Disclaimer I did not create or own this novel I have helped smooth out some of the translation, but this story was created by 喵星人家的汪 A teenager named Evan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts! With only his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world, only to realize that every step he took, changed everything! Ps: I'm Translating this novel since i wanted to read the whole novel for it is. I do not do this for money or anything but only sharing it. Thank You.
Happiness always fades, the dementors have brought panic, despair spread throughout the castle followed by a horrible thing.
The first thing was Divination class, Evan witnessed the entire thing.
Because there wasn't any class in the morning for the second years, he followed Harry to divination class for the third years.
To be honest, Evan has always been interested in divination and Professor Trelawney.
In the past when he read the books, Trelawney's prophecy was very accurate, Harry's fate was determined from the very beginning.
But Professor Trelawney's actual performance was disappointing to Evan.
If most people are afraid of the unknown, Professor Trelawney is afraid of the future, the first divination lesson was spent intimidating people.
She made a horrible prediction about everyone in the room, the first to be killed is Neville, Professor Trelawney brought up his grandmother for no reason, this made Neville and the whole class paranoid.
Next was Parvati Patil she cautioned her to beware of the red-haired man.
She then told the class that a vicious flu would force classes to be disrupted in February.
After she said her words, the class was tense and silent.
Evan wasn't surprised when Hermione stormed out, Professor Trelawney's divinations were more like a curse than a prophecy.
If it wasn't for being polite, he would go now.
If Professor Trelawney didn't enter a certain state, she was nothing more than a deranged liar. As she has said, if you do not have the sight little progress will be made in divination.
Maybe Professor Trelawney has actually seen something but Evan would bet it would most likely be nonsense.
Evan paired with Hermione in the subsequent deviation.
They mixed up their tea, followed Professor Trelawney's instructions and then dried the tea leaves and exchanged cups.
"You know what Evan," said Hermione while staring at the tea leaves, "It makes me feel stupid predicting fate with tea leaves."
"Yeah I know." nodded Evan, he then saw Professor Trelawney come closer so he hurriedly said, "But we better follow the book and see what they mean."
"Well...…" Hermione frowned, "It looks like a bug but I'm not sure or maybe it looks like..."
"Let me see boy," they passed the cup to the Professor, her face immediately revealed a panicked expression, "It is a spider."
"It means your plan will be frustrating." Professor Trelawney whispered to Evan, "And you'd better watch out for this creature, I see doom in your teacup."
"Yes?!" Hermione stood behind Professor Trelawney and said in an unfavourable tone, "From my point of view it is like a sun in the book it means happiness, so it seems Evan will have good luck."
Evan looked nervously at the two of them talking about the cups, they acted as if it would really determine their destiny.
Whether it is bad luck or good fortune, he dares not say.
But he couldn't see why he had to fear a spider, the only spider that he had to fear in Hogwarts is probably the giant ones in the forest and he doesn't have a reason to go there this year.
Is his plan going to be frustrating? Evan frowned.
Next was Ron and Harry who were sitting by themselves, they burst into laughter which attracted Professor Trelawney's attention.
She came over and quickly snatched the teacup from Ron's hand.
Everyone was quiet and focused on Professor Trelawney, who stared at the tea leaves.
"It is a Falcon, my dear, you have a deadly enemy," whispered Trelawney.
"But everybody knows that." muttered Hermione, "Everyone knows Harry and you know who...…"
"This is not a lucky teacup, she turned the cup again, your future will be dangerous."
Everyone gaped at Trelawney, who turned the teacup again, she suddenly gasped and screamed. She then sat in an empty chair, her hands were over her heart and her eyes were closed.
"My dear child, my poor, dear child! No, I shouldn't say it, don't ask me anything...."
"What the matter, Professor?" Everyone stood up and slowly gathered around Harry and Ron's table to see the tealeaves clearly.
"Well, it looks like a donkey," said Hermione hesitantly.
"That is a grim," said Professor Trelawney while opening her eyes, "Poor boy, you have a Grim."
Her words seemed to bewilder the children in the class.
"Excuse me, professor, what do I have?" asked Harry
"Grim, what is a Grim." Seeing that Harry didn't understand caused Trelawney to exclaim, "The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear boy, it is an omen – the worst omen – of death!"
Harry's face was unnatural he recalled the big dog on the cover of and the dog that he had seen on the street.
He turned his head and looked at Evan who had also seen the dog.
"You think it was a Grim, it was just a stray dog. I've seen it and if bad luck is contagious…'
Hearing Evan's words made everyone involuntarily step backward, they were afraid of them both. Evan tried not to laugh, it was really fascinating to be suddenly so frightening, no wonder Professor Trelawney loves it.
Hermione gave Evan a nasty stare, she went toward Professor Trelawney's chair and said, "Professor, I don't think it's an omen."
Professor Trelawney surveyed Hermione and said "Forgive me for saying so but I perceive very little aura around you. Very little receptivity to the resonances of the future."
Professor Trelawney looked at Hermione and Evan with displeasure, she was dissatisfied with the panic they had created.
Trelawney said in a vague voice, "I think we will leave the lesson here for today, please pack away your thing…"
Silently the class took their teacups back to Professor Trelawney, packed away their books, and closed their bags, even Ron didn't dare meet Harry's eyes.
Everyone was thinking about what the professor had said.
Hermione seemed to want to continue the debate, Evan hurried out of the classroom.
Only Harry and Ron were left in the corridor.
Evan's bad luck is contagious and makes everyone nervous.
