
Harry Potter and the darkness

The darkness from Supernatural travels to Harry Potter world, the MC is not a "good" MC, if you're looking for a good MC, don't even bother to read the novel, thanks. This fanfic contains themes like rape, sex, gore, violence, etc. If you want to make a donation, it would help me, thanks www.paypal.me/Morningstar333 Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any official series that will be mention in this fan fic, this is just a fan-fiction, and I do not own the cover art either.

Morningstar33 · 書籍·文学
68 Chs


Stefan walked out of the restroom, left the money for the food on the table and apparate to Phoenix, Arizona. 1305 W Mohave Street. "So Mark lives here... huh... nice house for a rapist" thought Stefan, as he closed his eyes and started tracking Mark. "So he's doing another boy while Chester is not here" said Stefan as he apparated again in front of an abandoned house Mark is. Stefan closed his eyes as he sensed them inside the garage. "Should I announce myself?" thought Stefan with a serious face.

"Maybe I can get a 3x1 today" said Stefan as he started walking to the garage.

"Please stop.. you're hurting me...please..." he could heard a childish voice coming from the garage, as he furrowed his brows and his face change to one of disgust.

"Mark stop what you doing right now, I will enter in 5 seconds and if you're not dressed, you're going suffer more than it's already predestined." said Stefan with a profound voice.

He heard the screamings of the little boy stopping, and a 2 meters tall young man walked out of the garage while pointing a shotgun at him.

"So what do we have here?... Looks like today I will have more fun today, kid enter to the garage or I will blow up your brains" said Mark while pointing the shotgun at Stefan.

Stefan walked inside the garage with a calm face and saw a little kid of 8 years old on the floor naked.

"Now, get undressed kid, I will show you something today" said Mark while pointing the shotgun at Stefan and smiling lewdly at him.

As Stefan heard that he furrowed his brows and ignored him, as he started walking straight to the kid that was sobbing on the floor.

"Didn't you hear me? Little piece of Shit" scream Mark at Stefan.

Stefan froze when he heard that words as he started remembering all the times he was called like that, all the humiliations he have to go through. He remembered how those 4 words were his past name.

Black fog started enveloping him involuntarily as he was remembering that, and shouted "THATS NOT MY NAME" as black fog started surrounding Mark.

Mark saw the eyes of the kid turned black with silver iris, he got freaked out and started shooting at the kid, he saw as black fog started enveloping him starting by his arms that were holding the shotgun, he saw as both of his arms started corroding at fast speed, and an uncreasable pain started to filling his mind. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, stop it, please please"

Stefan calmed down and the fog started coming back to his body.

He saw Mark laid down on the floor with no arms or legs, but he wasn't bleeding. "No more pain please... No more pain please... No more pain please.." Mark was whispering with dim eyes.

"Now, let's return to the business" said Stefan as he turned around and got to see the naked kid in a corner sobbing. He snapped his fingers and the kid realized he had clothes on him.

"Boy what about if you sell me your soul... I will make the pain go away... All the bad memories related to that scum will be forgotten... I'll tell you what I will give you that and 1 extra wish for your soul" said Stefan with his black eyes and silver iris, as he looked at the boy.

The boy saw his eyes and asked "are you the devil?" while looking at Stefan with frightened eyes.

"You could put it that way, I'm the darkness, the devil is beneath me" said Stefan with a smile.

"Is it true?, you can make all the pain go away and my memories about Mark?" said the boy while looking at Stefan.

"Yeah boy I can do that, and you still have an extra wish... and the only price is your soul... But that's if you sign this contract" said Stefan while snapping his fingers, a black contract with silverish letters appeared in front of the boy.

"My wish, can it be anything even if I asked you to resurrect my mother ?" said the boy with his eyes filled with hope.

"Yeah, I can bring her back if that's your wish, but remember I will get back for your soul in 20 years" said Stefan with a calm face.

"Ok I will sign this" as he finished saying that a red blood feather appeared in front of him, and as he was about to grab it he heard the voice of the Stefan saying "you will have to endure a bit of pain, that feather uses your blood as ink"

"The boy hesitate a second before grabbing the feather and writing down his name on the contract as he finished doing that the contract combusted on black fire and the feather disappeared.

"Let's get down to the business, shall we" said Stefan while smiling.

"What is your wish?" said Stefan.

"I want you to resurrect my mother" said the boy with tears on his face while looking at Stefan, wondering if this was a dream.

"Ok boy" he snapped his fingers and he felt all his energy be drained from him as a red hair woman appeared in front of the boy.

The boy started rubbing his eyes as he saw her mother in front of him. "Mom you're back" said the kid as he run to her and hugged her.

The red-haired woman saw as his child run to her and hugged her, and started wondering if this was a dream. The last thing she remembered was crossing a street and hearing someone shouting at her... and that was it. As he saw her little child crying she started hugging him back while crying.

"Too much drama for me" said Stefan as a black fog enveloped the mother and son, and rapidly erase all the memories about Mark and healed the body of the boy.

As the black fog came back to his body and said "You should be more careful lady, your son has no other soul to sell to get you back if you die once more, you don't want him to be an orphan once more, do you? "

"WAAIT" said the lady with a paled face as she heard that but it was too late as Stefan snapped his fingers and get both of them apparated inside their home.

"Now it's time to finished my business with you Mark" said Stefan while smiling coldly at him.

Mark was petrified as he saw all the events happening in front of him. He started crying when he heard his voice.

