
Past Bonds

"I don't know boy," Harry said as he petted Padfoot's head, Padfoot barked and gave Harry a questioning look. "how am I supposed to do that?" Padfoot barked again. "Like I said, I don't know, I am not sure yet." Harry said as he thought about what he would do with Shield.

Harry knew he could probably outrun Shield all of his life but was that really something he wanted to do? Live his life on the run? He had done that before, it was not something that he looked forward to repeating. Sooner or later Shield was going to catch up to him, unless of course he spent the rest of his life under a Fidelius charm but that would mean being ridiculously careful whenever he went out.

Plus it would limit himself on what he could do and Harry was admittedly enjoying his life, not just the ability to sleep wherever and whenever he wanted in a safe place but also just constantly having food and also the normal everyday things like TV. When he attended Hogwarts he and the other students were told some bullshit about electrical appliances not working near magic, when Harry tested it later he was more than a bit pissed off about the fact that he missed out on years of TV because purebloods didn't want to bring in more muggle things than necessary. Admittedly they didn't work in Hogwarts but literally everywhere else they did.

Harry also didn't have to worry about money, it was simple for him to just create things that he could sell. An added bonus from the hallows was that anything Harry created with magic could be permanent if he wanted it to be, before if he conjured something it would eventually disappear but now it would only disappear if he didn't want to make it last. It was easy enough to create some gold and discreetly sell it along with other things, in fact Harry had made a great many things in his apartment himself, obviously not the TV or laptop or anything like that but things like the sofa was all him.

Shield was not like Voldemort and his army of death eaters, he couldn't just kill them all. Most of them were just regular people wanting to do their job or do good in the world. Fury, despite likely having many goals outside of protecting people, reminded Harry a lot of Mad-Eye Moody, Harry wasn't totally sure what the man's priorities were but decided to find out the next time he came across him. Harry's only other thoughts about Shield were what he got from Natasha. She viewed Shield as a way to make up for a great many bad deeds she had done in her life time.

"You can never be forgiven," A voice whispered into his ear. "you're not a hero Potter. They won't see you as the boy-who-lived in the history books, you won't be seen as a hero. When your story is told do you know what they will call you? Harry Potter the army killer, Harry Potter the evil mass murderer, Harry Potter the..." Harry shook his head, cutting off the voice, with practiced ease he ignored it.

"Woof." Padfoot barked as he rubbed his head against Harry's before he placed it back on Harry's lap.

"Yeah, you too." Harry smiled softly as he stroked Padfoot behind the ear. Padfoot barked at him. "Hmm, maybe, but there's somebody else I want to ask." Harry replied before he stood up, Padfoot whined due to no longer getting Harry's attention. "Don't be such a baby, I'm just going to talk then I'll go back to being your lovely servant." Harry rolled his eyes before he looked ahead, Padfoot gave him a questioning bark. "Just calling the smartest person I know."

Harry left tattoo glowed a pale blue as he summoned a specific member of the dead, it had been a while since he had last summoned this person. Harry's wand came in his other hand and he activated a spell to tell the time, he didn't want to make the person stay too long so he would stop after five minute so there would be no bad effects on either of them. After that Harry knew he would wait some time before summoning him again, Padfoot let out a noise of surprise when he realized who was being summoned before he let out a happy bark and quickly moved so he was standing next to Harry.

"Huh?" A silver, wispy and transparent eight year old boy blinked as he formed in front of them.

"How's my favorite boy doing?" Harry said with a sad smile as he looked at his godson, the boy looked up to the speaker and his eyes became wider before a face splitting smile made its way onto his face.

"Dad!" He cried before moving forward only to stop. "Wait...I still can't touch you right?" He frowned.

"Sadly Teddy," Harry said in a sad voice. "how is your mum and father doing?" Harry asked, Teddy despite only being his godson would not call Harry anything other than 'Dad' unless you counted 'Daddy'. It saddened Harry that Remus died before he could have taken the the parental role that Teddy had needed.

"They both miss you," Teddy frowned again before he smiled. "I'm glad to see you."

"You too Ted." Harry smiled. "How is everyone treating you? Is anyone being mean to you?"

"No." Ted shook his head.

"Good, I'd kick their butts if they did." Harry replied, earning a giggle from Teddy. Teddy was about to respond when Padfoot barked, Teddy looked towards Padfoot and his smile came back in full force.

"Paddy!" He cried happily. "I missed you!" Padfoot let out several barks followed by a small whine and a huff before finishing with a short bark. "Huh?"

"He said a lot but long story short is that he misses you." Harry smiled. "Now Ted, I want to talk to you about something."


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