They all lowered their heads and ran down the stairs at full speed, it was as if they had the plague.
Evan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were left standing alone, they watched as people fled from them, no one knew what to say.
A second later, Evan looked back and saw Hermione was now gone.
Harry and Ron then rushed to Transfiguration class, and Evan went to Charms Class.
Within a few minutes, what happened in Divination had been spread throughout Hogwarts, and Evan immediately paid for his bad jokes.
In the second year of Charms, no one except Colin and Ginny was willing to approach him.
Professor Flitwick explained the levitation spell on the podium, and the students ate the desks were absent-minded. From time to time, some people cast sneaky eyes on Evan. They all heard about Professor Trelawney's prophecy.
Of course, the Grimm in Harry's teacup was death, and if bad luck is contagious, then the next must be Evan who also had an unexplained omen.
But then again?
All the young wizards took a sniff of air and tried to shrink their bodies back.
Evan had never known before that wizards were so superstitious, they clearly have strong powers, but they are afraid of a black stray dog.
Ginny explained the ominous meaning to Evan and Colin. She said their uncle had once seen one before and he died after 24 hours.
Seeing her face, it seems as if she is worried that Harry might fall at any moment.
When they arrived at the auditorium for lunch, Evan saw Harry and Ron equally grieved, Hermione was filled with disdain.
"Ron, please, you are scaring Colin and Ginny!" Hermione pushed a saucer to him and turned to explain, "McGonagall just told us in class about Omens of Death are Professor Trelawney's favourite way of welcoming new students, she predicts a student's death every year, but the accuracy rate is zero."
"You don't understand, Hermione!" Ron muttered, scooping a handful of snacks onto his plate and slowly said, "Harry and Evan have seen one. It's really, really bad!"
"I don't see anything bad. If those people see omens, then they are scared to death. Then the omen is not a harbinger, but the cause of death!" said Hermione with a sense of superiority, "Think of Trelawney's other prediction, she told Evan to be care with spiders!"
Ron wrinkled his nose in uneasy, because what he feared most was spiders.
"She was right, we really should be careful of spiders. I mean, Harry's omen in the teacup is clear." Ron said fiercely, "Accept the truth Hermione! Professor Trelawney said that your aura is not right, and you just don't like what you cannot do."
As soon as his voice fell, Hermione dropped on the table her Arithmetic book, and the action was so heavy that the minced meat and carrots went everywhere.
"If Divinations is so good, it means that I must pretend to see scorpions, spiders, or death in tea dregs. I haven't learned this lesson yet! Compared to my arithmetic class, this class is completely rubbish!"
Under the gaze of the others, she grabbed her bag and left the auditorium.
"What is she talking about?" Ron smiled uneasily. "Her arithmetic class hasn't started yet."
"Hermione was just worrying about me and Harry. You didn't want us to see a dog and then die? Evan said, stuffing the pie into his mouth.
"Of course not, but . . . it's really, really bad!" Ron grimly replied.
His prediction seems to have been verified or that this is the second sign.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, just outside of the History of Magic classroom, Evan saw Hagrid hurrying past him with Malfoy. Malfoy had a deep, long gash in his arm, and the blood flowed out dripping onto the floor, and many Slytherin students followed.
The second years who had just come out of the classrooms were all stunned. They opened their mouths in surprise and did not know what happened.
It was Harry who had the Omen of Death. Why would Malfoy be injured?
Things passed quickly afterwards; Malfoy was attacked by Hagrid's hippogriff.
If you want to ask why there was a hippogriff in the class? That is because it was Hagrid's first class of Care for Magical Creatures, and in order to leave a deep impression on everyone, he brought 12 hippogriffs to class.
Not surprisingly, this lesson ended in complete failure. Although he saw Madame Pomfrey cure Malfoy in only a minute, he still looked pale and said that his arm hurt and his mouth screamed something about telling his father to get Hagrid fired.
If not for too many people being around, Evan would have given him a "Silencing" curse.
After about five minutes, Snape rushed in and he glanced at Evan. Evan then left the school hospital.
A moment later, Hagrid walked out from the inside with a look of defeat.
"I'm afraid this is a new record, Evan!" he said frustratingly. "I think they haven't seen it before. They just spent a day teaching. I screwed everything up. Professor Snape said I shouldn't have made my first class about Hippogriffs, and he said he would report this to Dumbledore and the School Board."
"I don't blame you. I heard all about it. It's all Malfoy!"
"No, it's because I'm too aggressive. I should have spent some time to do Flobberworms or something else than taken out the Hippogriffs. I thought I could make the first lesson fun." Hagrid pulled out his hand to wipe his eyes.
"Anyways, I'm here for you Hagrid!" Evan sighed. He didn't know how to comfort a person. "If there's any trouble, come to me for help."
"Thank you, I feel better." Hagrid said.
Then he walked out of the castle, wiping his tears away, and Evan looked at him with worry.
He went to the Main Hall to eat dinner and returned to the common room. He never saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They didn't know what to do. He stared absent-mindedly in front of the fire and discussed with Colin about Charms today.
After it got dark, the three of them hurried back.
They just went to see Hagrid. After the farewell with Evan, Hagrid went back to his cabin and drank a lot. When they arrived, he was drunk and lying on the ground. His cheeks still full of tears.
This is not the worst yet; Hagrid received a letter from the school board. It said that Lucius Malfoy officially filed a complaint with the board and the Ministry with this matter. It seems that he is trying to convince them to get Hagrid fired.