
Chapter 789 - 790

This beauty is undeniably fatal; even with a thick mask of fog, the volcano's magma rays, illuminated by the setting sun's afterglow in the distance, allow Evan to vaguely discern the Sirens lurking beneath the sea's surface.

They possess three to seven legs, each corresponding to a menacing dog head covered in fur. Their three large canine mouths are most striking on their heads, filled with densely packed, numerous teeth that ooze an eerie blackness.

Below their waists, some of them usually remain coiled in their spacious lair, with only their heads extended beside the menacing abyss. They scan the surroundings for prey among the reefs or use their enchanting singing to lure ships closer. Their lighthouses have remained extinguished for so long that they seem somewhat reckless, exposing their bodies.

It's worth noting that Sirens are close relatives of the Merpeople and come in various forms. However, they are never taught in magical creature protection classes; only the seventh-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts covers these dark monsters. Although Evan is prepared, the current scene still fills him with alarm.

The Sirens are highly interested in the sudden appearance of the ghost ship, emitting seductive sighs in an attempt to lure the crew above to descend. Few men can resist their alluring calls, not even their souls. But Evan has no doubt that any crew member daring to disembark would be instantly torn to shreds by these Sirens. This eerie and malevolent scene has continued for millennia.

In the dense fog, Evan's ghostly form circles above the black reef and decaying sailing ship, careful not to get too close. Through the fog screen, his gaze shifts from the Sirens in their morbid state to the lifeless figures on the deck.

Then, Evan quickly directs his attention to the human wizard on board, the Calamity Emissary, who stands atop the deck, obscured in the shadows of his hood. Calamity Emissary doesn't bother to look at the Sirens below but gazes in the direction of Mount Etna on Sicily, which is erupting. Whether Calamity Emissary is aware of the events at the core is unknown to Evan, who lowers his altitude slightly.

The soul creatures on the ship pay no heed to Calamity Emissary and remain preoccupied with their tasks. It's as if they consider this dark wizard one of their own. Evan senses no magical fluctuations from him, which is rather strange. This dark wizard is indeed quite peculiar, displaying several idiosyncrasies.

Evan doesn't dare to approach too closely, fearing being detected. Instead, he circles the ghost ship, taking advantage of the thick fog mask.

After several minutes, a massive, monstrous figure emerges from the cabin and approaches Calamity Emissary, engaging in a conversation Evan cannot hear. After the exchange, Calamity Emissary descends into the cabin. As his form disappears, Evan slowly descends and lands quietly on the mast.

Over the years, the wooden mast has rotted from exposure to seawater, covered in algae and other green plants. It feels uncomfortable to step on, but it maintains its original shape thanks to Evan's magic. He remains in his ghostly form, and the soul sailors aboard the ship are oblivious to his presence. They continue to gaze at the Sirens on the black reef, their faces displaying emotions of greed and longing, just like ordinary humans. They hold onto the memories of their former lives.

The alternating dark blue and blue light catches Evan's attention, and he focuses his spirit on the souls below. He observes a particularly tattered captain's hat-wearing soul, who had conversed with Calamity Emissary. This soul stands tall, its pale skin emitting a green glow, covered in uncomfortable seaweed and shell-like growths. Like the other souls, this one also reveals its skeletal structure through its rotting body, with yellow worms wriggling slowly.

What truly stands out is its face, unlike the other souls. It bears slight purple antennae, reminiscent of a shrunken octopus. These antennae sway gently from side to side. Evan senses a powerful dark magical aura emanating from this creature, akin to the dark magic aura he encountered in the depths of Crag Mountain. It appears that Calamity Emissary has undergone some transformation.

The soul captain's voice roars, echoing across the ship, causing the crew to hastily leave the deck. The ghost ship sets sail. Evan watches as the black reef inhabited by the Sirens quickly recedes and is eventually shrouded in thick fog.

After a few seconds, the eruption of the volcano, the shoreline lighthouse, and even Sicily disappear from view. The mist envelops everything, and Evan observes the deceased ghosts on the deck, diligently maneuvering the ship with incredible speed.

This ship seems to be in a peculiar realm, far removed from the real sea. This magic belongs to the realm of the dead. The surrounding mist grows thicker, and Evan lost in thought, closes his eyes.

When he opens them again, all that remains is an unreal white expanse, constantly shifting. The oppressive mist blankets this world entirely, and Evan loses sight of the ship beneath him. He's uncertain whether they are still sailing.

Time passes quietly, perhaps a mere second or possibly an entire century. Suddenly, the massive ship tilts, and Evan hears rushing water. It's as if something colossal is emerging from the depths.

The rocking intensifies, the ship trembles, and the world quakes. A tremendous hydraulic force surges forward the next moment, causing Evan to choke on water. He realizes he's been dragged underwater.

Panicking, he swiftly turns around, and in the dimly lit seawater, he sees a monstrous creature well over a hundred feet long, resembling an octopus. It's towing the ship, its countless tentacles covered in suckers and spiny appendages coiled tightly around the vessel. In the center lies a gaping maw filled with menacing fangs.

That's its mouth, sucking in massive quantities of seawater and expelling it forcefully, creating a powerful current. Utilizing this force, the creature propels the ship, achieving astonishing speed. Below, on the ocean floor, an ancient city stands eerily still.

