
Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Ben lives the worst day of his life and is reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter as Benedict Brown, an alternate, male version of Lavender Brown. Will he be able to survive the second wizarding war? Or will he face the same fate as Lavender Brown? Luckily, he is also the Dovahkiin and has a Skyrim shop system to support him in his adventures across the Wizarding World. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Schedule: 3 chapters per week. Release Time: 08:00 AM Pacific Time or 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can support me at patreon.com/DreamyApe, I am grateful for your help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DreamyApe · 書籍·文学
89 Chs

All Abord

A/N: For all the PC users facing issues with this site, you can read here-- https://www.scribblehub.com/series/563960/harry-potter-and-the-dovahkiin/

Standing between platforms 9 and 10, Ben was staring at a very ordinary-looking wall which was anything but ordinary, it was the gateway to the magical world, and it was through this gateway that countless wizards had started their Magical journeys.

"Come on Ben, Let's go," said Thea placing a hand on Ben's shoulder and reassuring him.

"Un" nodded Ben and pushed his trolly towards the wall. The wall got closer, and Aquila let out an excited screech from her cage. Just when the Trolly was about to collide with the wall, it went straight through and Ben followed after.

On the other side of the wall, Ben saw the scarlet steam engine waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock. Ben looked behind him and saw an archway where the wall had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

This really was a whole different world, packed full of people dressed as if to attend a Harry Potter-themed party. The smoke from Hogwarts Express made everything seem like a scene from a vintage movie. There were all kinds of animals with people on the platform, Ben could not help but stare around, owls screaming everywhere and cats running about under the chattering crowd.

"Ah, it's amazing, isn't it Ben?" said Nigel who came through the Barrier after him still holding his wife's hand.

"It is," said Ben.

"A bit nostalgic as well, It's like I'm going back to Hogwarts."

Ben eyed Nigel at that statement, 'aren't you too old to be going to school old man,' he thought to himself even though he himself was a 23-year-old man going to school again.

"Let's get you settled dear, your father can be nostalgic all day but you are the one going to Hogwarts." said his mother.

As they passed through the crowd looking for an empty compartment, Ben saw a blond boy bragging about something to two other boys. There was also a chubby boy stumbling after a toad, then there was a whole crowd around a boy showing off a giant tarantula.

"Mr Brown, here to drop your boy are you?" said a Witch waving towards them.

"Ah, Madam Edgecombe, yes Ben is starting this year."

Ben knew who she was, she worked together with his father at the ministry in the Department of Magical Transportation. He had met her when he went to the Ministry with his father.

"Growing up fast are you lad, you are already taller than my Marie and she started Hogwarts last year." She said pointing to her daughter who was talking to some of her friends. She then called her daughter over.

"Marietta, come over here dear. This is Ben, he is starting Hogwarts this year."

"Hello," said the girl.

"H-Hello," said Ben as he stopped himself from staring at her.

'She's Marietta Edgecombe, Cho Chang's best friend and the one who betrayed the DA, Woah.'

But the girl thought he was staring at her bushy reddish-blond hair and got a little embarrassed.

"Why don't you help Ben find a place on the train Marie, it's his first time here."

"Alright, let's go, it's already getting full," said Marietta as she helped Ben push the trolly.

"Now did you hear what they were saying, Mrs Brown?" said the witch getting close to Thea.

"They say a lot of things, Madam Edgecombe, what one are you talking about?" said Thea, she did not seem to be a big fan of the witch.

"About the Boy-who-lived, they are saying he is back in the wizarding world and will be going to Hogwarts this year."

"Yes, I've heard, that's all that people seem to be talking about these days."

Ben heard them talk about Harry Potter and froze on the ground, he was about to meet Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived.

"Let's go, don't just stand there. People have been talking about him the whole month," said Marietta.

"Really? do you think we will see him on the train?"

"Not sure about the train, but you will definitely see him at Hogwarts, you might even get sorted in the same house with him."

"Huh. No thanks."Ben blurted out subconsciously. He wouldn't want to live in the shadow of the Chosen one for whole 7 years.

"What do you mean? I thought you were a fan."

"Nah, I'm just curious that's all."

"Yeah, the way people are talking about him, you can't help but wonder. Anyway here, this last compartment seems to be empty." She said and helped him carry his luggage onto the train, Ben hardly needed any help, after yesterday's painful and unexpected transformation, he was strong as a horse.

"Woah, you've got a beautiful owl."

"Yeah, she's Aquila, I got her last night," said Ben.

"Okay, I've got to go meet my friends now, I'll see you at Hogwarts then."

"Okay, thanks for the help," Ben said as she left to meet her friends. Ben's parents had caught up to him by now.

"Ben, I hope that I don't have to remind you not to cause trouble at school," said Nigel.

"And I hope I don't have to send howlers to remind you to write back home, alright," said Thea.

Ben's blood ran cold at the mention of howlers. He did not want to become a joke at the breakfast table.

"Mom, please no howlers, I'll do anything you say, but no howlers.", for now, he had to comply but only until he learnt how to deal with the howlers.

"Alright, get back in there, make sure to make a lot of friends okay?"

"Okay, I'll try." with that, Ben escaped into the train before Thea could apply any more conditions.

He tucked away his trunk in the corner and placed Aquilla's cage on top of it. He then found a seat near the window. From there he could see his parents standing at the back holding hands and looking at him.

He waved at them and then went to get a book out of his trunk.

This was going to be a long journey and he was not used to not doing anything, he always had books to read on his phone in his previous life. He got his 'A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot' out and sat against the window reading.

He tuned out all the chatter outside and focused on the book.

A knock on the door interrupted him from wondering how a Blizzard of soap bubbles had managed cause an economic crash. There was a scrawny kid with glasses in green eyes, he seemed very nervous.

"Um, Excuse me. Mind if I sit here? Everywhere else seems to be full." He said.

Ben just stared at the boy without saying anything making the boy even more nervous.

He recognised to boy instantly, it was Harry Potter after all, but he couldn't believe that he was sitting where Harry Potter was supposed to sit.

But it made sense, Lavender would have sat with Marietta and this compartment would have been empty.

"Umm is something the matter?" the boy asked.

"No No, you can sit here, it's just that I was surprised to see you."


"Yeah, you are him aren't you? You're Harry Potter." Ben asked.

"Ah, him. I mean yes. I am Harry Potter"


"Cool?" Harry asked.

"Ah, never mind that, I'm Benedict Brown, but everyone calls me Ben," said Ben shaking Harry's Hand.

"You are very famous around here you know," Ben said.

"Yes, that seems to be the case," Harry said as he looked out the window at the commotion. Ben too looked out to see a bunch of redheads. The twins were telling them about their meeting with Harry Potter and the smallest one wanted to get on the train to see him.

Ben was amazed to see all the characters he'd read come to life.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Ben told Harry, who just nodded. The train was starting to move and Ben smiled and waved goodbye to a teary-eyed Thea and Nigel.

Ah, I'm back, I think I have gone a bit rusty. I have been a little busy lately but I will be posting regularly from now on.

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