

Hi everyone!

I don't know if anyone will ever read this work of mine, but i'm very happy publishing it.

I'm not an english speaker (you problably notice) and most of my experience reading in english is from translated english texts, mostly mangas and novels. So the way I tend to structure my text is closer to my native language. If you can point out to me the mistakes I am making, whether in terms of textual structuring or even grammar, I will be very grateful!

I intend to write one chapter a day during the weekdays. Most likely the size of Chapter 01, between 1500 and 2500 words.

I have chosen to write a fanfic because I have read some, both here on the site and outside it, and I have felt a great pleasure to enter again in universes that have moved me so much. I love the Harry Potter's books and as well as my main character, I also grew up with the characters.

I've read two other Harry Potter fanfics and have always felt that something was missing from them. Most likely my story will not be perfect. Maybe she will not be great either. But I will always try to keep it to a standard that I consider very good.

I want a strong main character, but not OP, I want him to grow with the story. I also want to write about relationships, both on a romantic level and on a sexual level. I live in a country where boys and girls 12.13 years of age have non-sexual relationships and from the age of 14,15,16 such relationships begin to gain more sexual connotations. It is clear that society in history will have less sexual freedom, since it takes place between the end of the eighties and the beginning of the nineties. There was no internet, so seeing a woman in underwear was something extremely more exciting than in the present day, for example.

There will be no harem because there is no such possibility in British society both in the last century and in the present. BUT I want the main character to experience several relationships, just as it happens in real life.

Another thing you have to keep in mind is that the main character is 26 years old and has an active sex life. He has experienced many kinds of love relationships, and knows women well, though no man will ever be able to really know a woman completely.

I already have the first part of the story in my head, so there should be no delays in posting chapters, but as the story unfolds and gets more complex, there may be some kind of hiatus. None will last longer than a week, i hope! hahahaha

Thank you for reading my novel and I am fully open to suggestions and ideas!