This scene takes place in the colossal sunken city, or rather, the ruins of a city. Looking across the landscape, it's a panorama of shattered buildings. It's as though the central city beneath the sea experienced a massive explosion, breaking it apart. The once grand structures have collapsed with only stone columns remaining, silently testifying to their former glory.

As Evan ventures further into the city's heart, he encounters what seems to be an abyss-like crater. The nearby land bears the scars of destruction, devoid of any structures. The city's past holds a deep and mysterious secret, one that has caused it to be submerged beneath the sea. What exactly happened here, and what magic is at play?

Evan doesn't have much time for reflection. He swiftly descends from the ship and changes his appearance using magic. He retrieves a handful of Gillyweed from his bag and swallows it without chewing. His breaths become desperate, but the only air he finds is icy seawater.

At that moment, Evan feels as though he's about to drown. He gazes upward, hoping to reach the surface, but above him lies nothing but impenetrable darkness. He is now submerged at an extraordinary depth within the seabed.

Evan exhales a series of air bubbles, his lungs seemingly hollowed out. The seawater relentlessly invades his body, melding with him as one. Then, an ache on both sides of his neck - his gills. Two slits form under his ears, gradually growing into functional gills. Evan can now extract oxygen from the seawater with ease. He gulps down a mouthful of seawater and lives. Before him, the massive octopus creates a powerful underwater current, propelling the ship rapidly away until it vanishes from sight. The seawater gradually returns to its calm state.

In the darkness, Evan remains the sole presence beneath the city. With the help of the Gillyweed, he can clearly see underwater. This place is strange, and an inexplicable magic permeates the surroundings. Evan breathes evenly but remains vigilant as he approaches the city. He notices restless souls wandering amidst the city's ruins, similar to the mist swirling around the ghost ship. A peculiar, oppressive force seems to emanate from all directions, squeezing him. As Ravenclaw mentioned, this is truly the realm of the dead, aptly named the City of the Dead.

Five minutes pass, and Evan reaches the seabed. Aquatic plants, corals, and shell-like creatures have grown on the rocks and building remnants. In addition to the expected marine life, Evan comes across mysterious and unfamiliar plant species, such as the blue crystal columns. These tall, slender stalks are covered with numerous column-shaped leaves, floating upside down in the seabed and emerging from the ruins.

Evan refrains from approaching these plants and the deceased souls, instead choosing to investigate the city's peripheral areas. The mysterious underwater city raises numerous questions for Evan. The architectural style is peculiar, with many areas appearing primitive, as if they were constructed during the dark ages thousands of years ago. Yet, there are intricate details that leave him astonished.

Moving swiftly toward the central area, Evan observes complex magical runes etched into the ruins of the buildings. These runes are encrusted with purple crystals filled with magical energy, accompanied by ancient magical inscriptions that Evan can't decipher. Evan is unsure of these runes' purpose, but the buildings' colossal size astonishes him. It's as if the previous residents of these ruins were giants or other species of similar stature.

However, what surprises Evan most are the ghosts that wander throughout the city. They resemble ordinary humans, some even dressed in Muggle clothing, while others appear like wizards holding wands or long staffs. Although Evan keeps his distance, these ghosts invariably attack him, and some of the wizard-like apparitions can even wield magic, shooting green rays from their wands. In the peculiar magic-laden atmosphere of the ruins, Evan can only counterattack with dark magic, which is highly effective against spectral foes. Nevertheless, this battle is futile and never-ending.

Ultimately, Evan resorts to transforming into the ghostly form of an owl, using his Animagus skill. This change causes the attacking ghosts to cease assault, and Evan watches as the giant octopus pulls the ship away. He continues his exploration of the ruins.

The inexplicable force and loneliness become increasingly intense, but Evan presses on. He seeks valuable clues to understand the name of this city and the events that led to its submersion beneath the sea. However, the initial catastrophic explosion from thousands of years ago has wiped out all traces, leaving only the remains of destroyed buildings and restless ghosts.

This path doesn't seem promising for Evan to uncover the city's secrets. Standing on the brink of despair, he gazes down at the city from a higher vantage point. Suddenly, a black ripple catches his attention, and he hurriedly turns to see Calamity Emissary appearing at the city's center, standing at the edge of the abyss.

That's where he had acquired the energy stone with Cyclops' strength.

"Has the summoning begun?" Evan mutters to himself. He had examined the area before; the core of the explosion lay nearby, with nothing except a terrifying chasm.

But in an instant, with Calamity Emissary's actions, something transparent emerges from the abyss, growing larger and larger.

This strange creature defies description, but if pressed, one might describe it as a multi-layered, water-like monster. It constantly emits sprays within its form, holding a massive stone dagger in one of its disproportionately large hands.

"Ah, the tremendous power has summoned me!" a plain voice resounds, and with formidable strength, the creature surges forward. A green flash radiates from the city's direction, forming what appears to be a magical barrier attempting to contain the monster's apparition within the abyss. However, it doesn't hold for long and quickly shatters.

As the mirror-like barrier shatters into silence, the creature speaks again. "Was this once Oynya's proud magic? How laughable! The seals of the past have grown weak, and it's time I break free!" The creature swings its arms, exuding anger. "I have returned, and the abyss will consume you all! Welcome the coming end, you fools on the surface!"

Evan watches the summoned monster from afar, then swims towards the green flash he'd seen earlier in ruins, heading in the direction of the inexplicable force.