
Scouting job

There were cheers in the Gryffindor table. I sitted next to Hermione and we celebrated we were in the same house. The names continued to be called by Professor McGonagall. Harry had by far the biggest celebration of all first year students. A lot of older students shouted 'Potter is ours, Potter is ours'. Harry sat a couple of places beside me on in the opposite side of the table. 'I think I'll not have many chances to talking to him now. I'll try to talk to him later as we are in the same dorm'.

When Ron was finally selected, I had finished analyzing most of the students and teachers. They all looked a lot like the picture I had of them from the books, with the exception of the vibration they inflicted on me. All the most famous teachers and most of the older students noticed that I was looking at them instantly. It seems that wizards have a very good sixth sense. Of those who looked back at me, Snape made the bigger impression on me. My heart speeded up quickly and along with it my Cardiac and Frontal chakra points were activated involuntarily.

I had to close my eyes and breathe slowly as I cleared my mind. I think most teachers noticed this, since Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout seemed to have given an undercover smile.

With regard to female students, most of the older girls I looked at with a little more of desire completely have ignored me. Unfortunately it seems like I have no chances with any of them. Tsk, but I have to think positive, at least I'll interact with girls this year. Let's not try to grab things out of my reach.

From the students from my year, there are some cute girls who will become nice ladies in the years ahead. I have to scout properly these unknown lands. Hmmm, let me see, from Ravenclaw, Mandy Brocklehurst, she has the more develped body, while Morag MacDougal is the prettiest of them. The Patil sister is beautiful too, and so is Sue Li, an eastern beauty. Tsk, maybe it was better to go to ravenclaw, their women are the best. It will be worth already starting to plant seeds in these unexplored fields. Hehehehe. From Hufflepuff, Hannah, is the cutest, but Sally Smith is not far behind. From Slytherin, Daphne Greengrass is an european classic beauty, blond-haired and blue eyes and a little tall, she is gorgeous, the top of the hill for sure. I can't even notice the other girls much with her in the Slytherin table. And from my house, Hermione is the best, even though she is not that pretty yet, her teeth are very noticeable, but she always remind me of Emma Watson, so she must be the top priority at this side of the field. Parvati Patil has an interesting charm too. Lavender Brown is pretty but her high voice is a little annoying.

The previous Neville must have met Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, and Hannah Abbot before as they are from the Sacred Twenty-Eight families. The same goes to Ernest Macmillan, Theodore Nott. Beyond Draco Malfoy, of course. They all looked at me as if they have seen me before. Just like Draco at the train earlier. Perhaps there is some kind of meeting or event we all were called. Some birthday party, I don't know I have to investigate it. Unfortunately, I don't have the memories of the previous Neville. I asked my grandmother a bit about our family, but she was always vague. Tsk, such a pity, I could have something to talk about with Daphne and maybe Hannah too. Anyway I have time...

From the students that look between 12 to 14 yeard old, there isn't much option as there isn't many students. In griffyndor there is a girl sitting in front of one of the twins who is very beautifull, she has an ebony beauty, she is looking at one of the twins a lot. Maybe it is Angelina. So the girl at her side should be Alicia, not a pretty one though, but the two other girls sitting at her other side are nice targets. I have to get some info later. From the other tables I don't have a very nice view, as I'm short. by now.

While I was daydreaming about girls, a salvo of applause awakened me, followed by a flurry of food on the table. I ate and chat with Seamus, Hermione, Lavender and all of those around me. The food was really delicious and I ate a lot, as I know I need it to 'feed' my blue cells. After some time Nearly Headless Nick kind of united all of us from the first year in Gryffindor and we started to talk about our origins and we ended up get along with each other better. Hermione was a little unconfortable I guess, she moved to Percy side and started talking about something related to rules, I guess. I use this chance to get closer to the twins. I start asking them about Quidditch and the fact they are both Beaters, they talk about the team and then George introduces me Angelina and Alicia. "These are our current pair of Chasers, there is a spot to be fullfiled once Connor graduated last year. This is Alicia and this is Angelina."

