
Ch. 44 Destiny is a bitch

After my tale was told, Victoria wasn't sure about what to do. She felt a bit sad that she wasn't told before, but she also understood that we haven't been friends for that long and telling her this was a great show of trust. She felt guilty for her previous thoughts about me in first, second and halfway through the third year, having judged without knowing anything. Sadness for what I've experienced was also present, thinking of how any other child would have long since died. And she felt guilt for the relief felt at the fact I wasn't this powerful naturally. She didn't like feeling this but it is simply human nature and she finally understood why i see myself as a monster more than a perfect genius. My strength, looks and power all come from a truly dark place, but i accepted it and tried to do the best i could with.

"Victoria, I'm saying all this not for you to feel bad about yourself or for me, but so you can understand me better. The past is always behind you, but the future you chase will pave what is left in it. All that matters is if everything I leave behind is worth it. And in this case, I have suffered a lot of pain and lost much, but today I have a loving family, good friends, knowledge, strength, confidence, happiness, drive, dreams, goals, hopes and fun. I will never forget what was lost, but I will not let it drag me away from what I'd wish to gain." I say to my downcast friend. I don't want her to do anything, just accept it.

She looks at me in the eyes. Her dark green meeting my blazing red-gold. For a minute we simply stare in each other's eyes, neither wavering, before she slowly closes hers.

"All right. Thank you for telling Aedan. Then from now on, you guys can call me Tory." She declared to our confusion. And noticing it she explains. "That's the nickname my mom had for me before her accident and only she's ever said it, so I thought that since you shared something so personal I should respond."

After being stunned for a second, me, James and Christian smile at each other nod, before saying in unison.

"""Hey Tory!"""

And having goofy grins on our faces due to her now red face.

"You guys better not tease me about this or I'm going to make you all suffer!" She said while trying to hide her embarrassment. Which only made us laugh more, until we finally stopped to not go past the point of good humor.

"Thanks Tory, for accepting me and sharing some of yourself." I say with a bright smile. It seemed to have stunned her, hearing my honest thanks and seeing my smile, because she paused for a second.

"Ye-Yeah, no problem at all Aedan." She answered with a bit of stumbling. And the two watching this had growing grins on their faces. That was until Victoria noticed and her eyes turned into a predators.

"So you two think this is fun to watch?" She said in a dangerous tone. "Then I'm not helping you two in potions for the next month."

After hearing that bit, both of their smiles vanished since they were both crap at the subject and Snape made it worse. They could only get Acceptable because of our Slytherin friend here. So with a smile I look at the two begging for her mercy and then turn my gaze, avoiding looking at them. It's not like I need her help, but what's the point of jumping in front of a snakes mouth for no reason and tempting fate.

The comedy routine went on for a bit until someone tried to open the door, but since it was locked they started knocking. Taking this chance to escape, Christian rushes to open it, but when he did we could hear a girl speak in a very matter-a-factly tone.

"You all know you aren't allowed locking the cabins. It's against the school rules." We heard her say before even saying hello or excusing herself for intruding.

"Yeah, but who's going to do anything? We aren't in the school and there's almost no supervision." Replied Christian casually. Everyone knows you aren't supposed to lock the cabin, but plenty of people who wish for a peaceful trip do it. If they really don't want people to lock the doors they would have simply removed the locks or enchanted them.

"It doesn't matter! Rules are rules!" She then said, getting offended at the fact Christian was so dismissive of the rules.

"Then what about basic rules of etiquette and social interactions? You come and intrude on our conversation, start trying to lecture your seniors and then get them get offended at how the reality of hundreds of adolescent witches and wizards aren't obeying rules when there is no supervision." Cut in a huffy Victoria, getting annoyed at the rude girl.

"Now now you two, i think the little first year has had enough." Said James as he wanted to stop the two from making the girl either cry or burst out in rage. Christian would yell and Victoria would verbally annihilate her.

I chuckle a bit at the three of them before getting up. Christian notices and decides to let me handle it as he sits down and Victoria doesn't continue to berate the girl.

"Well, I think it's about time we hear from her the reason why she wanted us to open the door, no?" I say to the three calmly as they now turn their attention to the girl.

