
Harry Potter Isn’t Holding Back Anymore

Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts ends with a bang—and not in the fun, magical kind of way. Instead, he’s dragged into a Ministry of Magic trial for the heinous crime of not letting himself or a Muggle get murdered by dementors. As if that’s not bad enough, his so-called friends? Nowhere to be found. Some allies they turned out to be. But if the Ministry thinks Harry’s going to roll over and take it, they’ve got another thing coming. Fed up with the nonsense, Harry decides it’s time to ditch the drama, reclaim his life, and show the wizarding world what he’s really made of. He’s got a plan—a brilliant, bold, maybe slightly bonkers plan—and it starts with walking away from the lot of them. Watch out, wizarding world—this Harry Potter isn’t holding back anymore!

Sonic_Spectre · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

A Legacy Reborn

Notable distinguished members of the family included William Fenwick, Sheriff of Northumberland in 1578 and 1589; Sir John Fenwick, the 1st Baronet – he was an English landowner and politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1624 and 1648; and George Fenwick who was an English Parliamentarian and Member of Parliament for Morpeth (1640-1652) and for Berwick-upon-Tweed from 1654 to 1657. There were, of course, others. In the early 1600s, Cuthbert Fenwick, George Fenwick (not the parliamentarian), and John Fenwick (not the Baronet) made their way to the Colonies of the New World. Cuthbert Fenwick settled in Virginia in 1634; George Fenwick settled in Connecticut in 1640. John Fenwick settled in Delaware in 1675 with his wife and three daughters. As with many old names, they get twisted or misspelled over time: Fenwick became Fenwicks, which became Fenwykes and later Fenix. Frank S. Fenix was an American Republican politician in Missouri in 1964.

So, Harry decided he would become Evan Jacob Fenix, born August 12, 1978 in Ayr, Scotland to Cynthia and Jacob Fenix. He chose the name Cynthia for his mother because it's root is in the name "Hyacinth", a type of lily, his mother's name. His father's name, James, he found out is from the late Latin name Jacomus, a variant of the Biblical Latin form of Jacobus, from the Hebrew name Ya'aqov (or Jacob). Lastly, he chose the birthdate of August 12, 1977 because August 12 was the date of his ...., his liberation; and 1977 because it would make him now 18 years old, giving him some flexibility in the muggle world. He cobbled together a story of how his parents were originally from Missouri, USA (plausible daughter of the aforementioned Frank Fenix) and came to Scotland for work (he did "not know" where). He was born and, while he was with his parents shopping one day, some people popped out of nowhere and killed his parents. He was saved when his mom fell on top of him, covering him – that is how he got the scar on his forehead. He was put in a local orphanage and later moved to one near Surrey, but ran away when he was 11. Harry would claim he lived on the streets ever since.

In the name registry, Harry found a Coat of Arms for the Fenix family – a filigreed background with a phoenix standing atop, wings wide-spread, under the bannered motto "Toujours fidele" (always faithful). Harry thought that was just….appropriate. Later that day, Harry asked Dobby to notify Griphook that Harry had not been obliviated, to arrange appropriate identification papers using his "new" name, and modify appropriate government records in accordance with his new geneology and "family history" from Gringotts. He also asked Dobby to get some money and have half converted to English Pounds; to let Hermione know he was OK - that he would send her a letter; to ask her to keep that a secret; and to retrieve all of Harry's personal belongings, including the new bag Harry and Hermione developed. Lastly, Harry asked Dobby to buy him a "new" used multi-chambered trunk, and a fully kitted Wizard's Tent.

In the meantime, in the wizarding world, the Prophet was publishing that Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived was found guilty of breaching the Statute of Secrecy Act, had his wand snapped, had his magic bound, was obliviated, and dropped off in London. The story made it sound as if Harry had been flouting his magic in the street to impress his cousin. They further reported that the Ministry would be taking control of the vast Potter vaults. They continued to bash Dumbledore, denouncing his claims that Voldemort returned as rubbish. Upon reading this, Harry sent a letter to Griphook asking if (a) there was more than one vault, and (b) if so, could they also move the contents of that vault (minus a few knuts) to the new one under the James Granger name.

When Dobby returned from completing his tasks, he told Harry that Hermione was now staying at her parents' home. Harry immediately wrote her a letter in which he explained what happened during the ...., what happened with the Obliviator, told her his "new" name, and that he wanted to be able to continue communicating with her, even when she was at school. He suggested they think of a story of how they met, just in case anybody asked.