
Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat

Death is but the next great adventure." :Said dumbledore calmly. Robert should've known that death was too easy an escape. But even for him it was fucked up to be fictional character in a book. "FUCK THOSE ISEKAI MOTHERF******"

THE_alpinism · 書籍·文学
43 Chs

a stroll through the woods

Ravenclaw dormitory, night time

"INCENDIO!" I shouted for the umpteenth time, but not even a flicker of flame appeared near my wand. No matter how hard I tried I could NOT get angry, which was ironic considering how impulsive I was.

I could easily snap at snape, but I could not get angry to power this stupid spell. I sighed as I finally resigned. I laid back into my bed in my room in the dormitory tired. I looked out through the window while still lying in my bed. The nightsky shined brightly with a billion stars, a sight quite alien to a man from my timeline. Just how much had humans fucked up to turn this beautiful sight into the abomination that it is today?

Then my eyes traced down, to the forbidden forest bathed by the beautiful moonlight. The night breeze swayed the trees in a mesmerizing manner slowly inducing drowsiness in my mind. My eyelids slowly closed as though hypnotized. Sleepiness quietly creeping up on me.

Suddenly my eyes went wide open. I quickly sat up straight and went towards the window scrambling around. I looked down at the edge of the forbidden forest to see a beautiful sight. A unicorn feeding on the grass, it's white mane almost shining in the moonlight. It slowly shook its mane majestically and turned around.

I smile crept upon my face. The second ingredient of the unbinding potion. A unicorns grinded horn. An ingredient that was almost impossible for me to acquire in Hogwarts. Besides I really needed a win today!

I rushed out of the dorm quick as a cat into the room of requirements. I have been going there for quite a few weeks now so I had noted down all of filch's patrol routes and the unguarded corriders. Soon I reached the painting gasping and I asked.

"a door to go to the forbidden forest."

"a door to go to the forbidden forest."

"a door to go to the forbidden forest."

A door melted into view from the darkness. I opened it. Inside it was pitch black darkness. I, without a second thought walked through it. Soon light gave way, to show me, towering trees. I looked back and saw a giant human sized hole in the tree made by surrounding roots, which was rapidly closing.

I sighed and walked forth, while the hole completely disappeared behind me.

For the past month I had been testing the limits of the room of requirements. And I found out that within Hogwarts It didn't have any. I could create doors to pretty much anywhere in Hogwarts except the secret rooms like chamber of secrets, the room of hidden things and so on.

As long as it is within Hogwarts grounds the room can take me anywhere.

I nervously looked at every corner clutching my wand tightly. I knew I wasn't the only one hunting unicorns this year. Quirellmort was also after unicorns, or more precisely unicorn blood. I had ensured that quirellmort won't be out today. I had concluded that a unicorn had died last week from hagrid. And since quirellmort only needed unicorn blood once a month the chances of me running into him was minuscule.

But still the fear of voldemort lingered. I forced down the fear and went forth to the edge of the forest where I had seen the unicorn.

Soon I saw it. In the middle of a clearing in the forest it was standing. The majestic unicorn. It's mane bathing in sunlight. It's form regal. It's eyes shining. It's poised figure stood under the canopy looking up at the moon. It turned it's eyes towards me, his magnificent mane shining. How resplendent.


A smile bloomed on my face:"you are mine, bitch."


Inside the forest of death a unicorn could be seen running around neighing loudly it's eyes widened. Gone was it's poise, it's magnificence, it's resplendance. In its place was a horse running for it's fucking life.

"stop right there you overgrown Pomeranian!"

Behind the horse trailed a boy, shouting insults at the unicorn, waving his wand in front of him. His scowling eyes were focused at the horse while his mind was focused on supplying copious amounts of arcane to his feet to create the necessary propulsary force to match the unicorn's velocity.

"oh c'mon. I don't want to kill you, you DAMNED HORSE. I just a want a bit of your horn."

The horse seemed to pay no heed to the boy's attempts at reasoning with it because, well... It's a horse... And it didn't know English.

The boy's breath slowly started getting haggard. He finally had had enough. He clenched his teeth and focused his mind. He summoned nearly half of his arcane and used it to boost a single a jump. The ground cracked from the recoil as he blasted off. He went straight ahead and transferred all that force to a tree, via a kick, with enough force to make to put a hole in it.


The base of the tree was blasted off resulting it in falling straight to the horses path. The unicorn panicked and ran back. But as soon as it turned it's face a punch landed on its jaw sending waves of g-force through its cheek.

The horse was knocked out cold it's tongue rolling out of its mouth comically. The boy sat besides it sweating, gasping and grinning like a maniac. He let out a huge breath and sat down. He took out a knife from his pocket and brought it near the unicorn's beautiful silver horn. He grinded it a few times and collected the dust in a test tube.

He brought up the test tube to his eye level smirking.:"all that trouble for this little bottle."

Suddenly he turned around. he felt something wrong. He squinted his eyes into the dark. Suddenly his eyes widened. He shuffled back frightened. But he bumped into something and turned.

"AGH! "he screamed as he shuffled back again to the middle. He looked around and saw them surrounding him, approaching him from all sides. He muttered: "acromantulas."

More and more started surrounding me causing fear to rise up in my heart. Finally a larger acromantula came parting the crowds. Aragog, I recalled it's name. It's eight eyes bore into mine without a hint of emotion.

It finally announced:"for days we have scoured this forest for the murderer who committed the heinous deed of killing the unicorns. Today we finally have the culprit. The innocent and pure souls of those unicorns will be avenged. For today we feast on the murderer's flesh! "

oh, shit!