus' locket and were able to give it to him. He changed almost instantly and became a very good elf. He led the House-elves of Hogwarts against Voldemort's supporters."

Kreacher seemed to swell at the statement and Hermione noticed it. "Kreacher, you are a good elf, supporting a very noble house," She turned back to Sirius, "Instead of sitting here being morose about being stuck in a place you didn't like growing up in, start making plans on how to change the Noble House of Black into something you would be proud of."

Sirius looked sheepish, "It's not that simple, Hermione."

"Then make it that simple. We didn't come back in time to save your life just so you can spend the rest of it lost in your own despair. Eventually, we will get Peter and get you cleared, but for now we're going to need you to help us save everyone else. We need your help to get our knowledge to the right people. You were a great schemer, weren't you?" At the nod from Sirius she continued, "Good, because that is what we need right now. For the next two weeks, Harry and I have to study for our OWLs, so we need someone trying to figure out how we can use the Department of Mysteries events in our favor. Last time, Voldemort showed up and that's when the Ministry admitted that he was back. We need to see if we can develop a plan that will do the same thing."

Harry smiled at Hermione, who was coming off her tirade, then to Sirius, "We forgot to explain one thing about the soul bond we have, Sirius. I would like to introduce you to the person who just berated you, Hermione Potter, my wife."

"WHAT?" Sirius asked. It was too much, too quick, and he was drowning.

"Yeah, that was her reaction as well," Harry said as he took his wife's hand. "But she's mostly gotten over it now."

"Ho…how do you know?" Sirius asked.

"We first found out when Miranda had us look at the Marauder's map. It showed Hermione Potter. She also said it could be verified in the Magical Records Office. We, of course haven't been able to do that yet."

"The map doesn't lie. It's tied into the wards at Hogwarts," Sirius said as he put his head on the table. "My godson, married at fifteen. James would kill me."

"You didn't do it Sirius, and I'm actually almost eighteen," Harry replied. He shook his head as he continued. "This time stuff is going to give me a headache. As for my father, who, if I remember correctly had eyes for my mother long before his fifth year, he would have no reason to complain. Besides, I ended up with the best wife in the world and a relationship blessed by the Goddess of Love. What more can anyone ask for?"

"My husband isn't so bad either," Hermione chimed in. "But we aren't telling anyone else, at least right now. All Harry needs is more garbage from the Ministry."

"Yeah, I can understand that. But please make sure I'm there when you tell Dumbledore," Sirius begged. "By the way, how did you get here today?"


"From Hogwarts?" Sirius asked.

"From the Shrieking Shack," Harry replied.

"That's a long way, and you're not licensed yet."

"When you're on the run from Voldemort and the Ministry for a year and the only way to travel is apparation, you get pretty good at it," Harry explained.

"I can imagine."

"To tell you the truth, Sirius, I'm glad you can't," Harry replied with a shake of his head. "But we still have a lot that we haven't covered yet, so you can see just how lucky we got in defeating Voldemort," It took a good thirty minutes before the most important points were covered, including Dumbledore's death, the ministry takeover, muggle born oppression, the horcruxes, and final battle.

"It wasn't just our friends who died, Sirius," Harry explained. "Muggleborn were being prosecuted, and a lot of them were kissed," He turned to Hermione. "We can't let Umbridge do that again. We have to do something to prevent it"

"I agree, but you're not suggesting we kill her, are you?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know what I'm suggesting, Hermione," Harry said softly. "Those muggleborns had husbands, wives, and children. Families that either never saw their loved one again, or they came back from Azkaban a shadow of themselves. We have to do something about the government if we can, and it might start with making sure Umbridge doesn't make it back into it."

Hermione stared at her husband, wanting to protest, but had to admit he was right. "Maybe you're right Harry, but I'm not sure I can kill someone in cold blood."

"I know what you mean, love," Harry said and looked away. They all sat in silence for a few minutes, until Hermione looked at her watch.

"We need to get back to the school. It's time to face Ron," She said.

"So, the Weasleys betrayed you?" Sirius asked bringing up a subject they had glossed over earlier.

Harry sighed as he thought of the young man he considered his best friend, until he found out what he'd done. "Yeah, Ron and Ginny did. Still trying to undo seven years of friendship in my mind, but when I saw Ron sleeping this morning, knowing what he did to Hermione, I had a hard time not cursing him."

"At least it wasn't as bad as it was with Peter. Nobody died because of their actions."

"We don't know that, Sirius," Harry argued. "What would have been different if our next school year hadn't been complicated by jealousy? Besides, if you could have gone back before Peter betrayed my parents, what would you have done?"

Sirius sighed, "I would have ripped the rat into multiple pieces and fed him to whatever creature I could have found," He looked at the couple. "Just don't do anything stupid."

Harry smiled as he looked at Hermione, "That's why she's my soul mate. She's supposed to keep me from doing stupid. Even when I thought you had been captured two years ago; she was trying to be a voice of reason and told me it could be a trap. She's been right about most things, and I think I might have finally learned my lesson. But you know," He looked at his wife, "even when she was sure I was wrong, she's never left my side."

Hermione smiled at Harry and gentle squeezed his hand. "And I never shall love."


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