"Come on Mark, we have a lot of things to do" said Stefan as he snapped his fingers and Mark saw as he got all his limbs back like new.

"Chester send me here Mark. You should know what it means right?" said Stefan while smiling like a normal 9-year-old kid.

"I want to sell my soul to you, I just want you to bring me that little fucker" said Mark rapidly.

"You are a clever one huh, maybe if you were found out by a low-class demon with no sense of honor that could've work" said Stefan while his eyes turned black with silver iris.

"You know I'm new at this job and as a new business I can't let down my customers. Also cheating and finding loopholes on the contracts that's beneath me" said Stefan with a disgusted face.

"Now, let's get back at the business. You will fill all the sentiments Chester felt... all his anxiety... All the fear... And you will one by one try to kill the same way Chester did, and I'm not asking you, I'm just informing you." said Stefan while looking at the eyes of Mark with his dark eyes with silver iris.

"So let's start with the suicides methods... Ok the list is: pills, cutting your veins, shot yourself, and finally jumping from a twelve-floor building." said Stefan as he snapped his fingers and all the things he needed were in front of Mark on a table. The pills, a gun, and a knife.

"I know what you're thinking, that you will die before trying everything, but don't worry about it, that's why am I here. To supervise everything goes right. I'm not letting you have an easy death Mark" said Stefan while smiling at Mark.

"Now start" as he noticed as Mark wanted to say something he shush him and saw as Mark move his mouth but no sound came from it. "I said start" said Stefan while using his mind control.

Mark was trying not to take the pills but his body didn't obey him. He saw how his hand took the bottle of the pills and started lifting the bottle to his mouth. Tears started pouring down his cheeks as he felt the pills passing for his throat one by one.

"This is going to take a lot of time" thought Stefan as he snapped his fingers and a black sofa appeared in front of him.

Mark fell to the ground as he saw the kid with the dark eyes and silver iris sat down on a black sofa, watching him with an amused smile as he dies slowly, his vision started to fill with darkness as he closed his eyes.

As Stefan saw this he snapped his fingers and saw how Mark starting to woke up.

"Chop chop Mark, go on with the veins." said Stefan as he pointed with his right hand at the silver knife.

Mark started to trembled as he remembered the sensation of almost dying, his body started walking to the table and saw as his right hand took the knife and started slashing all over his left arm, and then his left hand took the knife and proceed to do the same thing with his right arm. As he finished doing that his body turned around and sat on the floor.

"Humm this may take a while longer... Well let's take a nap" said Stefan as he closed his eyes and started snoring.

Mark saw as the kid started snoring and thought "Hopefully he falls asleep and forgets about me and let me die"

Ten minutes later his vision started fading and he fall down on his back.

"Huh, let's continue with this" Stefan thought as he snapped his fingers and saw how all the blood on the floor started moving inside the body of Mark and all his cuts healed.

Mark woke up and thought "Fuck, fuck fuck, I just want everything to end"

"You know what to do" said Stefan with a smile on his face.

The body of Mark started moving again against his will, and saw how his right hand took the silver gun on the table and aimed at his chest. "Bang, bang, bang" the sound of the gun stopped as a body fell to the ground. Mark was trying to breath but every time he did it a pain run through his chest. "This is one of the worst ones" thought Mark as his vision started to cloud once more.

"Let's end this" said Stefan as he snapped his fingers again, and saw how all the bullets got out of the body of Mark and dropped to the floor with a clinking sound.

Mark woke up again and started pleading with his eyes to the boy to end his life once and for all.

"Don't worry Mark this will be the final one or maybe not..." said Stefan as he snapped his fingers again.

Mark noticed they were on the roof of a Hospital and heard the diabolical voice of the kid said. "You know what to do"

Mark started walking to the edge of the roof and looked back at the kid and then he just jumped.

"Huh so he noticed... This time he did it himself without me having to use my mental powers" said Stefan with an amused face.

Stefan apparated in front of the meat paste that is Mark and with his hand imbued with darkness he reached inside the meat paste and retrieve the soul of Mark.

"Let's get out of here.... I don't know if there are reapers in this world, and if they are I don't think I can kill them right now." thought Stefan as he apparated inside of the attic of the orphanage while holding a crystal ball in his right hand.

"So this is a soul... Beautiful... Wait what are this black spots." as he touched them he started seeing every sin Mark committed till he died. "I wanted to consume his soul... But I don't want to be more volatile than I am right know...." thought Stefan as he remembered all the events that happened today. He knows being the darkness has some downfalls like becoming more emotional, more jealous, every sentiment he feels will be amplified and he doesn't want to add more instability to himself. "In the series, Amara eat souls as if they were candies... But then again she has all the 100% of the powers maybe that's why she doesn't have to worry about the rebound." thought Stefan while looking preoccupied at the soul in his hand.

"Maybe I could take the blemishes on the soul by peeling it..." thought Stefan as he imbued his right hand in darkness and started scratching at the black parts of the soul.

"It's working" said Stefan with an excited voice, while looking how the black points started fading away like smoke.

"hmmm now it's just half the size of the original soul... Well whatever with no rebound it's worth it" said Stefan as he opened his mouth and gulped down the soul.

Darkness started coming out of his body involuntarily as he closed his eyes and started feeling how his power started growing.

"Hahahahaha, no rebound, let the show begin" said Stefan while laughing.

I hope you like it.

I wrote 2.5k words for this chapter a little bit short, any advice will be welcome.

Morningstar33creators' thoughts