
Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

A young man reborn into his favorite world. He was granted some request after his death, but the problem was that the granter had no control over how those request were to be granted. Watch as he grows from a single boy in the dark to a protector who wishes to light the path forward for the magical world one step at a time. ———— I just couldn’t read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. It’s my very first time writing or posting anywhere. And I obviously don’t own any of the settings, but so what? I’m doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it.

Alexander_the_grey · 書籍·文学
206 Chs

Ch. 57 Back to the daily grind

We met up with aunt Amelia after the trial, about which she seemed to be happy at the results but also annoyed by them. I could guess why, but I think it's mostly because the three of them were active death eaters during the war and she really didn't like how a good amount of them got away through money and bullshit defenses, so she wanted to really get them with this chance. In a sense, what got in her way was that I was too thorough with the protection of my businesses and properties.

As we all returned home in silence, we were all thinking about what this trial might mean for those involved.

I think Victoria might be thinking about her father. A man she knew was a true death eater, who gave up most of his wealth to stay out of Azkaban and who would continue to practice 'proper pureblood behavior' if he had the chance. Her serious and sad face was giving her away.

Aunty was walking a bit lighter. I think it's because she was able to get death eaters behind bars and suffering by her order and it lightened her guilt a bit.

As for me, I was thinking about how to capitalize on this. I think I could try and market the voice recorders for the law divisions, but I also believe I can market them for students. I'm thinking of opening a branch of FIRM pretty much to sell the muggle tech and toys to kids during Hogsmeade weekends. I'll try to advertise Fortress Protections excellent performance, Elaine's handling of security and the minister for a clean and fair trial in the Herald to move forward on some plans.

My only issue with all this is that I'm worried for the Crabb and Goyle currently spending their first years at Hogwarts. Although they became death eaters in the future, it's pretty much because they haven't known any other way of living. And I don't really want to ruin their lives as a result of sending their dads to Azkaban. But I really don't know what to do. It's not like the two will come to the Exchange and with their actual intelligence I don't think they'll make any in-depth analysis on the self-destructive nature of the death eater cause.

With those thoughts going through my head, we finally reach the fireplaces and Floo home.

The next day the Herald come out with everything i had requested. It was very much the truth and every word was supported by evidence, but it was still a slight manipulation as it pulled attention from other contributors.

On a side note, Edward Tonks was now the legal representative of FIRM and some of its associates. He was very excited to be a part of it and started looking at our practices and services to see what we could improve legally and what we were currently doing that might be deemed illegal.

I sent messages congratulating everyone on their stellar performances across them board and sent them some bonuses. It's not like anyone will say no to some cash when they've actually earned it. Plus it makes people a bit happier.

That was the last event of our winter break and like clockwork, it was time for me, Victoria and Susan to be on our way.

At Kings Cross, Susan said her goodbyes and ran off with her best friend Hannah, while I was giving aunty a hug and Victoria was thanking her once again for letting her stay and feel so welcomed.

We also headed into the train and found a cabin to wait for our other friends. The two of which apparently meet each other outside the train because they came in together. We talked about our holidays for a while as the train got going, until Christian brought up the trial.

"It was a big deal wasn't it. I mean, it brought back all kinds of unpleasant memories for my family about You-Know-Who. Death Eaters on trial once again, for trying to attack a help center." He said with some excitement in his voice.

"But I don't really get why they would try to do this. I mean they were clearly under orders from someone judging from the recording you sent me Aedan." Wondered James aloud. And yes I did send him a recording because I knew the guy wouldn't know about what was happening and I wanted to keep him up to date.

"It's simple enough James. It was probably the patron of all slippery bastards, Lucius Malfoy. Father of the little daddies boy fancying himself the prince of Slytherin. He's infamous for never getting his hands dirty and having a lot of ministry officials in his pocket. There's also rumors saying he's got blackmail on a good amount of board of directors for Hogwarts. And the only time he was ever on center stage was when he was being accused of being a death eater, for which he spent half his fortune getting himself and others out of." Answered a disgusted Victoria.

"Yes, Lucius Malfoy is a very sneaky and careful man. He was supposedly a lieutenant amongst death eaters. But the thing is that he never really puts everything in one basket. He always leaves himself a way out. And he now basically owns a part of every decision making body in Britain. Problem with that is because he has so much dirt on so many people, he's become someone almost impossible to touch. Plus, because he never does anything directly, true evidence is hard to get against him. That's probably why they didn't even try in the trial, they would never allow Malfoy to be put on trial unless he was caught red-handed doing something unforgivable." I added myself.