"Hello Alicia! Hello Angelina! I'm Neville and I'll be rooting for you a lot this year" I try to sound the most manly I could be as a 11 years old boy and smile at them. They smile back. Always a good sign.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Neville. That is nice. We will need every possible support to win this year."

I ask what kind of formation they like the most, what routes they usually do and they start to tell their preferences, which players inspires them... The twins and their friend Lee Jordan talk about how Wood likes to play. Then we talk about broomsticks, and what models each use and which we prefer. We talk for some time and all of them seem to admire my knowledge of the game. More people join the conversation. The two gorgeous girls sitted next to Angelina enter the conversation when we start to talk about the World Cup in US, and one of them says she has family there. I say, 'me too'. We then start to talk about families outside Europe, travels. It is a very nice, fluid and interactive talk. After sometime, I got the intel I wanted, the two girls are third years too and are called Mia and Ava. I don't know their last names yet, but I think I may guess their body sizes. Hehehehe.

I guess I made a good first impression. While I was heading back to my previous spot I hear. "Ouch!" Harry Potter clapped a hand to his head, kind of caressing his scar. Imediately I looked at where he was looking and it was Professor Quirrel inded. The first time I looked at him, nothing happened, but this time I could feel an aura coming from him, activating my Cardiac chakra point way more strong than Snape. I calmed down and started to wonder how could the other professors don't feel it? How could Dumbledore don't feel it? I looked at them and Snape was menacingly looking at Quirrel, he then moved his eyes to Dumbledore and lowered his head. Did Dumbledore already know about Quirrel? Is that why Snape keeps chasing after Quirrel all the time during the first book? I mean he even protects Harry in the Quidditch game... Aaah Dumbledore, what really happens in such a brilliant mind?

After some time, the desserts came and then were gone. Just like that. Dumbledore stand up and said the same warnings he did in the first book and then started to sing. He must have used some spell or filled his voice with magic, I don't know but the song was very captivating and when I realized, I was already singing along, as if I knew the full lyrics.

Percy then guided us to the portrait of the fat woman in a pink silk dress. We entered Griffyndor common room and Percy separated the girls from the boys. We climbed a ladder and we saw a door written 1991 year.

When we entered the room, our beds were already divided. I tried to pull the subject with Harry, but less than a minute later he was already asleep, just like the others. I was a little tired, but I decided to meditate first, then I looked at my class schedule that Percy gave to us right now. Monday I have 2 lessons of Herbology, followed by 2 lessons of Defense Against the Dark Arts and then 2 lessons of Charms. Tuesday I have 2 lessons of History of Magic, 2 lessons of Theory of Magic and 2 lessons of Transfiguration in the afternoon. Wednesday I have 2 lessons of Defense Against the Dark Arts, 2 lessons of History of Magic 1 lesson of Herbology and at night I have 3 lessons of Astronomy. Thursday I have 2 lessons of Transfiguration, 2 lessons of Charms and the Flight Class. Friday, I have 4 lessons of Potions in a row and at night 1 lesson of Herbology.

We study Herbology, Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts with Hufflepuff students. Charms, History of Magic and Astronomy with Ravenclaw and Potions, Theory of Magic and Flight with Slytherin. And that's it. I have hours of study per day, in general, so I will have a lot of time to do other stuff. At first I intend to research the whole library the fast I can, I will obviously have no time to read all of it, but I have to look thru all the books there and see what I will need. Uaaaaah, I'm tired, I have to do more scouting jobs this week, a lot of unindentified lands waiting for a flag here in Hogwarts. I still have to get closer to Harry too...

Last chapter of the week!

I will try to publish a chapter with all the characters so far. It will be good for you readers, but I guess it will be even better for me as writer! hahahaha

I will try to publish the class schedule in the 'stuff you should know' and explain why I did it this way.

Thanks for your support!

Avdrancreators' thoughts