
Harry Potter and the Havenless Boy

Follow the story of a young man turned boy who much like his name sake will fly too close to the Sun. Witness for yourself whether he will plummet to his death or if the Sun will embrace him and raise him to heights never seen before Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter that honor goes to J.K. Rowling

Griif_Sanders · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

Gringotts (Edited)

September 17, 1990

Icarus sat at the dining table with his Hogwarts acceptance letter in hand, the unusually rough envelope being enough of a give-away that the letter had strange origins if not for the wax seal marked with the crest of Hogwarts. He hadn't realised how much he'd been looking forward to receiving it, and now that he had it, it felt surreal. He grabbed the letter opener that Uncle Ted had given him and managed to pry the wax loose upon opening the envelope. He removed the parchment paper and unfolded it to be greeted by the sight of the customary green ink that read as follows:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Black,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

It was exactly what he expected, which was kinda disappointing. Although it was stupid to expect any form of surprise from Professor McGonagall, Then next came the list of necessary items and the usual warning about no brooms for first years and pets that were allowed to be taken to school, which reminded Icarus of a small detail from his wishes from God: He'd asked to be bonded to a Thunderbird; however, again, he's not been to America, so it'll probably only happen when he's an adult. Whatever it's just gonna have to be one of those times that he lets Jesus take the wheel. Anyway, he showed the letter to his mom, and she said she'd take him to get what he needs when it's closer to term, and considering the 1990 school year started 17 days ago, he'd have to wait awhile. It's really strange how they send it on your birthday, and they should mention what year you'll start attending because people like Hermione are gonna die on the inside knowing they have to wait that long her birthday being in 2 days time but then again, it is Hogwarts, and everything they do is strange.


2 May 1991

Ted had been tasked with taking Icarus to Diagon Alley for the supplies he needed. They all had all the books they needed since they hadn't changed since Dora was in her first year, although Ted reckoned Icarus wouldn't even need the books since he was sure the boy had memorised them already. They needed to get his clothes, protective gear, potion stuff, a telescope, and finally his wand. However, that would need to wait; first, they needed to go to Gringotts.

They moved through the busy alley towards the large white bank; it looked the same as it always had, oversized and gaudy, but at least Icarus seemed excited. They made their way to the teller at the end of the hall, where a goblin sat behind his ridiculously tall desk, counting on what seemed to be an abacus. "Morning, sir, we'd like to take some money from the vault of Mr. Icarus Black." The goblin looked taken aback for a moment but then smirked with a vicious grin. "Key? or will I be feeding you to the dragons?" upon which Icarus pulled the key from his jacket and placed it on the desk. The goblin's toothy grin faded. "It looks in order; I'll call the Black Family vault manager," and without another word, he was gone. 5 minutes later, another goblin returned in the previous goblin's place, beckoning them to follow him, where they were led to a door that opened into a rather lavish office with a grey-haired goblin waiting for them on the couch. "Young Lord Icarus, I've been waiting for this day for the last twelve years; come take a seat," he gestured towards the couch opposite his own. "We have much to discuss, but first I have to confirm that you are Lord Regulus Black's son." He pulled a parchment and pin out of seemingly nowhere and handed it to Icarus. "So if you wouldn't mind pricking your finger and dropping exactly three drops of blood on this parchment paper, I would greatly appreciate it." Ted sat next to Icarus, bewildered; he'd never heard or seen a goblin being so polite to a wizard before. Icarus did as he was asked, and soon the parchment was full of writing. Reading over the writing quickly, the goblin put the parchment down and then clapped his hands together. "Excellent. First, allow me to introduce myself. I am Grimpur. Now I am happy to say I have some exciting news."

Sorry for the wait

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