
Harry Potter: Another Chance

An older Harry Potter dies after experiencing much hardship and defeating his worst enemy before being reincarnated in an alternate version of his world where his parents are alive and he is no longer the Chosen One. Now he used all his accumulated knowledge and skills to protect those important to him and defeat Voldemort once more. The upload rate is currently at 6 chapters per week, I may increase it in the future if I have more time. I do not have specific days or times for the uploads because my full-time job has an erratic schedule so I upload whenever I have the time. But you can expect 6 new chapters by the end of the week. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope my readers understand. A.N - - No harem - There will be a lot of violence, so be warned. - The pacing will not be too fast, this is going to be longer than my previous fic so be patient.

Krio_Genix · 書籍·文学
342 Chs

Chapter 247: Guided by Hogwarts


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-

Chapter 247: Guided by Hogwarts

"Are we lost?" Neville asked.

"How can we be lost? We've been through these corridors like…a hundred times," Lyra complained.

"I don't understand it…we went through the South Courtyard entrance and passed by the marble staircase. We should be seeing the Entrance Hall right now…" Ginny looked around. She had never seen this corridor before and at the end of it were more stairs.

"The stone bridge," Astoria pointed ahead.

"Ah yes, that goes to the library," Luna realized.

"That is in a completely different part of the castle!, and on the third floor. How did we get here?" Lyra asked.

"I heard that the castle could change shapes. And even reveal new rooms or hide others…but I have never experienced it like this," Neville commented.

"Hogwarts is guiding you, little ones. You should listen."

They were all startled by the sudden appearance of an unknown voice.

"Who's there?" Lyra looked around but could not see anyone.

"On the wall, child."

"Is that one!" Neville pointed at a small painting hanging near the next stairs.

"Well, it is the only painting," Luna commented calmly.

The group got closer to take a better look. It was a painting of a humble farm with a wooden house on one side. Next to the house was a voluptuous middle-aged woman with long brown hair tied into braids and a simple yellow wool dress.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before," Ginny asked.

The woman in the painting smiled. "Well, I usually hang in places where not many students walk by."

"You said something about Hogwarts guiding us?" Neville asked.

"Yes, the castle is guiding you. And you should listen. Hogwarts will always try to protect its students," the lady said.

Lyra stared at her in disbelief. "You are talking like the castle is alive or something. That is impossible."

The lady chuckled. "You are far too young to know what is possible and what is not. The castle may not be alive in the same way that you are…but it definitely has a mind of its own."

Ginny looked in the direction of the stairs. That seemed to be the way the castle wanted them to go, even if it would only get them further away from the Great Hall where they were trying to get. "We should go that way then…"

"Ginny, that is the wrong way. We need to turn back," Lyra disagreed with her friend.

"I also think we should listen to what Hogwarts wants to say," Luna remarked. Her eyes wandered around as if she was looking for something that wasn't there.

"Dobby will follow Missus anywhere!" the elf said.

"I'll follow Lyra," Astoria decided.

They turned to look at Neville. "I-I…" He glanced at Lyra. "I also think we should try to find the Great Hall…all the professors are there, and even the Headmaster. We will be safe there." He looked ahead towards the distant stairs. "We don't know what's ahead…"

"It's decided then! Let's go back. We'll find another way into the Entrance Hall." Lyra turned around and started to walk at a brisk pace.

The rest of the children soon followed her, and just a few steps behind was the white marble golem, still acting as their protector.

The middle-aged woman in the painting let out a sigh of disappointment. "Children these days…they never listen. Let's hope nothing happens to them."

"Do not worry, My Lady." The valiant knight who had previously talked to Harry entered her painting. "We have a mighty protector this time around. Hogwarts and its students shall suffer no harm!" he promised.

"I know…I have seen him too. He…scares me. He reminds me too much of 'him'..."

The knight pulled off his helmet, showing a healthy patch of brown beard underneath, and then he gave the woman next to him a knowing smile. "You are wrong, Helga…this one is one of mine."


"I don't think we came this way…" Luna pointed out after seeing a large wooden bridge.

"I think we took a wrong turn somewhere," said Ginny.

"No no, this is the viaduct bridge! We just have to cross it, and we will be at the front courtyard," Lyra said with excitement.

"Ohh! You are right! I remember coming here last year now," Ginny exclaimed.

"Wait…it's very cold there." Luna stared into the distant end of the bridge. It was too dark to see anything. It appeared that most of the torches had gone out.

"I'll get you a coat when we are back in the dorms. We need to go now," Lyra said.

The group ran at a fast pace, wanting to get back to safety as soon as possible.

"We are close! I can see t-" Lyra's eyes became sharper when she spotted something moving at the end of the bridge. "Wait!" She stopped Ginny, who was at her side.

"Bad news…" Astoria saw two very large figures.

They heard a large number of steps resounding on the wooden boards of the bridge.

"I smell fresh meat." "Haha! Me too. Make sure to keep this thing under control. I don't want it taking our prey." The men spoke in a loud boisterous way.

The group also heard the sound of chains clanking as they approached.

"What is that?!" Lyra shouted when she saw them.

"M-More D-Death…D-"

"No them!, the big ones!" Lyra corrected.

They spotted two masked men holding chains tied to two giant humanoid creatures.

"Trolls," Luna answered. "Those are trolls…and…" She then glanced at the other two savage men. "Werewolves," Luna added.

A.N: - Remember to comment, vote, and/or leave a review if you have the time. Those things help me a lot and I would really appreciate it.

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