
Harry Potter and the Havenless Boy

Follow the story of a young man turned boy who much like his name sake will fly too close to the Sun. Witness for yourself whether he will plummet to his death or if the Sun will embrace him and raise him to heights never seen before Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter that honor goes to J.K. Rowling

Griif_Sanders · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

So am I a Bastard? (Edited)

The next morning, Icarus was pulled from his slumber by snoring that could only be described as the roar of a lion. He couldn't turn in order to look at what was causing the noise; it felt like his body wouldn't listen to him and just spasmed with every move he tried to make, so thus he did the only thing babies ever really did: cry. Although wailing would be a more accurate description, this quickly stopped the snoring and, better yet, summoned one of the adults that must have been nearby.

He was quickly lifted from the crib, where he caught a quick glimpse of the creature that had disturbed his sleep. It appeared to be a small child, and strangely, her hair was the colour of unripe limes with red highlights. Those were the only notable features he could gather from the brief look he got. The adult then groaned, "Dora, you can't just go lying on top of your little brother; you'll squash the poor boy." The adult waited for a reply, and when it came, Icarus could immediately tell that the little culprit was a girl. "I'm sowwy mommy." Icarus then took a look at the woman who held him in her arms. She was beautiful, to say the least; she looked a lot like that one actress that played Bellatrix, just with light brown hair instead, and seemed younger too. A man's voice came from outside the room: "Dromeda, is everything okay?"

That line sent the gears in Icarus's head grinding. A little girl with weird hair called Dora. A beautiful lady that looks like Bellatrix Lestrange with brown hair and is called Dromeda. 'Well, Damn, I'm in the Tonks household; that's fun... Wait, does that mean I'm one of the Black Brothers bastards? But since I asked to be born into an ancient house, it probably isn't Sirius, which means Regulus. How naughty of you, Dad.' This left Icarus curious; he wasn't sure of the relationship between Andromeda and Regulus, but he was sure it wasn't good, or perhaps that was one of the changes God-Neill said he would be making.

Although this wasn't an ideal outcome, it could've been far worse. At least he's not a... It was at this moment that Icarus noticed Andromeda drinking a luminous green liquid from an oddly shaped bottle with a label that he could swear said Lactatum on it, and the use of this potion became clear when she unbuttoned her blouse and brought him towards her breasts. 'I don't know whether I should be aroused, embarrassed, or...' he thought to himself until 'mhm mhm mhm... oh damn, this tastes good'


5 months later

'My official verdict is that I should be embarrassed. I may be just a baby now, but I was a full-grown adult before, and thus, as a technically 21-year-old, I was forced to drink breast milk from my aunt to survive.' Icarus thought to himself while doing his best imitation of a nod he could manage in his current state, 'Anyway, these last few months I've learned to crawl sort of; it's more like a catipillary type movement. I've also discovered that there is a tingly sensation where my belly button sits, so I'd imagine that it has something to do with magic.' Icarus lay in his crib contemplating his progress, which really wasn't that much, but in his defence, he hasn't even formed knee caps yet, so what can you really expect?

He'd grown to love his aunty, although clearly she wanted him to call her mom since she always says "Mommy's here" or "Don't worry, mommy will take care of it" or any similar phrase, and the same could be said for his sister/cousin who slept with him every night and played with him every day. Ted spent most of his time at work, although he does occasionally play alphabet blocks with Icarus, which was nice, and other than that, not much was going on; his 'parents' never spoke of the war, so he didn't know the status there, leaving him feeling worried, but all should be okay if Canon was anything to go by.


7 months later

Icarus was sitting on a high chair with a small table attachment that currently had a small cake on it with a single candle sticking from the top. It was his first birthday in this new world. Andromeda stood behind him and said, "Okay, Icarus, try and blow out the candle, after which she took a deep breath and got ready to help him blow it out. Icarus took a breath and blew as hard as he could, managing to blow out at least one candle and leaving the cake covered in baby spit. Icarus decided it was time he started rewarding his 'parents' since they put so much effort into taking care of him thus far, so reaching out with his arms towards Andromeda, he took a breath and said, "Mama." Needless to say, his 'mama' was so excited she picked him up and started dancing with him around the kitchen. "Did you hear that Ted he called me mama?" Ted nodded with a smile on his face and then said, "His first word came a full year faster than Dora too," and with that little bit of excitement, the jovial atmosphere continued for the rest of the evening. When Icarus was finally put to bed, he dreamt of chocolate chickens and cotton candy clouds.

Sorry for the delay hope you guys enjoy

Griif_Sanderscreators' thoughts