It was interesting to see one of the main characters from the books and movies alive in front of me. Hermione Granger, greatest witch of her year, would have been the generation, but I'm here. There was the long mane of brown hair, looking as uncontrollable as written, her clear brown eyes, slightly too large front teeth, but she looked like the young Emma Watson too. And so I give the the calm and patient smile I give to all those who either ask for help or wish to learn from me.

"So young miss, to what do we owe the pleasure of you seeking to enter our cabin with such an entrance?" I say, teasing her a bit. But to my surprise she wasn't embarrassed, she was simply staring with an open mouth and wide eyes at me. And my friends noticed.

"AAaannnd. Yup she's gone." Declared Christian after taking a look.

"Did you really have to ruin the poor girl? She never seen you so you appearing with that smile is just unfair to her." Joined in Victoria.

"I must admit that you do forget that you are very attractive to women Aedan. Should have taken it easy on the girl." Finished off James.

"It wasn't on purpose, I was just trying to help out and know the reason as to why she came in the first place. It's weird that a first year is knocking on doors in the first place, even weirder is that she's so far away from the first year cabins." I try to defend myself. During our little exchange Hermione finally snaps out of it and blushes heavily at the fact that she was so openly stunned and staring.

"Um. I was wondering if anyone had seen a toad. One of the other first years lost one." She finally said through her embarrassment.

"See! Actual reason and solvable problem." I get to say to my friends.

"You've still broken her." Replied Christian, hitting where it hurts.

"Cut me some slack man." I cried out.

"You must suffer for your crimes, corrupting such a young girl. Tsk. Tsk." Responded Victoria in a chastising tone.

"Sigh. Anyway. Do you know the toads name?" I ask Hermione as I give up defending myself.

"Huh? Oh! No I don't! I'll go get the boy looking for it!" She said quickly as she ran off.

A minute or so later she returned while I was still dealing with the teasing, with who I'd assumed was Neville Longbottom. A bit shorter than average, chubbiness displayed by his cheeks and round face, slightly buck-toothed, short brown hair and green eyes.

"You must be the boy who's toad the girl is looking for yes?" I ask, knowing full well, but I mustn't look I do.

"Erm, ye-yes." He answered nervously.

"There's no need to be nervous, I just want to help you find it. If you want, you can introduce yourself and you will need to tell me the name of said toad." I say in a reassuring voice and calm smile.

"M-my name is Ne-Neville Longbottom, it's nice to meet you." I introduced nervously.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Neville, I am Aedan Bones. Now if you could please say the name of your toad, I'll have it in front of you in a moment." I continued to gently encourage him using my calm voice.

"His name is Trevor." He finally said.

With a wave of my quickly drawn wand, I silently cast accio and stretch out my other hand. Within seconds the toad flies to me and I catch it.

"Here we are. One Trevor the toad for one Neville Longbottom." I say with a my still present smile.

"Trevor!" He exclaimed in surprise and happiness. "Thank you." He then added with gratefulness in his voice and Hermione noticing what I just did, had stars in her eyes.

"It was no problem whatsoever Neville." I say with a chuckle at both of their behavior." Before you leave however, I would like to extend a helping hand. You have gone through a lot at a young age, much like me, so if you ever need help do come by the Exchange. You can ask any of your seniors where and when it happens, and if you end up in Ravenclaw I'll bring you there myself." I say as I hand the toad over to the boy. And I do mean what I say. Because of that stupid prophecy, he lost any semblance of parents and was raised by his grandmother who, although she is a powerful and influential witch, was broken by her son and daughter-in-laws fates. She pushes the image of her son onto her grandson and chastises him when he does not excel in the same areas as he did. Meanwhile the boy had to grow up with insane parents, as they cannot even remember him. It was also done by the same Lestrange bitch who killed my family and kidnapped me. Destiny is a bitch and she made many children suffer for her so called fate.

Yay, first canon event and meeting two important characters.

No I’m not making him fall for Hermione or her fall for him at first sight. He is just that good looking and so different from other guys that it’s usually shocking for most people who meet him for the first time. It hits especially hard when it’s face to face and you have no defenses against pretty boys.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts