
Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Edward was reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, an act which excites him giving the fact that this was one of his favorite books. So, he embarks on the path of wizardry in the hope of discovering the way it works, the laws or theories that govern it; he wanted to find its essence. When Edward finally uncovers the answers to the question he pondered on, he suddenly thought to himself: "Since the world of Harry Potter is real, what about all the other anime, movies, games, and books that I read from my past life? And if they are indeed real, how I can I get there?" This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge in order to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. This is a wish-fulfillment and Mary Sue novel so read at your own risk, and stop complaining about it. This is not a villain story, more like a morally gray one. Warnings: The MC will spend a great deal of time in the Harry Potter World before going to other worlds. I have not decided whether the [Curse Child] is canon or not. I do not care what JK Rowling said. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. Only a few will follow him in his journey. Also, a few men will also be in his group. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. If you enjoy my writing, please go read my other novel. [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] Although the story is slow in the beginning, it is worth the wait for the later plots. Also published on royalroad.com Go check out my Pa.tr.eon: .https://www.patreon.com/LazySageDao Or just go into the site and search for my author name (LazySageDao). So, go and support me if you can. Discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the creator of the cover wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the newest chapters.

LazySageDao · 書籍·文学
625 Chs

New Research Team

Two days later, Edward went to see Tsunade again.

"What do you want?"

"Are you still mad at me?" he asked with a smile.

"Are you really asking?"

"I know you're still mad, but why?"

"You're about to conquer my home."

"Technically, they attack me first."

"Are you actually using such logic as an argument?"

"Why not?"

"You're basically bullying a bunch of children."

"That's a great way to describe the situation," replied Edward.

"I'm serious."

"Tsuna," said Edward before walking before her, holding her hand and gently caressing them.

"Don't call me Tsuna."

"Tsuna, I could be hypocritical and convince you of all the benefits this invasion will have on this planet. And there are too many benefits to count," explained Edward. "However, ultimately, invasion is an invasion.

"Just like your grandfather used his overwhelming strength as the God of Shinobi and his diplomatic means to conquer countless clans, establish the Hidden Leaf Village and bring temporary peace to the Ninja World, I'm also a conqueror. I'm only doing what he did–but even better."

"My grandfather was a good man; he did what he did for the sake of peace of the Shinobi World."

"Yes, and I'm a selfish man with a god complex. I'm doing this for selfish reasons. However, the result of my action will be the same as your grandfather's: peace, prosperity, and the betterment of the world.

"Once the Ninja integrates into the Empire and becomes part of my Assassination Squad, my political and military power will drastically increase. Then, I can use that power to better protect my citizen from the numerous threats from the cosmos."

He entangled his fingers with hers before looking directly into her eyes.

"I started the Empire only to gather more knowledge and make me more powerful. However, as the years passed, I developed a sense of responsibility. A mission, you can say.

"No matter what, I will protect my people. I take my status as Emperor quite seriously."

Edward sighed before removing his hands from her and looking through the window. "In my journey of pushing the boundaries of magic, two things keep me from going on the deep end: my family and my citizen.

"I have often pondered whether it's alright to have such an obvious weakness. Whether I should not be as attached."

"What is your answer?"

Edward paused for a moment, "I feel an indescribable joy when the Empire reaches certain milestones. It could be in magic, technology, archeology, or even literature. Whenever I see the seed I slowly cultivated long ago bear fruit, I know the answer to that question."

Tsunade sighed, "I still cannot easily accept such a change."

"I know, but everything changes with time."

Tsunade sat on her seat, thinking to herself. A few minutes later, she looked at him, "Why are you still here? Do you need something else?"

"Yes, I came to get you to return to the lab."


"I need you to work on an important project for the sake of this planet."

"What is it?"

"First, you need to learn about the Empire," explained Edward before taking out another headset with two potions. "Beware, it will be excruciating. But the upside is your spiritual energy will exponentially improve."

Tsunade frowned before taking these headsets and the potion.

"Wait," said Edward before she drank the first potion. "You should probably find a place to lie down and someone to protect you."

