
Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat

Death is but the next great adventure." :Said dumbledore calmly. Robert should've known that death was too easy an escape. But even for him it was fucked up to be fictional character in a book. "FUCK THOSE ISEKAI MOTHERF******"

THE_alpinism · 書籍·文学
43 Chs

the magical and the mundane

It's hard to describe death. My best description is being gently submerged in warm water. There is nothing to see, hear, smell or taste. but oddly it's peaceful.  As if finally returning home after an arduous journey. I was …. welcoming to it. 

But of course that would be too easy wouldn't it. Soon the place started being constricted. All the peacefulness went out the window and madness ensued. My sense of sound returned to me first. The sounds blared. Fucking hell. It wasn't the peaceful embrace of heaven after all. It was my rebirth. God damnit!!!!!!

Oh and to my lovely isekai genre writers. Here's a little query of mine. Do you know why new born babies cry during birth??? Let me reassure those are NOT fucking tears of joy. IT HURTS. Imagine being stuck inside a toothpaste and some dumb mf decided squeeze out every last drop of u

you. Yeah!!!. Not very fun is it.

My vision was extremely blurry. I could only make out glimpses and my sense of sound was being bombarded. I could see giant hands moving above me. Goddamn my head hurts. But through all this pain for a brief faltering second i managed to make out a few words. Words that will change my life forever

".....My beautiful son.....

....Harry potter..."


7 years later


In an rather sparse playground you could see three rather plump boys ganging up on another rather scrawny kid. The kid being bullied was so far out of their weight class it was not even funny.


The pudgey kid drew his hand back in a hook and threw it directly at the scrawny kids face.


But the scrawny kid seemed unffected by these shenanigans. There wasn't a single bruise in his whole body. In fact he seemed amused at the pudgey boys efforts.


Opposed to that the pudgey boy was anything but amused. He had been punching for so long his arms felt like noodle. He screamed as he started punching with new found vigour born from the anger.


He rained down punches on the boy. But it only felt like hitting a wall.

The scrawny kid smiled in amusement as he replied: "uncle vernon's looks and aunt petunia's punches. You really did get the lower end of the gene pool didn't you dudley."

The now identified dudley just screamed louder. The scrawny boy scowled as he continued:" but of course. you wouldn't even get that joke. you also inherited ur uncle's intellect. *sigh*. it means your mom's scrawny and your dad's dumb. "

The boy started screaming even louder if that's even possible. But his punches continued to be ineffective against the iron wall. Suddenly the scrawny boy looked up at the sky and frowned.

"Alright. That's enough dudley. 5 o' clock is curfew. We gotta get home."


The boy sighed and simply shrugged throwing off the 2 boys who had been holding him down. His hand held down the oncoming punch from dudley with a steel grip:" i said that's enough dudley." He said in an ice cold voice senting shivers down dudley's spine. "Now move."

Dudley knew he had pushed to his limit. He held his head down and moved.

They walked down a lane of houses till they reached the familiar private drive. Dudley didn't speak a single word. But his insides seethed with anger.

Harry potter.

The bane of his existence. He hated him. He hated him He hated him HE HATED HIM. Ever since he remembered that freak has always been with him. He was so... Wierd. For starters He didn't have a mommy or daddy. They died in an accident or something. So he stayed in MY HOME. like a leach. But all of that was alright. He was like a really big toy that he could play. But then he grew up. Suddenly everyone was saying he was like some genius or something. I mean... That freak???? Only mommy and daddy seemed to realize that i was the real genius. He was fooling everyone with his.... Freakiness.

I may not be able to do anything to the freak. But my mommy and daddy can. A small smile crept upon his face. Just wait until you get home you freak.

Harry's pov.

'What a fucking douche.' Harry thought as he looked at the pathetic excuse for human flesh his aunt and uncle call dudley. He was by no means an legilemence. But he didn't need to be one to guess DUDLEY'S thoughts. His smile alone said everything.

He was probably planning on making his parents give him some sort of punishment by making some fake story. And the sad part is... It could work. For years vernon and petunia had slowly pushed the limits of how much they could actually do to harry until they finally realized there was no such thing as wizard child protection comitee.

So the only barrier that prevented them from throwing him out of that god-forsaken home was the legal implications of it. Since they are legally harry's guardians unless he did something extreme like hurting any of the durleys they couldn't throw him out without suffering the repercussions. Of course being thrown out in and itself isn't all that bad as harry was affirmative that he could lead a better life anywhere outside privet drive. But he was sure that if he ever went outside privet drive he will be killed by dark wizards. That was the whole point of cannon harry staying in privet drive wasn't it. To be protected by the blood wards.

'But i can assure you there was no lack of effort from dursleys' side to make him leave. But of course anything less than lying harry tried to kill them wouldn't make harry leave. But they couldn't even do that as he had created an image of a model child in the neighbours' eyes.'

He soon stopped in front of an average house in the lane and rang the doorbell. The door opened revealing an enoromous man glaring down on him. He sighed. The dursley's of course knew no amounts of efforts can shake-off harry from their household....


..... But that didn't stop them from trying.