
Harry Potter and the Gamer System

Did I hit my head too hard? What are these strange, blue floating boxes. The life of Harry Potter just changed for the better. (Harry will be grey and open to all magic but not evil. He will be extremely powerful, not on the same level as Dumbledore and Voldemort yet, but way more powerful than any Hogwarts's student. He doesn't particularly want friends but considers them more as allies. Life before Hogwarts will include lots of grinding. No pairings so far)

DangerWolf · 書籍·文学
3 Chs


In a small, cramped cupboard under the stairs, a malnourished seven year old boy was groggily rubbing his eyes. His name was Harry Potter. Or 'freak', as his so called relatives called him.

Harry knew he was different from other children. They were all a lot louder and dumber than him. But that wasn't the only reason. Strange things seemed to happen around him. Things out of his control.

This caused his relatives to hate him. No, hate was too light of a word. They absolutely loathed him. But he did not care because he hated those pigs too. Harry was often shouted at when something strange happened or if his uncle just wanted to vent.

Like yesterday, when he wasn't allowed food for a day when a plate got smashed, even though it was clear that his cousin Dudley had dropped it.

He groaned. He was still hungry from yesterday. Stifling a yawn, he opened the cupboard d-

Ding! You have slept in your bed! HP and MP are fully restored!

He jumped. White text with a blue background completed with a thin white border glowed luminously in the dark. Was this some kind of joke?!? He looked around for a wire but there wasn't one. He reached out tentatively, expecting somebody to burst in and say 'haha got you'!! The box disappeared the moment his finger made contact with the frame.

"Are you done sleeping, you ungrateful brat? Hurry up and prepare breakfast before I have Vernon deal with you!" His Aunt Petunia's unpleasant voice shouted

"Yes Aunt Petunia" he replied, changing his clothes and heading out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He knew he had to hurry as Uncle Vernon and his whale of a son would be down any second and neither would be happy if their breakfast was late. He may even get another beating.

He cleared the space of other plates and cups and gathered together the necessary ingredients and was just about to start cooking when another blue sign appeared in front of him. He looked around at Aunt Petunia and it seemed that she couldn't see the white text. Surely this is some kind of trick.

Ding! New Quest!

Make Breakfast

Make breakfast for your relatives without burning the toast.

Reward: 500XP

Accept - Reject

Harry carefully pressed Accept as he was going to have to do the job anyway. He didn't have any time to worry about these things as he knew that He would be punished if he didn't finish on time.

He finished five minutes later and carefully set up the table. Soon his relatives started piling in and he received another shock. Vernon Dursley was an extremely large man with a bush mustache. His son, Dudley, was a replica of him minus the moustache. Aunt Petunia however, was rather bony and looked like she would be blown away in the wind. However this was not what had shocked him. Floating above their heads were familiar blue boxes with white text and border.

Vernon Dursley - Grunning's Company Manager - LVL 16

Petunia Dursley - Housewife - LVL 11

Dudley Dursley - Bully - LVL 4

Harry gulped. He knew that he couldn't let then know about the signs on top of their heads when they couldn't see them because he would probably just receive another telling off. The Dursley's always tried to keep the image of the perfect yet normal family and always tried to stamp out his so called 'freakiness'. Harry had to resist the urge to cry out when yet another blue box popped up.

Ding! Quest Completed!

Make Breakfast

Make breakfast for your relatives without burning the toast.

Reward: 500XP

Harry quietly willed the box to disappear and to his delight it did. However, his delight was short lived as another box took its place.

Ding! Skill created!

Cooking LVL 1

He waved it away as he left for school. He had to leave early otherwise he would have to go with Dudley, who often bullies him. As he was walking something caught his eye. A puddle. The puddle wasn't what interested him. It was his reflection. Now harry knew he wasn't particularly good looking but that still wasn't what caught his eye. It was what was above him. A floating blue box.

Harry Potter - Gamer - LVL 2

Okayyyyy he's a what now. A gamer. He's never played a videogame in his life! The closest he's been is a game of tag years ago or watching Dudley play on his console. He walked off in a faster pace than before.

When he got to school, he gasped. Everyone had a blue box floating above them along with their name and level and yet nobody noticed this. The bell began to ring signaling all students to their classrooms.

He noticed that the teacher also had one.

Mr Smith - Teacher - LVL13

Mr Smith was a decent teacher but his voice had a trait where it just sounded so dull and boring that you couldn't help but zone out. Zone out is exactly what Harry did. He already knew everything that was going to be taught and had much more important things to worry about.

Although Harry didn't have much experience playing games, he knew the general gist. A character had something like a menu or an options page. He tried think menu. No result. He tried thinking harder. MENU! Still no result. Maybe its another word. Status! Suddenly there was the biggest blue floating box he had seen so far.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 2


Health Points (HP): 200

Magic Power (MP): ???

