
the end of the second year

as the trio continued further into the chamber, they came across a circular door, just as Ryan was about to use his magic, harry walked forwards and used the parseltongue to open the door,

"you talk snake??" Ryan asked to which Harry nodded

"interesting, remind me to check that once we get out," Ryan said to which harry shuddered and nodded but vowed to himself that he will do anything to distract him from that because the last time Ryan had found a species of talking fish interesting, they went extinct in England,

as the trio headed deeper, Harry was the first to spot the unconscious ginny on the ground, as they checked her for injuries a voice suddenly came,

"you are too late, she is very close to death"

the three turned around to find a 16-year-old young man wearing Slytherin clothes, the moment they saw him, he started to talk,

"my name is tom riddle-" "OH FOR ROOT'S SAKE, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KILL YOU???" Ryan screamed as he directly used heavens feel to destroy the memory fragment,

the pitiful memory did not even have the time to scream before it was erased from existence, the moment the memory had died, the diary also combusted into flames and burnt to nothing,

the dumbfounded kids looked at the angry teacher as the unconscious girl slowly started to get back her vitality,

"what was that about??" harry asked to which Ryan replied,

"that, was the younger version of Voldemort, seriously, just how many fragments of his soul did he create?"

but before they could say anything more, the basilisk, sensing the death of its master came out of the pipelines and slithered towards the three,

just as it was about to use its eyes to kill them, the annoyed Ryan used the first true magic

"Gáe Dearg" he shouted as countless copies of the spear materialized around the snake and directly skewered the snake that is said to have impenetrable skin, but that was not the end, once again Ryan called out,

"Gáe Buidhe" right behind the red spears, yellow spears materialized and went straight into the wounds created by Gáe Dearg, the poor snake did not even have the time to shriek before it died, the red and yellow spears dematerialized and what was left was an unrecognizable pile of meat,

Harry and Ron wisely shut up so that they do not upset the enraged teacher even more,

"so, where to next??" Ryan asked to which Harry replied,

"We need to take her back to the school," he said to which Ryan nodded and said,

"since there is nothing more for us to so, you can come out now little bird!!" he shouted to which a Pheonix came flying out with an old hat in its claws,

although, Ryan refused to call the pitifully weak bird a Pheonix, which considering his origin is not surprising as the phoenix in his world was a phantasmal beast of the highest caliber that could raze continents to the ground,


soon the trio retreated to their school where Ryan used his authority to release hagrid and bring back dumbledore, however, what no one knew was the beating the council of the ministry received in Ryan's hands when he found out their stupidity, safe to say, they would never dare to meddle in Hogwarts issues as long as Ryan was there,


as the kids were enjoying their last day at school as the vacation was supposed to start the next day, Ryan was again summoned by the ministry,

inside the ministry main chambers,

fudge and the rest of the ministers were shifting in their seats as the irritated sorcerer looked at them,

"would you stop shifting like school girls and tell me why you called me here ?" he said to which one of the ministers called Umbridge got up and said,

"Mind your manners young man-" "shut up!!!" he shouted as his blue eyes turned red,

the woman immediately sat down and shut up in fear, no one wanted to provoke a wizard that hunted XXXXX class, magical creatures, daily

"mr.potter, we received a request from the french ministry of magic to ask you for assistance, it seems that some kind of a strange magic beast is terrorizing the gardens of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and as the only person in the entire world to hold the title of exotic symbol analyst in the past 50 years, they asked for your help" fudge said as he trembled under the angry eyes of the sorcerer,

"let me get this straight, you want me, to leave my home for the entire vacation that I was planning to spend taking my brother on various trips to go and solve a problem that you people were supposed to solve?" he said each word slowly to which the minister flinched and hesitatingly nodded

"fine, but you better complete my previous request before I go," he said to which the minister regained his calm and said,

"rest assured, the house-elf named dobby has already been freed and is right now at the potter household where he had sworn to serve harry potter and the potter household of his own will,we have also made sure to arrest Lucius Malfoy for deliberately placing a Horcrux of the dark lord in the belongings of a innocent student, he will most likely come out soon, unfortunately, thanks to the pull he has in the ministry, but he will most likely spend at least a few days in the Azkaban" to this Ryan nodded with a vicious grin,

"Well then, what are we waiting for? give me the damn file about the creature"

hey guys, I just used a new tool for grammar correction, how do you like it?

ryan1234creators' thoughts