
Harry Potter: Go To Hell

Harry had enough after four years of playing Dumbledore's stupid game. He is not gonna be a puppet that dances to the tunes of that old bastard anymore. He is gonna take matters into his own hands. And his so called friends, who are nothing more than Dumbledore's spies will finally suffer his wrath. ==== Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything. I don't exert any ownership over anything.

LordSilvere · 書籍·文学
133 Chs

Hidden Histories

To give further lie to Dumbledore's manipulations, Harry felt no great loss per say in regards to his Godfather's demise. Yes, he was sorry the man was dead but it wasn't like they had known each other or he'd made any fun memories during his short life to call upon involving the man. He didn't and hadn't.

Dumbledore had made sure Harry knew nothing about the man. Therefore, finding out he'd been named his Godfather's heir the day after his parents had named Sirius Black as Godfather to Harry James Potter wasn't that sad of a thing.

Yes, he'd felt a pang of remorse for what might have been but he wasn't missing him. Not like he missed his Mum anyway. Her, he actually had a memory of and had known what she was to have been to him. So her, he'd miss every day of his life. If Dumbledore wanted Harry to feel real remorse, he should've allowed the man out of prison sooner and let them build a relationship. Since he hadn't, there wasn't one and Harry hadn't mourned for the man's passing.

Nor did he feel any real guilt for the man's method of passing away. Sirius had gone out fighting to kill the man he felt betrayed Harry's parents who'd been his friends. Not for a second, did Harry believe Sirius had gone after Peter for Harry's benefit. He knew it had only been about James. James had mattered to both Sirius and Remus. Not Harry. Neither of them knew Harry. Not as anything more than James' son and for both of them Harry was forever a one year old child just learning to say their names. Because Dumbledore had refused to allow them to spend any meaningful time with him over the years. For them, Harry would never grow up.

But the goblins, needing someone human to handle Harry's new inherited vaults, had gone to the three remaining Black adults at Harry's bequest. Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, whom Voldemort had wasted no time in freeing from Azkaban, and Andromeda Tonks had taken over overseeing the Black vaults until Harry came of age. All three knew they were only managing the accounts until the new owner came of age though Bella and Narcissa both believed the new owner was Draco.

Before they could be named as custodians of the accounts, they had to swear an oath on their magic not to defraud the estate or the new owner in any way, shape or form. Every expense had to be a legitimate Black family debt of honor that had to be paid from the Black accounts. No new debts were allowed to be accrued to the Estate without the full approval of all three sisters, a high ranking bank representative and the owner himself or his representative named in person by him after he was proven to be spell and potion free. Both Holder and his appointed representative, that is. Neither could be under the influence as that could lead to a withdrawal not in the best interest of the Holder and against his will.

Should any one of the three sisters break this agreement, they would lose their magic and be subject to punishment as decreed by goblin law rather than human law. Human law would have given them anything from a fine to time in Azkaban to banishment from the magical world with their wand snapped and their core bound. But goblin law was different. Under goblin law, if they broke their oath they had better be praying they were sentenced to working in the goblin mines. Because that was the nicest of their punishments. And they'd be praying for death long before they died.

The oath was really more for Bellatrix than it was Narcissa or Andromeda. It protected them but not to the same degree. Because they didn't wear a certain tattoo on their arm as she did. The oath meant there was no way Bellatrix could sign any of it over to her Lord and Master or even allow her husband and brother-in-law access to the funds. Nor could she take out the funds herself and turn them over to her Lord and Master.

 If she even tried her own magic would punish her for it. Of course, she was supposed to be in Azkaban right now so it was unlikely she'd actually try to do any such thing as her presence here gave the goblins blackmail over her and she was Slytherin enough, even in her insanity, to recognize that. Though she had safe harbor in the Bank itself, she couldn't stay here forever and if she tried to defraud their client, they could easily slip the information of when she was here to the DMLE who'd be waiting for her to leave the premises.


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