When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Okay why the fuck am I here?" Harry asked as he stood in the entrance of an amusement park with Natasha and Barton, all three wearing civilian clothes.
"What? Do you not enjoy our company?" Natasha said with fake hurt in her voice.
"No, I don't enjoy your company." Harry replied, though Natasha clearly didn't believe him if the expression on her face was any indication. "Again why am I here?" Harry asked.
"I'm on a mission and I invited you so you accepted." Natasha replied.
"You didn't invite me," Harry pointed out. "you came to my apartment, told me to get ready and follow you because there was something important you needed to do."
"That's what I just said." Natasha shrugged. "I was given orders to have at least two people for my back up and I have chosen you two."
"And I am beyond honored." Harry said sarcastically.
"You might as well just A Mission in Disguisemake the best of it." Clint suggested. "I mean at least can enjoy a night out." Clint said as he gestured to the park.
"I would have preferred to spend the night at my place like I usually do."
"Stop being so grumpy." Natasha rolled her eyes. "You just might enjoy yourself, when was the last time you've been to an amusement park?" She asked curiously.
"Never." Harry answered.
"Wow, really?" Clint asked in a surprised voice. "What have you been doing all of your life?"
"Avoiding contact with people until I was old enough to get laid," Harry answered. "after that...I got laid." Harry said in a matter of fact voice. "That's pretty much it."
"Well...today you are going to have some fun, maybe we can even make you smile." Natasha said in a hopeful voice.
"Is it too late for me to just go back home?" Harry asked Clint who sent him an apologetic look as he patted him on the shoulder.
"Far too late." Clint nodded as he spoke in a sympathetic voice.
"Fine," Harry sighed before he looked between Clint and Natasha. "fair warning to both of you that tonight will not end in a threesome."
"No objections there." Clint snorted in amusement.
"What about a one on one?" Natasha said, making a show out of fluttering her eyebrows at him.
"Shut your face mouth." Harry said as he covered her face with his hand, he removed it a second later to show her pouting at him.
Half an hour later and Harry was still in the park with Natasha and Clint, apparently she was spying on a guy called Adrian Redwood who happened to be here tonight. Thankfully Clint and Harry had even better eyesight than her and that allowed them to keep a distance and reduce the risk of getting spotted. However since they were at the park Natasha insisted that they act like they were here to enjoy themselves. For Harry that was easier said than done, everything about the park made him uneasy. Too many people, loud noises and plenty of chances for something to go wrong.
Admittedly he did enjoy the few rides he had been on but they honestly were rather tame when compared to going full speed on a broom or in his animagus form.
"Hey," Barton nudged his shoulder before gesturing to the game stalls. "want to have some fun?" He asked with a grin. Harry immediately picked up on what Barton was saying.
"Lead on." Harry said. Barton's grin got ever so slightly bigger and he walked to one of the stalls with Natasha and Harry following behind.
"Either of you want this one?" Barton asked as he gestured to a stall where the player would have to shoot duck shaped targets with a gun.
"I'll try it." Natasha smiled before she paid for a few shots. A couple of shots later and Natasha had won herself a small bracelet. Clint had taken the next stall which involved sliding a small disk into a specific colored circle on a platform full of them, he had ended up winning himself a small toy sword which he took without the slightest bit of embarrassment.
Harry had originally wanted opted out of playing in any of the stalls since none of the prizes interested him but Clint and Natasha insisted he try at least one, which was how Harry ended up winning a fluffy dog toy after throwing six hoops and having them land perfectly on top of bottles.
"Show off." Clint laughed as he gave Harry a playful nudge.
"I think I might just give it to my dog." Harry said when the trio sat down at a table to eat, each taking turns to glance at their target who was eating in a store opposite them, he was eating pizza with an excessive amount of chips and sauce.
"How did your meeting with Fury go?" Natasha asked.
"Well...we're both alive." Harry shrugged. "So it could have been worse. Fury wasn't really happy that people had caught me on video, well not my face or anything but they saw me fight Iron Monger along with Tony Stark...or Iron Man as he is apparently called."
"Hold on," Clint raised a hand to signal him to stop. "did you just call him 'Iron Monger'?"
"That's what he is called apparently, or it's what Coulson is calling him, I didn't ask why." Harry replied. "Anyway Fury was mostly just interested in how I could survive all those bullets."
"How could you? Because you definitely got shot," Natasha frowned. "I remember seeing blood coming out of you from the videos."
"Yeah and what the hell is up with that stick of yours?" Barton asked.
Harry paused as he thought up an answer, Fury already knew about his powers or at least a few of them so he didn't really have to worry about the two telling Fury anything that he didn't already know. Plus it could make things easier as Harry had been partnered with Clint and Natasha on a few missions already and it could make things easier for future missions. Harry's wand appeared in his hand and he discreetly cast some privacy charms while keeping it under the table.
"Fine," Harry said with a small sigh. "but this is high level Shield stuff. Only Fury, Coulson and Hill know so far."
"Which means if anyone else finds out then we're in big trouble." Clint nodded.
"The surviving bullets is just part of my advanced healing," Harry replied. "as for the 'stick' as you called it, it's my wand."
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