Strength (STR): 1

Vitality (VIT): 2

Agility (AGI): 3

Intelligence (INT): 6

Wisdom (WIS): 4

Charisma (CHA): 2

Luck (LUK): 2

Stat Points: 0

Status: Harry Potter is a ??? and is the last remaining Potter. He is unaware of his heritage and powers.

To say Harry was shocked would be an understatement because he was utterly flabbergasted. His life was literally a game?!? And what's this of me being unaware of my heritage and powers? Looking around the room he realised that his level was amongst the lowest.

STRENGTH: Determines physical force and how much damage a physical strike can deal to an opponent.

Well him being a one isn't exactly a surprise, being malnourished for years hardly means your jacked.

VITALITY: Determines physical endurance and directly correspond with your HP.

It's quite low but hey, at least it's higher than my strength

AGILITY: Determines physical speed of movements.

Harry wasn't surprised as he had plenty of practice running away from Dudley and his gang.

INTELLIGENCE: Determines thought processing and directly corresponds with amount of MP.

While surprised harry did know that he was much smarter than his peers.

WISDOM: Determines decision making and corresponds with MP regeneration.

He never knew he was wise.

CHARM: Determines one's physical appeal and smoothness of words.

Harry was no looker but he tried to be polite.

LUCK: Determines how lucky one is.

Harry quietly thought about everything while the lesson went on. Soon enough the bell rang, signaling students to their next lessons. He had PE next (Physical Education) and it wasn't exactly his favourite lesson. His weak body made it difficult to keep up with the other children.

When the lesson ended he was surprised when he received multiple notifications.

Ding! Through physical training STR has been raised by 1

Ding! Through physical training VIT has been raised by 1

Ding! Through physical training AGI has been raised by 1

Harry was delighted. It seemed that he could raise his physical stats through training. If it took one hour to raise his STR, VIT and AGI then wouldn't that mean that with some more training he could be the strongest in the class. Then he wouldn't have to worry about bullies like Dudley and his gang! However, Harry knew that he only made such progress because he is still in the early stages and increasing his stats would get harder as he progressed.

That evening, in the cupboard Harry lay in his bed in contemplation. He recalled that in the morning he received a the skill cooking. He wondered how these skills work.

Ding! Skills info:

Skills are abilities that one can gain through various activities. These skills can be gained through anything such as cooking. You can increase the efficiency of a skill by raising it's level. This can be done by practicing the skill. The harder the skill the harder it is to raise it's level. This is also true for how high it's level is. Skills may also evolve once the level is high enough.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 2


Health Points (HP): 200

Magic Power (MP): ???

Strength (STR): 2

Vitality (VIT): 3

Agility (AGI): 4

Intelligence (INT): 6

Wisdom (WIS): 4

Charisma (CHA): 2

Luck (LUK): 2

Stat Points: 0


Cooking LVL 1

Increases proficiency in cooking and has a higher chance of successfully making more complex dishes. Chances of failure 50% and reduces by 5% per level. (Gets progressively harder to increase LVL)



Cool but what is this inventory thing?


A special place where you can store various non-living objects such as books, clothes, weapons and even corpses. An infinite number of objects can be stored however only 100x of each object can be stored at a time. To use the inventory just pick up an object and will it into your inventory and it will immediately be moved to your inventory. Inventory is not affected by time and any food etc will not rot. NOTE: User must be physically touching object

Amazing! Harry was pretty shocked that he could store pretty much anything but he was a bit creeped out by the corpse thing. He was already imagining all the cool things he could do with the inventory. Like magic tricks where he could say he was going to make a rabbit disappear and he would just put it into his inventory. Oh wait, living things can't be used. Shame! He would just have to use another object.

He was pretty eager to try this out so he grabbed a school book and willed it into his inventory and as expected it disappeared. He willed it back into his hands and it appeared again. After practicing a few times, he put all his belongings and valuable objects in to his inventory. This meant that he would never lose them and nobody would be able to steal them away from him.

Later that night, after he had finished the washing up the dishes, he received another notification.

Ding! Skill created!

Dishwashing LVL1

You can now wash dishes at a faster rate than before

5% increase in washing rate

While this skill seemed useless, Harry knew that it would help him a lot by saving time.

Harry went to bed that night wondering what the future held for him.

Ding! You have slept in your bed! HP and MP are fully restored!

He woke up and swiped the message away. He then started his morning routine of preparing breakfast for the Dursleys. While he did not get a quest for cooking, he was able to gain some XP for his cooking skill

At school he didn't have a PE lesson today but that was fine as he had something else to try. He picked up the Advanced Mathematics book he had borrowed from the library and started reading. It took him the better part of two lessons to fully understand it however he was happy as he had achieved his target.

Ding! Skill created!

Mathematics LVL 1

You can now calculate more complex problems at a 5% faster rate

INT increased by 1

Perfect! not only had he gained the mathematics skill, but he had also found a way to increase his INT stat.

For the rest of the day Harry read advanced books and gained another skill.

Ding! Skill created!

