
Harry Potter and Great Old One

follow Achille story into the world of magic. This world is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Great dangers lurk in the darkness, waiting for the slightest breach to slip through. ------------------------------------------------------------ this world is more powerful than the original. . Feel free to criticize. no harem. no system. --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: All rights except my oc's belong to J.K Rowling

Snorr_ · 書籍·文学
8 Chs


In 1989, somewhere in England, near the London countryside, stands an imposing old manor house in typical English style. The manor house had been built many centuries ago, around the 16th century, and still bore the traces of its prestigious past. the gray stone facade was adorned with multiple windows framed in a dark wood, each protected by heavy dark shutters. a large tower on the side or or ivy climbing to the top adds charm, while stone gargoyles watched over the roofs. on the facade of the solid wood entrance door, there was a beautiful old sculpture.

The large park was lined with hedges and stone walls, with wrought-iron gates leading to shaded walkways. fountains and statues were placed here and there, giving the place an air of majesty and serenity.

In short, the manor was a place full of history, with all the architectural elements typical of old houses.

This manor, although too big for a family of three, is nevertheless the dream of Luc, an internationally renowned blacksmith. specializing in art knives, he recently discovered a passion for jewelry forging, which has given him a new lease on life. so he combined blacksmithing and jewelry making, at first it was complicated but now he is recognized. previously known only to collectors, his reputation has spread to the bourgeoisie. Luc produces unique jewelry, which makes the demand largely exceed the supply.

Moreover, his jewelry has an additional prestige because he chooses the buyers, he even refused astronomical amounts of several hundred million dollars for one of his most worked pieces, although he knew that these jewels can be sold in the secondary market by simple principle and agreement with his values, he prefers to earn a little less money and be in agreement with himself.

When his wife, Elise, is also a renowned artist in her field, she works as a seamstress for major French luxury brands, working on special orders for their fashion shows and sometimes on private commissions. when her husband told her about his new passion for jewelry, Elise had the idea of creating a collection to match the outfits. their collaboration created a buzz at the shows and the brand Elise was working with was inundated with letters for almost a year asking who she was.

To escape the harassment, Elise asked the brand to keep her name quiet. thanks to their support, she was able to do so, except for a few well-known personalities who managed to contact her. however, to preserve the exclusivity of their creations, they chose not to talk about it, especially since Elise threatened not to produce any more outfits for them if they revealed her identity. since then, Elise has been working under a pseudonym with her husband.

Currently, Elise is in the storage room, adjacent to the kitchen, located in the tower of the manor. The church is heading up the stone staircase to the top floor, where her son's room is located. despite her athletic build, she doesn't look too thin or chunky. she wears black pants and a black shirt with dark green trim, which gives her a professional and charming look. what sets her apart most is her light makeup for her time.

She wears almost no makeup, except for a light black eye shadow that brings out her sapphire-blue eyes and a sheer lump. Her abysmal black hair is pulled up into a bun, revealing her graceful neck.

We could say without any shame that Elise is a beauty, for a long time she received many proposals for modeling for big brands, which would have undoubtedly made her a fashion icon, and also many proposals for appointments sometimes a little too insistent, but since the day a man probably a little too adulated had an inappropriate behavior towards her and that her husband put her in her place no one dared to approach her, it had made great controversy for several weeks where newspapers wanted to know who had smashed the star but after several weeks with no news they finally gave up.

She climbs the stone staircase, Elise reflects on the day ahead. she has an appointment with an important client, who wants a custom-made dress with matching jewelry for the biggest fashion show of the year. she has been working on this project with her husband for several months now and she hopes that everything will go well. Arriving at the top floor, she heads to her son's room, which she finds peacefully asleep in his bed. she places a kiss on his forehead before heading to the shutters to open them wide.

" wake up, it's time", she calls out.

A groan can be heard in response, coming from the bed. once the windows are open, Elise calls her son back.

"It's not because you don't have school, that it's a reason to stay in bed, I've already left you an hour longer than usual", she says.

Seeing that her son does not get up, Elise decides to use the big means, she goes to his bed and shakes it while gently removing the comforter. when she heard her son's complaints, a smile came over her face, it was a little pleasure for her. once she was sure that her son was awake, she decided to let him get up, and before leaving she told him that his breakfast was already ready.

As she walks back down the stairs, she hears the sounds of forging coming from Luca's workshop. she smiles, remembering how passionate her husband is about his work. she joins him in the workshop and tells him that she has an appointment with the customer for the dress. Luca looks up at her and smiles.

"I'm sure you'll rock it, my love,"

He tells her before returning to his work he had soon finished the sword for the order, Elise blushes with pride and heads for the door, ready to face the day ahead.

Achilles, seeing his mother leave, decides to pull the comforter to go back to sleep, but after 5 minutes he can't get as comfortable as before and decides to get out of bed to get dressed, frowning at the cool air coming through the window.

"why does she never let me sleep in on weekends?",

He says to himself with a sigh his room is quite large and unique, because it occupies the whole tower, it is so circular. you can't see the stone because it is isolated, there is very little furniture, just his bed, Achilles' desk which is old and sturdy, with dark wood with some flower patterns carved in the wood. black wrought iron legs, it is big enough to accommodate a lamp, books, and pens. On the top, you can see a small stack of paper maybe his homework.

The chair in front of the desk is made of black leather and looks comfortable, with armrests and a high back. And in this old decor is a punching bag arranged in the middle of the room. The rest of the room is empty, there are few toys.

The only things that stand out are the Star Wars and Mike Tyson posters hanging on his wall, which is quite unusual for a 7-year-old. Achilles became a Star Wars fan by watching Darth Vader, whom he loved for his badassery, and for Mike Tyson, he spied his father watching the boxing matches on TV.

His mother was not happy and told him he was too young and that it was too violent. But finally, when his father found out that his son was interested in boxing, he managed to convince his mother by bribing her. Given his son's interest in boxing, he even decided to enroll him in a boxing gym with children his age, which made Achilles very happy and allowed him to make new friends.

Once he was dressed, Achille headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. He was looking forward to the croissants and orange juice his mother had prepared for him.

He sits at the table, he realizes that he forgot to do his morning boxing exercises. he decides to do them before eating and heads to his room.

He decides to do them before he eats and heads to his room. he does a few punches for about ten minutes, then goes back to the kitchen to finish his breakfast.

As he eats, he suddenly remembers that he was supposed to see his father this morning to find out about his job as a blacksmith. his parents asked him what job he wanted to find out about and finally, he chose to find out about his father's job because he finds it fascinating.

He quickly finishes his meal, cleans his place and cutlery, and hurries out of the house. he turns right and heads for the barn, where his father has set up his workshop. the closer he gets, the more he hears the metallic sounds of the hammer striking the metal.

clingg ! clingg ! clingg ! clingg ! clingg !