"But why do it?" Asked James in return.

"That has to do with business and bigotry James. Business because from what I've gathered, the FIRM center has moved cheap laborers away from noble owned businesses, to other sponsors who offer better conditions and pay. And bigotry because as an assumed muggle-born, Micheal Folster has been buying a lot of creature farms, which Noble families typically own and operate to show their wealth and prestige, rubbing them the wrong way. So since a muggle-born is responsible for making their business drop and their prestige taking a hit, he probably decided to teach him a lesson by torching the place, killing those who tried to stop him and kidnapping someone for blackmail." I explain as someone more involved in all this noble nonsense than my friends.

"That's ridiculous!" James exclaimed.

"100%. But the problem is that he can get away with it and he knows it. He knows how to wiggle around the rules to do what he wants, and when he can't he just brides or blackmails someone. And that's without even thinking about all the laws helping purebloods get away with shit by simply paying fines." I agree with my friend. But then I saw Victoria shifting a bit with a look of guilt flashing across her face.

"And just so you're clear, none of this involves you Tory. You are an actual example of what a noble truly is. You have courage to step forward and smdo what's right. A will to fight and never yield to threats or defeat. You are intelligent and willing to learn. You work hard for what you believe in and are always ready to improve. And you are loyal to those who've earned your trust and will not betray them when they are down. Never doubt that about yourself." I say seriously to the young woman.

"He's right Tory. You're nothing like those gits and I'll beat anyone who tries to say it." Said Christian while shaking his fist.

"They are right Tory. I mean, how many of those people would even talk with me properly, much less be so close to me like you are." Simply pointed out James.

"Thanks guys. Sorry about that. It's a sensitive topic due to my father." She said looking very relieved at our support.

With our little heart to heart done, we simply return to chatting to one another about little adventures, funny family moments or new bits of knowledge. We kept going until we finally reached Hogwarts again.

A few days later and the castle was bursting with activity once again. From what I remember of the canon, Harry should have received his invisibility cloak and one of the deathly hallows handed down through the Potter family, all the way from the Ignotus Peverell or so they say. He should have also have found the Mirror of Erised, which Dumbledore should have moved and made it his own defense for the stone.

My days continued to be productive as I took everything I could from the man who has been the deepest into the Dark Arts, in the modern age anyway. I looked at what he's been through and experienced. The things he's learned during his travels and how he made the Horcruxes. The defenses on those things were nothing short of brilliant, but the reason he used objects from the founder is actually twofold: the one mentioned in the canon and the practical one. It was mentioned in the canon that Riddle saw this castle as his first home and that after being stopped from becoming the new DADA professor back then he cursed the position. Dumbledore thought that Tom also decided to use artifacts from the founders of the school to show a twisted superiority over them and tarnish their legacy in some form. The practical reason behind his choice is that each one holds powerful Magics or has residual energy from founders and some fading enchantments, serving as power sources to maintain the soul and power the defenses on them.

But that did give me ideas on how to deal with them. Because now that I know everything about them, i believe I could probably reverse engineer them and cleanse them of the souls and their curses. And luckily for me, a certain Diadem just so happens to be hidden in the castle. But unluckily for me, it'll have to wait till next year at least. No way in hell am I messing with a piece of the Dork Lords soul when he's in the freaking castle. That would be mental.

On an other note, i forgot that because of the jinxing incident, Snape would referee the Quidditch games. How weird is that? The man spent his entire schooling being bullied by the most popular player of his generation. And now he's the ref. That's just some weird karma. But that's also the day Harry 'confirms' beyond a doubt that the man is guilty, when he threatens Quirrell about the stone.

You know, for a spy, I kinda doubt his skills when he doesn't notice Harry following. But if he just doesn't care then it's simply weird.

'Now if I remember correctly, Norberta should be born pretty soon. How should I handle this?' I think to myself about how much to involve myself in the canon.

Alright, back to the canon and some school fun.

A bit of a moment between friends.

Voldy TV is back on the air with some interesting documentaries on Horcruxes.

And I’ve got a dragon to play with.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts