
Harry Potter In Marvel

When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Lotus_Lover · 書籍·文学
79 Chs

Bold Declaration

Tony sat in his office, he heard the TV behind him and half payed attention to Rhodey speaking to the press. Pepper was standing next to him and dealing with his make up and the plasters on his face while he read a newspaper that discussed the battle yesterday, it had a picture of the suit and the hooded man from yesterday.

"Iron Man," Tony said, reading the name that the paper had given him. "it's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it, I mean it's not technically accurate since the suit is actually made of a gold titanium alloy. But it is nice and..." Tony trailed off as Agent Coulson entered the room, Tony put the newspaper down as Coulson handed him speech cards.

"This is your alibi." Coulson explained.

"Right." Tony said as he began reading the cards.

"You were on your yacht, we have port papers along with sworn statements from fifty of your guests." Coulson said.

"You see I was thinking that we could say it was just me and Pepper on the yacht." Tony said only for Pepper to express her opinion of that by pulling off a plaster harder than necessary.

"That's what happen," Coulson said as he gestured to the cards. "just read it word for word."

"There's nothing about Stane here." Tony pointed out.

"That's being covered," Coulson reassured him. "he is on vacation. Small aircrafts have such a poor safety record." Coulson said with a small smile.

"But a bodyguard?" Tony asked as he reached the part where Iron Man was apparently his bodyguard. "A bodyguard? It's a bit flimsy."

"This isn't my first rodeo Mr Stark, just stick to the official statement and soon it will all be behind you."

"Fine but what about tall, dark and mysterious?" Tony asked as he gestured to the pointing of Grim. "That stick of his, it was really powerful, I've never seen tech like that."

"Oh I am sure you don't need to worry about him." Coulson replied.

"You know who he is, don't you?" Tony asked, in a knowing voice.

"I may have some idea." Coulson nodded.

"He is 'Grim' isn't he?" Tony asked, surprising Coulson.

"I..." Coulson paused before letting out a small breath. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you know about him, I apologies but I am not permitted to say much about him." Coulson said, and he wasn't. If it wasn't for Stane then he wouldn't have even called Grim to help.

"Who is?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe you will find out." Coulson smirked.


"I am Iron Man." Harry heard Tony say on the news, and with in an hour it was all over the internet. On one hand Harry was impressed that Stark admitted it in public but on the other hand it was stupid and had painted a big target on his back.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on the door, Harry knew who it was, he was able to recognize who it was simply by the way she knocked. Harry walked towards the door and opened it to reveal Natasha who was standing by his door with a bag of food in her hand.

"Burgers and chips?" She offered, holding the bag up. Harry stepped to the side and allowed her to enter. "You could smile you know," Natasha said as she walked in and sat on his sofa. "I have had a ton of French food by the way."

"When did you get back?" Harry asked as he sat down next to her.

"Yesterday." She yawned lightly as she stretched, making sure to push her chest out. Harry rolled his eyes at that and just began opening the bag. "From what I heard you have had an interesting few days. Want to talk about it?"


"No." Harry said before he began eating.

"Fury will want to talk to you though, especially about the fact that you can survive being ripped into by bullets."

"Yes." Harry nodded, knowing that Fury would definitely want to talk to him about the fight.

"Are you going to say anything beyond one word answers?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at him.

"Food first." Harry responded after another bite.

"Fair enough." Natasha shrugged before joining him in eating.


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