
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

Vikrant_Utekar_5653 · 書籍·文学
21 Chs

Chapter 17

Bellatrix Lestrange, accompanied by Kingsley Shacklebolt and Sirius Black, arrives at Gringotts, the wizarding bank. The imposing marble building towers above Diagon Alley, with its white facade gleaming in the sunlight. As they step inside, the cool air and echoing footsteps heighten the tension in the group.

Bellatrix, her face a picture of calm determination, leads the way to the front desk, where a goblin with a sharp nose and even sharper eyes sits behind the counter. The goblin's eyes narrow as he takes in the sight of Bellatrix with her two unusual escorts.

"Madam Lestrange," the goblin says, his voice dripping with suspicion, "how may Gringotts assist you today?"

Bellatrix takes a steadying breath and replies with an even tone, "I need access to my vault."

"And these two?" the goblin inquires, nodding towards Kingsley and Sirius.

"They're here to help me," Bellatrix replies, her voice firm but courteous.

The goblin's eyes flicker with curiosity but he doesn't press further. Instead, he snaps his fingers, summoning another goblin to guide them to the carts that will take them deep into the bowels of the bank.

As they climb into the cart, Sirius keeps a wary eye on their surroundings, while Kingsley remains alert, ready for any sign of trouble. The cart hurtles down the tracks, the wind whipping through their hair and the sound of the wheels on the rails echoing in the dark tunnels.

When they finally reach Bellatrix's vault, the goblin accompanying them steps forward to unlock it. The vault door swings open, revealing piles of glittering gold, jewels, and other treasures. But their eyes are all drawn to a small, ornate cup sitting atop a pedestal in the center of the vault.

Bellatrix steps forward with purpose, her eyes fixed on the cup. Kingsley places a firm hand on her arm. "Careful," he warns. "We don't know what protections might be on it."

Sirius steps forward, pulling out a small bag. "We need to be quick. Let's get the cup and get out of here."

As they carefully retrieve the cup, Kingsley and Sirius exchange a glance. They know that even with Bellatrix's cooperation, the danger is far from over. The cup, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, is a powerful and malevolent object, and getting it safely out of Gringotts is only the first step in their perilous mission.

Bellatrix, though outwardly composed, is inwardly battling a storm of emotions. She had been forced into the Death Eater ranks due to a magically binding marriage contract, but she has never been marked as one. Now, she finds herself aiding the very people she once viewed as enemies, driven by a desire to correct the wrongs she had been unwillingly part of.

"Let's move," Kingsley urges, his tone calm but urgent.

As they make their way back to the surface, the tension mounts. Every shadow seems to hide potential threats, and the cart ride feels even more precarious. 

As the trio emerges from Gringotts, Kingsley Shacklebolt maintains a firm but gentle grip on Bellatrix Lestrange. They navigate the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, heading towards a secured apparition point. Bellatrix remains calm, her eyes occasionally flicking towards the cup in Sirius's possession, her resolve unwavering.

Kingsley and Bellatrix disapparate with a quiet pop, heading straight to the Ministry of Magic, while Sirius prepares to take the cup to a secure location. He takes a deep breath, knowing the weight of the task ahead, and disapparates to the Bones Family Estate.


At the Bones Family Estate, Amelia Bones is already in the drawing room with Remus Lupin.Harry Potter sits nearby with Susan Bones. Drakor is attached to Harry, his scales blending seamlessly with Harry's skin, giving him a slight iridescent glow.

The atmosphere is tense, anticipation hanging thick in the air. Amelia and Remus share concerned looks, knowing the importance of the mission Sirius is on.

A moment later, Sirius appears with a soft pop, holding the small, ornate cup carefully in his hands. Amelia stands up immediately, her expression one of grim determination.

"You have it," she says, more a statement than a question.

Sirius nods, handing the cup to Amelia Bones. "It's here. But we need to be extremely cautious."

Amelia, her face grave, turns to Harry. "Harry, we need Drakor to destroy this. It's too dangerous to handle in any other way."

Harry nods, taking a deep breath before speaking aloud, "Drakor, we need your help."

A moment later, a shadow detaches itself from Harry, forming into the shape of a sleek, dragon-like creature with shimmering scales and intelligent eyes. Drakor steps forward.

With a swift, fluid motion, Drakor opens his jaws and swallows the cup whole. For a moment, his scales flash with a dark, malevolent energy as the Horcrux within the cup struggles. But then, with a shudder, the energy dissipates, absorbed and neutralized by Drakor's own magical essence.

Drakor lets out a deep, resonant growl, his eyes glowing briefly before he turns back to the group. "It is done," he says simply. "The Horcrux is no more."

Relief floods the group. Sirius and Remus exchange a look of profound gratitude Amelia turns to Drakor, her expression one of deep respect.

"Thank you, Drakor," she says. "Your help is invaluable."

Drakor nods, his form shimmering as he merges back with Harry. Harry feels a rush of strength and a sense of accomplishment as Drakor settles back into his usual place.

Sirius watches the scene with a hint of awe before turning to the group. "With the Cup and the Diary gone, we have only three more Horcruxes to deal with," he states, his voice filled with relief.

Remus nods solemnly, his gaze focused. "Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem," he recites, his voice steady but tinged with urgency. "We must find and destroy them before Voldemort can regather his strength."

Amelia steps forward, her expression determined. "We already know their locations thanks to Drakor," she states firmly. "All we have to do is round them up."

Remus' eyes brighten with a flicker of hope. "Then let's waste no time. Every moment we delay is a moment Voldemort could use to his advantage."

"A word of caution," Drakor interjects, his voice low and serious. "The Locket and the Ring are in locations that Voldemort himself has warded. These are no ordinary protections; they are layered with dark and complex curses. You should have someone experienced in Cursebreaking accompany you."

Susan suddenly lights up with realization. "Wait, I remember Ron Weasley mentioning at Harry's party that his eldest brother was a Cursebreaker for Gringotts."

Remus nods, his expression turning thoughtful. "Bill Weasley. He's young, but highly skilled. If anyone can help us navigate Voldemort's curses, it's him."

Sirius replies with a determined look. "I'll talk to Bill Weasley first thing tomorrow. We can't afford any delays, and having him on our side will make all the difference."

Amelia nods in agreement. "Good. While you arrange that, the rest of us can gather the supplies and information we'll need for the mission. We need to be fully prepared."

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit, hidden location, a group of low-level Death Eaters huddles together. These are the Death Eaters who managed to avoid capture, slipping through the cracks while their more prominent leaders, like Lucius Malfoy and Tiberius Nott, were arrested. Among them is Scabior, his eyes gleaming with malice as he addresses the group.

He leans forward, his voice a harsh whisper. "We need to strike back. Show them that they haven't beaten us. We need to avenge the arrest of our comrades."

Another Death Eater, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, grunts in agreement. "Aye, but how? The Ministry's on high alert. We need to be smart about this."

Scabior's eyes narrow as he scans the room. "The Bones family," he says, a sinister smile spreading across his face. "They're prominent, well-respected, and their property isn't as heavily guarded as the Ministry or Hogwarts. If we attack them, it'll send a message."

A woman with long, dark hair nods. "Amelia Bones is one of the Ministry's strongest. Attacking her family will hurt her and show the Ministry that we're still a threat."

A tall, lanky Death Eater in the back pipes up, "Don't forget, Harry Potter is living with the Bones family now. Taking him out would be the ultimate blow."

The group's excitement reaches a fever pitch at the thought of not only striking against Amelia Bones but also possibly getting rid of Harry Potter. Scabior's eyes gleam with dark delight as he takes in the fervor of his comrades.

"Then it's settled," Scabior says, his voice filled with malicious anticipation. "Tonight is the night we make an example of the Bones family. And if we get Potter in the process, all the better."

The team of ten Death Eaters psych each other up, the room buzzing with a dangerous mix of excitement and anger. They gather their wands and dark cloaks, preparing for the attack.

As the night deepens, the group Disapparates to a secluded area near the Bones family property. The location is quiet and dark, the perfect setting for their ambush. The air is thick with anticipation and the promise of violence.

Scabior addresses them one last time, his voice low and commanding. "Remember, we move quickly and strike hard. No mercy. We will send a message tonight."

With their plan set and their spirits high, the team of ten Death Eaters advances toward the Bones family estate. Each step is filled with the promise of retribution and the hope of capturing the Boy Who Lived. The night air is cold and still, a stark contrast to the fierce determination burning in their hearts as they approach their target, ready to unleash their fury and exact their revenge.

The group of ten Death Eaters, led by Scabior, approaches the Bones family estate under the cover of darkness, their hearts pounding with excitement and malice. They move stealthily, each step bringing them closer to their target. 

As they near the edge of the property, Scabior signals for the group to halt. He steps forward, raising his wand to dismantle the wards he expects to find. But the wards around the Bones family estate are far more sophisticated than they anticipated. As soon as Scabior's spell touches the wards, a bright, shimmering light erupts around the perimeter of the property.

A loud alarm sounds, echoing through the night, and the air around them crackles with magical energy. The Death Eaters freeze, their excitement turning to shock and then to anger.

"Dammit!" Scabior hisses. "We've triggered the wards! Move quickly, we need to act before reinforcements arrive!"

The Death Eaters surge forward, determined to press their attack despite the alarm. Inside the estate, the inhabitants are immediately alerted by the wards. Amelia Bones, her face set in grim determination, rallies the household.

"Everyone, prepare to defend the house!" Amelia commands, her voice cutting through the sudden chaos.

But before anyone can react, a deep, resonant voice fills the room. "No need," Drakor says, his tone calm yet powerful. "Harry and I will handle this."

Drakor, the Symbiote Dragon attached to Harry, begins to merge with his host. Harry's form shifts and grows, his skin turning into a sleek, black surface. Massive wings sprout from his back, and a draconic head emerges. A red and gold symbol blazes on his chest, signifying the powerful bond between Harry and Drakor.

The transformation complete, Harry stands as a towering black humanoid creature, his presence both awe-inspiring and terrifying. Amelia, Sirius, Remus and Susan stare in a mix of astonishment and hope.

"Stay inside and protect each other," Harry/Drakor instructs, his voice a blend of Harry's and the deep, resonant tones of Drakor. "We'll take care of the intruders."

With a powerful beat of his wings, Harry/Drakor bursts through the front door and into the night. The Death Eaters, still attempting to breach the wards, are momentarily stunned by the sight of the enormous, dragon-like figure descending upon them.

Scabior, regaining his composure, shouts, "What the hell is that? Attack it!"

Spells fly towards Harry/Drakor, but with a swift, fluid motion, he deflects them effortlessly. He roars, a sound that shakes the ground and sends a chill through the Death Eaters' hearts. With incredible speed, he swoops down, his claws and wings a blur of motion as he takes down several attackers in quick succession.

The Death Eaters, realizing they are hopelessly outmatched, begin to panic. "Fall back!" Scabior yells, but it's too late. Harry/Drakor's power is overwhelming.

The Death Eaters watch in horror as Harry/Drakor methodically dismantles their ranks. His claws and wings move with lethal precision, and the fear in their eyes grows as they witness their comrades falling one by one. The creature's eyes gleam with a fierce, predatory light.

As Harry/Drakor moves through the Death Eaters, he begins to exhibit a more terrifying aspect of his power. With a swift, brutal motion, he seizes a Death Eater and bites down, decapitating them with shocking ease. The sight is horrifying, and the remaining Death Eaters are paralyzed with fear.

"Merlin's beard!" one of them cries out, stumbling backward.

The Death Eaters' terror deepens when they see the creature swallowing the head, exclaiming with a chilling satisfaction as if savoring chocolate. The sight is beyond anything they could have imagined, pushing them to the brink of madness.

Harry/Drakor's demeanor shifts dramatically as he consumes the remains, his fierce, predatory stance giving way to an almost childlike glee. His eyes, which moments ago were filled with a terrifying intensity, now twinkle with a bizarre sort of joy. He licks his lips with a long, forked tongue, a satisfied growl rumbling from deep within his chest. 

The massive wings on his back flutter with delight, creating an unsettling rustle that echoes through the darkened area. As he reaches for the next unfortunate Death Eater, he behaves with the unbridled enthusiasm of a child reaching for a favorite treat.

"Yummy," Harry/Drakor declares, his voice a strange mix of Harry's and a deeper, more guttural tone. He giggles—a sound that is both innocent and horrifying—before snapping his jaws around the next Death Eater's head with a sickening crunch.

The remaining Death Eaters, paralyzed with fear, can barely process what they are seeing. The creature in front of them is not just a weapon of war; it's a bizarre blend of primal terror and bizarre innocence. They watch in horror as Harry/Drakor, covered in the dark, glistening blood of his enemies, acts as if he is indulging in a sweet feast.