"Although I have known you for a short period, I can trust you to that level."

Tsunade drank the potion while Edward smiled. Three days later, she woke up with the most intense headaches she had ever experienced. Edward quickly helped her drink the potion.

"T-That was terrible."

"Well, you just learn ten years of information in three days. That's expected."

Tsunade took a moment to recognize her thoughts. "It's quite brilliant what you have created." The knowledge she learned about the Arcane Empire shocked her.

"I know, but don't compliment me too much: it's easy for my ego to be inflated," replied Edward with a smile. "Come. Let's go meet the others."

"There are others?"

He did not answer but teleported her to the lab, where a few people were already working.

"You know many of them: Orochimaru, your former senpai."

"You snake," snarled Tsunade.

"There is no need for name-calling. After all, we are now working for the same person," replied the snake tongue man.

"Can I punch him?"

"After he's done with his research," replied Edward before introducing her to the next person.

"That's Kabuto, Orochimaru's previous assistant; although talented, he's been living in Orochimru's shadow, thus extinguishing his potential. However, in terms of potential, he's above the latter."

Kabuto politely saluted, but Tsunade was not happy he was related to Orochimaru.

"That's Katasuke Tono, a good researcher, but his skills won't manifest until three years from now, after the Fourth Ninja War. If I did not give you the prosthetic technology, that would have been his creation."

(AN: I do not watch Boruto, so I'm limited on the people I can use or the things they've accomplished. I only use him because he popped up during my research.)

"What Fourth Ninja War?" asked Katasuke.

"You don't need to know."

"Thank you for your service," stated Tsunade, who felt there was finally a good person in this group.

"Don't look at his innocent look. Twenty years from now, he will be influenced by a Genjutsu and do some shady stuff."

Tsunade and Katasuke were speechless. "At least, he did it because of the Genjutsus, right?"

"That's true. I guess he's a good guy."

"Let me introduce you to the last person."

"Second grandfather?"

"Tsuna? You're here too?"

"Yes, but how come you're here?"

"This fiend used Edo Tensei to force me to work for him."

Tsunade looked at Edward, who shrugged. "I tried to lure him with his brother's revival, to threaten him with the village's destruction and a bunch of other methods, but he refused to cooperate. So, I had to use this method."

"Fiend, you just wait. I will escape."

"Even if this is your technique, I've evolved it beyond your comprehension," replied Edward. "Anyway, it's your fault for being one of the best researchers on this planet.

"Do you know that many of his research and forbidden Jutsus have fundamentally affected the Shinobi World decades after his death? Edo Tensei almost caused the allied shinobi to lose the Fourth Ninja War. Such a talent, it would be a waste not to use."

"You keep talking about the Fourth Ninja War when three have occurred."

Edward was tired of people asking, so he snapped his finger to instill what happened in Naruto and Shippuden into these people's minds. Immediately afterward, everyone looked at Kabuto and Tobirama.

"I can't believe my plan failed," commented Orochimaru.

"It's always the Uchiha," added Tobirama.

"We're not going to talk about how you're basically responsible for what happened to them."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Okay, I don't have time to have a history lesson," added Edward. "Let's get to what I called you here for. All of you are now aware of information about magic, the Empire, and Tier.

"I need you to create a Chakra System from Tier 0 to Tier 6."

Edward created holograms with some data. "Chakra is a system based on genetics. Based on the Empire's genetic modification technology, you need to create a way for people to break the limitation of their genes to carry more Chakra inside their bodies.

"You have the body of Kaguya, the Chakra Ancestor, as a sample for your research. She should be between Tier 5 and 6. The Otsutsuki Clan should have a god that's Tier 8. Once your research is finished, I'll hunt them so you can continue."

"I have a question."

"What is it, Orochimaru?"

"Can I become an Arcanist? I would like to switch to mana."

"You can live a long time with Chakra."

"I know, but I would prefer to wield mana."

"As long as you succeed in this research, you can do whatever you want."

"Excellent," replied Orochumaru before licking his lips.

"Stop that, it's creepy. At least don't do it when I'm here."

"As you wish."