When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"You didn't go after them immediately," Natasha noted. "you were playing the long game."
"Yes," Harry nodded, glad that she understood. "the one thing that Hydra was good at was hiding. They've divided themselves to the point where none of them, even the head of Hydra, know every single Hydra member."
"Who is the head?" Natasha asked in a very interested voice, it shocked her to know that Hydra was hiding in Shield. She couldn't imagine how Steve was feeling about this.
"Alexander Pierce."
"As in Secretary Pierce?! Secretary of the World Security Council Pierce?!"
"The very same."
"Holy shit!" Natasha cursed.
"Indeed," Harry nodded. "me and Fury have been working on finding as many Hydra members as we can, obviously mind reading is not real evidence so then we've been working on gathering evidence. We plan to act soon, we're going to take out a large amount of Hydra from Shield."
"How much?"
"We estimate around sixty to seventy percent of Hydra's Shield operative," Harry replied. "like I said before Hydra was very smart about making it so that nobody knew ever single member. We believe it's also possible for Hydra to have agents posted elsewhere, maybe something as normal as coffee shop or possibly..."
"Somewhere more serious like a nuclear factory." Natasha finished for him.
"Exactly, me and Fury have been checking out the places where they're more capable of causing damage, it appears that most of Hydra was focused on Shield. Me and Fury were planning to start making our move before but Loki came along and we kind of needed all hands on deck."
"Understandable," Natasha frowned. "what do I have to do with this?" She asked.
"Fury's setting up a team to help get as many Hydra members as possible." Harry began explaining. "I know I'm in the team, he's planning on asking Cap to help out. He's also asking Barton and he'd like you to help out as well, this is not an Avengers mission and it's optional. Though Fury wants an answer within a week because we plan to make our move in two."
"Wow...that's heavy." Natasha said eventually.
"Sorry," Harry said apologetically. "I know that's not great date talk but there's kind of a deadline."
"It's fine." Natasha waved him off, one of the things that working with Shield had taught her was being flexible and the fact that assignments could come from anywhere at any time. "I'll think about it."
"Good, so should we get back to regular date conversation?" Harry offered.
"Please." Natasha quickly agreed.
"So," Harry said once the two got back and were now standing in-between their apartments. "I enjoyed myself." Harry said.
"Me too," Natasha nodded in agreement. "it was rocky at times, such as the sudden offer to help take down one of the most dangerous organizations in the world, but I did enjoy it. Perhaps we can go on another one sometime soon."
"I wouldn't object to it." Harry said with a small smile as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss which Natasha gladly returned.
"Hmm," Natasha broke off the kiss a few moment later, but Harry simply shifted to kissing her jaw and neck. "do you think this is a little fast for the first date?" She asked as she rubbed her body against his.
"We've already gone past this before." Harry reminded her in-between kisses.
"Fair enough." She said before placing both hands on his head and bringing him upwards so she could smash her lips against his. The kiss deepened as she wrapped her arms around his neck, with one hand on his shoulder and the other running her fingers through his hair. Harry had wrapped both arms around her waist and gently pushed her against her door.
"We can stop now if you want." Harry offered as he pulled apart from her slightly.
"Don't you dare." She said before pulling him back in for a kiss, her right leg rose up and wrapped around Harry's left leg, Harry's left hand quickly moved over to her leg and began rubbing it up and down. She moaned into the kiss and raised her other leg, Harry held her up by grabbing both legs and she wrapped them both around his waist.
The two didn't stop kissing, even as Harry shifted his hands so he was grabbing two handfuls of her rear. He temporarily removed one hand so he could wandlessly unlock the door. He carried Natasha inside and the door closed after another wandless spell.
The next morning Harry walked back into his apartment to find Padfoot sitting on the sofa and watching TV, upon noticing Harry he turned to him and gave him a grin and a happy bark.
"Shut up." Harry said as he walked past Padfoot and to his bedroom.
"Woof!" Padfoot barked again, looking very happy.
"Shut it or I'll throw away your chew toys." Harry threatened.
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