What happens when Harry returns to a year before joining Hogwarts, just after experiencing the biggest betrayal by Dumbledore? What happens when Harry realises the whole wizarding community still on the surface is nothing but the ones who do not have the qualifications to enter the true wizarding world? Let us all join Harry as he finally starts his journey to find the true magical world.
As I sat in front of Hermione trying to formulate my words to describe the threat that we would be facing from this year onwards I was more nervous and speechless than what I had originally thought.
Me " You already know that this year the school will host the Tri-wizard tournament."
Hermione " Everyone knows that, not a big secret Harry."
Me " What you and everyone else do not know is that because this tournament is associated with a high level of danger and mortal risk, this time there will be an age restriction placed for entries into the tournament. Anyone below the sixth year will not be eligible to participate in the tournament."
The expression on Hermione's face was telling me that this had finally shut her up. It was natural because of many factors.
According to the history of the tournament that everyone knew from word of mouth or past records, every student of each school was eligible to submit their entries into the goblet and then the goblet was the one that would decide the student it deemed to be the most worthy from each school for representation.
It was as much an honor to be selected for this prestigious tournament as any student could get in their entire academic life.
Suddenly putting age restrictions in the selection procedure of the tournament was paramount to manipulating the very goblet and having a already unfair tournament.
Hermione " Harry I suppose that this is a very shocking piece of news but it is in no way as dire as you were making it out to be. As a matter of fact this is extremely reassuring because now we will be far away from this dangerous tournament."
A small chuckle slipped from my mouth. Hermione looked baffled at my response.
Me " If only things were ever this simple with me around."
Hermione " Explain!! "
Me " Now I cannot tell you how I possibly found this information, but you will have to trust me when I say that I will be participating in this tournament."
Hermione " Continue. Tell me everything before I decide to hit you."
Me " Trust me, I have no hand in this. Some people wish for me to be in this tournament and they will stop at nothing to have me participate. Now imagine what will happen when the news is announced that there was a age restriction in an international tournament but a young boy, a famous young boy, somehow bypassed it all and got the right to participate in the said tournament."
Hermione was silent for a few minutes and then looked at me with such glare that I too momentarily became scared of the criticism that was to come.
Hermione " Harry, you do understand that if this happens you will not only be in the spotlight of our own school but the entire wizarding world. Even if the outside world could not reach you directly, the jealousy and short-sightedness of not just a single school but three would be too much for not just you but any child to bear. You will be treated as an outcast, a wanna be, a boy who used his fame to get through the backdoor. Forget the students, not even most teachers will believe you at that point. "
Me " Yes, Hermione I know all that but as I told you already this is not something I can do anything about."
Hermione " What nonsense are you speaking. Clearly there are many path that you can take going forward. For one, if you already know that someone was trying to manipulate with the tournament you can go to McGonigal or Dumbledore and tell them clearly. Another option would be to refuse to participate when your name is announced, surely they won't send a defenseless person onto the tournament no matter what. There are ways out of this."
Me " You think that it would be so easy. If I out their plans they might drop this and make another that I am totally clueless against, and then this advantage that I have now will also be lost. "
Hermione " Then what? Are you telling me this so that I too can just accept this and not be shocked? "
Me " That is one of the reasons."
Hermione " One of the reasons? "
Me " Well if I am too participate in this dangerous tournament and be despised by the entire school, I would really like my best friend to be the one by my side. "
Hermione " Did you think that if I did not know and got to know on the selection day I would also leave your side. If so then you truly are stupid. "
Me " Well that is given but the real reason I am telling you this now is so that you could help me with preparing for the tournament. "
Hermione " You do not yet know what is in the tournament and you already want my help in preparing for it. Don't tell me you already know every other detail because then there is really no point in you participating in the tournament. "
Me " Nothing like that, but I do want your help in helping me with three pieces of magic that are extremely hard to do for any witch or wizard and they may require you to break a few dozen rules."
Hermione " I am sure that breaking a few school rules would not be that serious considering the danger of the tournament you are participating in."
Me " Hermione the rules I am talking about are not school rules. "
Hermione " Not school rules then what........... NO NO NO!!! Harry do not even think about something so dangerous. You are actually thinking of breaking not rules but laws. What is it that you have to break laws in order to survive this tournament. "
Me " Trust me when I say, my life will be in genuine danger this year and whatever I will ask of you will just be to protect myself. "
Hermione " While I do trust you Harry, I think I will need a good night's sleep before I can process your request and the information you have just given me. Good night Harry."
Saying this Hermione got up and left for her room.
I disabled the privacy charm I had cast around us and went to sleep myself.
The next day began earlier than I would have liked considering the night I had, but I guess it could not be helped. The two schools would be arriving today.