
Harry Potter and Deathfalls ( Hiatus )

a boy with peculiar name entering Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. disclaimer, i do not own Harry Potter, i only own my oc, the cover too is not mine. English is my second language so expect grammar error and other thing and yes a problem occurred.

EternalGrowth · 書籍·文学
63 Chs


Allan arrive at Crystal home, a two storied house with wheat color matching with the outside.

" coming " a voice that is familiar for Allan, the door opened and Crystal come to Allan sight.

Crystal eyes widened and supried expression can be seen clearly on her eyes.

" good afternoon Crystal " Allan smile, Crystal expression turn to a happy one.

" good afternoon too Allan, so you do come to visit come in " Allan enter the house.

Allan can see the house is empty and he gaze at Crystal, she know what he mean " ah my mother and father work at ministry of magic as Auror you see they come home on evening " Allan nod.

" do you want to eat ? I just cooking a new recipe you see " Crystal smile with expectation.

" okay, what do you have ? " Allan smile, then Crystal go toward the kitchen and bring out two plate with food.

" just eat it " Allan rise a eyebrow in amusement, he see what infront of him.

" so you use a recipe as the base and add somethings to it " he smile, Crystal nod.

" but I feel it's not to bad I already do a taste test " Allan nod.

" good job, it's do look delicious " he take one of the plate.

Crystal sit opposite of him, he eat it like usual, it's a thick meat stuffed with potato mash, with carrot as the salad.

He finished his meal quickly and he lick his lip, Allan gaze at Crystal who also has finish the meal.

" it's taste wonderful, thank you Crystal " Crystal smile.

" your welcome Allan " Allan pick his plate and Crystal plate.

" no no let me do the dishes " Crystal shook her head, Allan smile.

" no at least let me do it " Crystal nod, Allan do the dishes while he do it Crystal speak.

" Allan did you know ? " Allan smile.

" how did I know something I don't know ? " Allan laugh Crystal also laugh.

" well there is a legend about the north ocean, something make a sound that heared like a roar and the sound can be heared from the ocean, it's believed that something is a dragon a powerful one that has live for generations we call the legend, the north legend " Allan is interested.

" that seem interesting, how about a sighseeing tomorrow ? " Crystal nod with a smile.

" sure " by then Allan has already done the dishes.

" Crystal we home " a shout come from the door and Crystal go toward the door.

" welcome back mom dad " Allan also go with her.

" hello Mr. Crown and Mrs. Crown " both of then is surprised.

" Allan welcome so you come to visit, did you already eat ? " Allan nod.

" I already did, Crystal is the one who making it earlier " Mrs. Crown smile.

" she seem to interested in cooking you see " Crystal smile.

" after all it's interesting " all of them laugh.

" mom dad tomorrow I will go with Allan to the north ocean for sight seeing " Mr. Crown smile and nod.

" you have already do it a number of times so okay, make sure to have fun tomorrow " Allan nod.

" thank you " both of them smile.

" don't mind " then Crystal smile.

" then let's go Allan, we'll play outside mom dad " Crystal go outside with Allan following her.

' this place is interesting ' he thought.