When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry looked at the hammer, he felt a bit odd having a staring contest with something that had no eyes, especially since it was just a hammer. But this was not just a simple hammer, the magical energy coming from it was strong and powerful, some of it seemed newer than the rest but it was strong. The triquetra/triangle symbol, that briefly appeared after one of the scanning spells, interested Harry as did the runic designs around the edges of the hammer.
Harry didn't really know if this was part of this world, after all this world didn't have the same history as his own. The odd thing was that Harry had a good guess about what it was, if he was right then this could be Mjolnir, the weapon of Thor, the god of thunder.
Harry had read about him in the Potter family grimoire back in his own world, the Potter family had an affinity for lightning and were rumored to have been related to Thor. With that being said Harry wasn't sure if he was actually related to the Thor of his old world, or if his old world even had a Thor. Even if it did that didn't necessarily mean that he was related to this world's Thor, if he even did exist. But the hammer in front of him plus all of Harry's previous life experiences meant that Harry wasn't going to discount any possibility.
"What can you tell me about it?" Coulson asked after a few minutes of silence.
"All I have are a couple of facts and some guesses." Harry replied.
"That's better than nothing." Coulson replied. "I'm all ears." He said before he gestured him to speak.
"Alright fine, well this is definitely magical, powerful magic." Harry responded. "I don't know what it's made of but I can do some tests on it, though I reckon it will be something very strong." Harry waved his wand and the Triquetra symbol appeared on the side of the hammer head one more time. "You see that symbol? The triangle one?" Harry asked as he pointed to the symbol that had started fading away.
"Yeah? What about it?" Coulson asked as he looked at the fading symbol.
"It's interesting because that symbol has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's been used by Celts, Christians and a bunch of others." Harry responded. "It has different meanings depending on where it came from, the hammer itself is really old."
"How old?" Barton asked as he looked at the hammer.
"I can't give you a hundred percent accurate answer, the best I can say is 'incredibly'." Harry replied. "Most of the magic is quite old as well but that symbol is new," Harry said as he pointed at the triangle symbol again. "less than a week old for sure." Harry added once it had finished fading.
"Is it dangerous?" Coulson asked.
"Not unless somebody throws it at you."
"Fat chance of that so far," Barton replied. "nobody can lift it."
"I think I know why." Harry said as he ran a hand through his white hair. "Magic can be used in a lot of ways, this magic is different from mine but from what I can tell so far the hammer has to be lifted by either a specific person or with a specific set of conditions."
"What kind of conditions?" Coulson frowned.
"Alright, well for example there is blood magic that can stop anyone outside of people who have certain blood. For example if I took Barton's bow and used blood magic to make sure that only someone with Barton's blood could lift it then nobody but Barton and maybe his children or parents could lift it."
"Um...quick question, why don't you just do that whenever you want?" Barton asked. "Besides the blood loss."
"Because blood magic is one of the more dangerous pieces of magic and only an idiot fucks around with it more than necessary." Harry responded before he walked up to the two and stopped in front of Coulson and Barton before he turned to face the hammer. "Clint, Coulson," Harry said as he raised his wand. "do me a favor, go and get anyone who is not cleared to know about me away from here so I can run some tests."
"You sure we can't stay here?" Coulson asked.
"Well you can, I can create some shields to protect you but I am planning to use some flashy magic, so get anyone who is not allowed to know away." Harry said. "I can wait, once you're done then you and Barton can come back and I can put some protective shields up."
"On it." Coulson nodded, "give me a few minutes." He added before walking off.
"Hey Harry," Clint said. "level with me, are their going to be flashy explosions?"
"Possibly." Harry nodded. "I'll start off light, then go from there."
"Hmm, your shields will hold up right?"
"Of course." Harry said, looking offended that Barton doubted the quality of his shields.
A couple of hours later and Harry was still standing in the same spot, the hammer was unbroken and seemed to be taunting him since he wasn't yet able to break it. Harry had started with a simple bullet, then a trio of explosive bullets but the hammer did not seem damaged at all. After that Harry started using his wand. Harry started with a small powered cutting curse followed by a high powered cutting curse, then a piercing curse. All were about as effective as wet tissue.
Harry then started using different spells such as blasting and explosive spells with various degrees of power, the stump that the hammer was perched on was a pile of rubble and the hammer was now on the floor but it was still undamaged. Harry was tempted to use some higher level spells but figured that there was no need to risk damaging the entire facility.
Harry lowered the shields he placed around the area and gestured Barton and Coulson to come closer, the two cautiously walked forwards and stopped next to Harry.
"So...it's not broken then." Barton noted.
"Apparently not, unless all of our eyes aren't working." Harry panted. "I could transfigure it but I don't know how well that would go." Harry said as he wiped some sweat off of his forehead.
"What?" Coulson raised an eyebrow.
"Basically transform the metal into something else." Harry explained. "The problem is that hammer is magical and I don't know if it can be transfigured or how it would react to being transfigured. So here is what I suggest, leave the hammer alone for now unless it does something weird. I'm going to go take a break, I'll be back in half an hour to continue testing. You also might want to start researching Mjolnir and Thor."
"I'm sorry, 'Mjolnir and Thor'?"
"Just a feeling." Harry replied. "I'll be back in half an hour after some rest and food, keep monitoring the energy and if it even changes a bit, I don't care how much, then you immediately contact me. If something happens then you contact me first unless somebody is dying, actually even if somebody is dying, got it?"
"Got it." Coulson nodded.
"Good, excuse me." Harry said before he teleported back home.
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