One Death Eater stumbles back, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "This... this can't be real," he mutters, his voice shaking. "It's a monster!"

Another one, eyes darting wildly, whispers to himself, "It's like he's eating chocolate... Merlin, save us."

Harry/Drakor turns his head, his gaze locking onto the whispering Death Eater. He tilts his head, almost playfully, and gives a toothy grin. "Chocolate?" he echoes, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "More like a gourmet treat."

The sight is too much for some. One by one, the Death Eaters begin to break, their terror manifesting in frantic attempts to flee. But Harry/Drakor is relentless, his movements a blur of black and red as he dispatches them with horrifying efficiency, all the while maintaining that unsettling, childlike delight.

The grotesque display finally reaches its climax as Harry/Drakor finishes the last of his "treats," turning to Scabior, who has been paralyzed with fear the entire time. With a chilling, almost casual air, Harry/Drakor licks his fingers clean, his satisfaction evident. 

"Now," he says, his tone reverting back to a more menacing growl, "let's see what you taste like."

With a final, desperate attempt to flee, Scabior turns to Disapparate, but Harry/Drakor is too fast. He lunges forward, seizing Scabior by the throat.

Scabior's eyes widen with fear, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "No, please!" he begs, his voice a pitiful whimper.

Harry/Drakor pauses, his eyes narrowing as he considers the wretched figure before him. With a low growl, he makes his decision. He lifts Scabior effortlessly, bringing him face to face with his inevitable doom.

"No mercy," Harry/Drakor growls, his voice a blend of Harry's determination and Drakor's primal fury.

With a swift, brutal motion, he finishes the job, ending Scabior's life in the same grisly manner as the others. The last of the Death Eaters falls, and the night is filled with an eerie silence.

As the creature stands amidst the fallen enemies, he takes a moment to survey the scene, ensuring no threat remains. Satisfied that the danger has passed, he reverts to his human form, Drakor receding back into his symbiotic state.

Harry, panting slightly but unharmed, returns to the house. The moment he steps inside, he's met with a chorus of gratitude and admiration. Susan steps forward, her eyes filled with gratitude and a touch of awe.

"Thank you, Harry. You saved us all," she says, her voice trembling slightly.


Sirius, Amelia, and Remus stand in stunned silence, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief at the grisly scene they've just witnessed. The air is heavy with tension as they try to process the horrifying events of the night.

Breaking the awkward silence, Sirius, ever the master of levity in dark times, clears his throat and attempts to lighten the mood. "Well, I guess we know now what Drakor's favorite midnight snack is," he quips, a small, uneasy smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Amelia and Remus exchange a look, the tension easing slightly as they both let out a surprised chuckle. It's a small but welcome moment of relief in the aftermath of the harrowing ordeal.

Amelia, still processing the events, shakes her head slightly. "I never thought I'd see anything like that," she admits, her voice tinged with both awe and unease.

Remus nods in agreement, his gaze thoughtful. "It's... certainly a new experience," he says, his tone reflecting the weight of what they've just witnessed.

Amelia turns to Sirius, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Sirius, you really need to get started on that candy business," she says, a wry smile playing on her lips. "We can't let Drakor get hooked on brains."

Sirius chuckles, the tension further dissipating. "Right, noted," he replies, his expression lightening. "I'll make sure to stock up on some more... palatable treats."

The group shares a moment of camaraderie, finding solace in the familiar banter even in the wake of such a harrowing experience. Despite the horrors they've just witnessed, they find comfort in each other's company, their shared resilience shining through even in the darkest of times.

Moody arrives at the estate, having been called by Amelia while Drakor was dealing with the interlopers. He strides into the house, his magical eye swiveling rapidly, taking in the scene before him.

"What in the name of Merlin's beard happened here?" Moody demands, his voice gruff and commanding.

Amelia steps forward, her expression serious. "We were attacked by Death Eaters," she explains, her voice steady. "But Harry and Drakor handled it."

Moody's magical eye focuses on Harry, who stands nearby, his demeanor calm but alert. Moody nods, grudging respect evident in his voice. "Good work, Potter. And Drakor," he adds, his tone gruff but appreciative.