Science LVL 1

You now have a better understanding of how the world works

School ended and Harry was now walking home, pleased with his work at school when suddenly he heard "Hey FREAK" from a certain bully. Harry turned around to see Dudley and his best friend Piers Polkiss surrounded by some of their mindless cronies. Piers was a boy with a mousey looking face that usually held back the arms of kids so they Dudley could hit them. Oh no, this was not good. Dudley's favourite game was called Harry Hunting and the name is quite self-explanatory.

Ding! New Quest!

Escape from Dudley and his gang

Reward: 500XP

Well it's not like he had a choice so he ran for it.

"Hey, stop right there" Dudley shouted.

What, do you actually expect me to stop? Harry thought. He continued to run and soon enough Dudley was out of breath and had to stop. His entire gang stopped to help their leader and Harry was safe. Harry knew that Dudley would probably just make something up to his parent so that Harry would get in trouble but at the moment he did not care.

Ding! Skill created!

Running LVL1

You can run 5% faster

Ding! Quest Completed!

Escape from Dudley and his gang

Reward: 500XP

Ding! LVL up!

5 Stat Points awarded!

Harry felt elated! While he received a pleasant surprise from the running skill, the most important thing was the level up and the 5 stat points. He contemplated on how to use them. At the moment, physical prowess was the priority so thing like INT, WIS and CHA could wait but he felt that he had to increase his LUK as well. In the end, he decided to add 1 to STR, 1 to VIT, 1 to AGI and 2 to LUK because he needed better physical stats and LUK was also extremely important. He also realised that there was no other way the increase luck other than stat points as it wasn't something that could be practiced.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 3


Health Points (HP): 200

Magic Power (MP): ???

Strength (STR): 2 - 3

Vitality (VIT): 3 - 4

Agility (AGI): 4 - 5

Intelligence (INT): 6

Wisdom (WIS): 4

Charisma (CHA): 2

Luck (LUK): 2 - 4

Stat Points: 5 - 0


Cooking LVL 1

Increases proficiency in cooking and has a higher chance of successfully making more complex dishes. Chances of failure 50% and reduces by 5% per level. (Gets progressively harder to increase LVL)



He decided not to go back to the house yet as he would be in trouble from whatever ridiculous story Dudley had cooked up. As he was walking he noticed one of the neighbours carrying a lot of shopping bags. It was Mrs Adams a nice middle aged woman whose husband had died in a car accident years ago. She lived alone and was very fond of children.

Ding! New Quest!

Help Mrs Adams with her groceries

Reward: 500XP

Another one? Harry was surprised as he had just completed a quest earlier. The quest was easy so it would be a shame not to complete it.

"Hey Mrs Adams would you like some help with those?" Harry asked

"Oh, that would be very kind of you dear" Mrs Adams replied. It was clear to see that she adored children and Harry just happened to fit the bill.

He helped her carry some of her bags to her house, which was approximately 100 metres away.

"Well thank you for being such a dear" Mrs Adams said "Here, for your trouble go and buy yourself an ice cream" handing him a two pound coin.

Harry was surprised to receive money but he accepted it anyway.

Ding! Quest completed!

Help Mrs Adams with her groceries

Reward: 500XP

Harry stored the coin in his inventory so it wouldn't be lost.

When he got home, the Dursleys were waiting for him. It turns out that Dudley did feed them some bull story and now he had to go to bed without any supper. Not that harry minded. He had already sneaked some food into his inventory earlier in the day and now he could eat it when ever he wanted.

That night night, after exercising for one hour, Harry lay in his bed thinking about the progress he had made today. The system was certainly useful and it was making his life a lot easier. He wondered what to do with his future. He knew that one day he would be free from the Dursleys and could take control of his life. He had big ambitions but wasn't sure about which path he should take. Things had just begun and the world had yet to se the amazingness of Harry Potter.


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: seven years old

Class: Gamer

Race: Human (???)

LVL: 3


Health Points (HP): 200

Magic Power (MP): ???

Strength (STR): 3 - 4

Vitality (VIT): 4

Agility (AGI): 5

Intelligence (INT): 6

Wisdom (WIS): 4

Charisma (CHA): 2

Luck (LUK): 4

Stat Points: 0


Cooking LVL 1

Increases proficiency in cooking and has a higher chance of successfully making more complex dishes. Chances of failure 50% and reduces by 5% per level. (Gets progressively harder to increase LVL)

Dishwashing LVL1

You can now wash dishes at a faster rate than before

5% increase in washing rate

Mathematics LVL 1

You can now calculate more complex problems at a 5% faster rate

Science LVL 1

You now have a better understanding of how the world works

Running LVL1

You can run 5% faster



Hey guys, this is my first fanfic and I hope you like it so far. The system will only play such a huge role until Hogwarts, then it will be more lowkey. I would appreciate if you gave this a good review. If you have any ideas for improvement then please comment. Gifts are appreciated. Thanks a lot and enjoy!

DangerWolfcreators' thoughts