Harry nods in acknowledgment, a sense of pride evident in his posture. "We did what we had to do," he replies simply.

Moody turns to Amelia. "Are you all alright?" he asks, his tone softer now, concern underlying his gruff exterior.

Amelia nods. "Yes, we're all unharmed. Thanks to Harry and Drakor," she says, gratitude evident in her voice.

Moody nods in acknowledgment. "Good work. But we can't let any of this be part of the official report," he says, his tone firm and serious.

Sirius, unable to resist a bit of dark humor even in the face of danger, interjects with a grim joke. "Ah, yes, I can already imagine the explanation: 'You see, Minister, it turns out our best defense against Death Eaters is a symbiotic dragon attached to Harry Potter.' That'll go over well in the records."

Amelia stifles a chuckle, shaking her head at Sirius's remark. "Let's keep this between us," she says, a wry smile playing on her lips.

Moody grunts in agreement, his magical eye whirring as he looks around the room. "We don't need any unnecessary complications. Keep it simple and clean," he advises, his tone gruff but pragmatic.

Once Moody leaves, Amelia, Remus, and Sirius watch as Susan and Mipsy, the Bones Family House Elf, spring into action. With a sense of urgency, they set out an array of chocolate treats on the table. Bars, truffles, and various other chocolate delights are laid out before them.

Harry and Drakor, still recovering from the intensity of the recent battle, watch with curiosity as the sweet aroma of chocolate fills the room. Drakor, in particular, seems captivated, his large, draconic eyes widening with delight at the sight of the tempting treats.

With a mischievous smile, Susan turns to Harry and Drakor. "I think you both could use some of this," she says, her voice filled with a playful tone.

Mipsy nods eagerly, her large eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, yes! Master Harry and Drakor deserve lots of chocolate after their brave battle," she chimes in, her tiny hands trembling with anticipation.

Amelia, Remus, and Sirius watch with amusement as Susan and Mipsy proceed to feed Harry and Drakor a LOT of chocolate. The two of them eagerly indulge, their faces lighting up with sheer delight as they savor the sweet treats.

Amelia, unable to suppress her laughter, turns to Sirius with a knowing look. "Sirius, I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but you really need to get started on that candy business," she says, a hint of playfulness in her tone. "It's better that Drakor is hooked on chocolate than... other things."

Sirius chuckles, nodding in agreement. "You've got a point there, Amelia. But I don't think I mind, as long as it's Death Eater brains," he quips, his grin mischievous.

Remus joins in on the banter, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, let's be honest, Sirius. Death Eater brains are barely used anyway," he adds, his voice laced with dry humor.

Amelia turns serious, her expression becoming more somber. "Are we being responsible adults, letting Drakor... do what he did?" she asks, her tone reflecting her concern.

Remus's smirk fades, and he nods thoughtfully. "It's a fair question, Amelia," he replies, his voice more subdued. "But in the heat of the moment, with the lives of everyone in this house at stake, I think we made the best decision we could."

Sirius, his playful demeanor giving way to a more thoughtful expression, chimes in. "And besides, Drakor saved us all," he says, his voice earnest. "I'd rather deal with the aftermath of a few chocolate-induced tantrums than face the alternative."

Amelia nods, acknowledging their points. "You're right," she agrees, her voice firm. "We'll keep an eye on him, but for now, I think we can afford to let him enjoy his victory."

Sirius and Remus exchange a knowing glance, a hint of their usual morbid humor creeping back into the conversation.

"Besides," Sirius adds with a wry smile, "It's not every day you get to witness a humanoid dragon devouring Death Eaters for dinner."

Remus chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "True. Let's just hope he doesn't develop a taste for them. We might have a hard time keeping him on a chocolate-only diet."

Amelia joins in, her lips quirking into a small smile. "Considering what they've done, I wouldn't be surprised if Death Eaters taste like Goblin piss," she comments dryly, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Sirius lets out a bark of laughter, his eyes gleaming with mirth. "Well, if Drakor starts craving Goblin piss, then we'll know we're in real trouble," he jokes, his tone light despite the grim subject matter.

The group shares a moment of dark humor, finding solace in their ability to lighten the mood even in the face of danger. Despite the seriousness of the recent events, their camaraderie and shared banter serve as a reminder that they can find moments of levity even in the darkest of times.


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