
Harry potter: A Slytherin''s Story

How much chaos can one unexperimented, illegal, modified Potion can do? Read to find out the adventures of Blaise Zabini Selwyn. An Si-OC HP Fanfic

Version_401 · 書籍·文学
27 Chs


{30th June 1993}

{13th Branton, Cheshire, London}

{1:23 PM}

I sighed and closed another book regarding common magical laws finally finding what I was looking for.

'As expected, there is no way they would allow Muggleborn's to just buy galleons in exchange for pounds and dilute the magical economy. Every witch/wizard is only allowed to exchange a total of 100 Galleon's per year for personal expenses.'

I disregarded most of my plan's but still, there is quite a lot of potential there if I could just gather a lot of pounds and maybe buy lots of properties in Isolated areas.

'I would still need a muggle Identity though, even if it's not like cameras are everywhere in 1993 and I could confound my way through most obstacles.'

My mind was still in two ways about it, I don't know if I should set up a legitimate business in the muggle world, and if I do, what's the point of even going that if I could just move all that cash in the blink of an eye.

'It doesn't seem worth it! I mean no matter how much I gain in the muggle world it would be pointless if I spend that same amount of time just learning Fiendfyre, I could still steal quite a hefty reserve of currency just in case, and maybe inquire about an identity someday.'

I was still waiting for Flickwi to come back so I could enquire about the recruitment situation but seeing as she's still not back, I am guessing that she must be trying hard to find someone to listen to her.

'Maybe it was too hard for her first task... anyway let's go and get myself familiar with the spells.'

I walked towards my bedroom and lie down on the bed.

'Alright, to advance Tier 3 Occlumency I need to firmly compartmentalize my memories, this would be like killing three birds with one stone... let's start with charms now, I feel like I would need charms before needing Jinxes and Hexes.'

I closed my eyes, focused my thoughts, and easily calmed down my directionless thoughts. A scene appeared in my mind as I listened to Professor Flitwick lecturing about the uses of charms.

'''Charms differ from Transfiguring Spells in the following manner: a charm adds certain properties to an object or creature, whereas a transfiguring spell will change it into something utterly different.'''

An excerpt from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 was categorized together and clumped together with Professor Flitwick's explanation serving as the foundation for charms. I spent the next few hours going through all the material taught in the class. The number of charms taught in Hogwarts in the first years was disappointing. Throughout the three years, Blaise learned just 29 low-level spells in class, the most impressive and complex among them would be the theory for the Memory charm.

'That was disappointing, Blaise has even read the books for the 7th year NEWT's class and most of the charms in the course he had already practiced. Maybe the charms and spells shouldn't be this easy to master but because of the gamer system the spell's proficiency would automatically rise every time it is used until Blaise was able to cast those spells wandlessly and silently.'

I sat up after reviewing my memories and a quick Tempus indicated that 4 hours had passed since I started going through my memories, I felt more in tune with the magical knowledge behind charms.

'So, to review, Charms are spells that are used to change the properties of objects. Charms rely on using precise wand movements to guide magical intent to perform various spells, unlike transfiguration where intent, visualization, and willpower are the building blocks to twisting reality itself. I need to try the charms one by one in order to prepare for any unpleasant outcomes...Spells'

I thought as a transparent window appeared in front of me.

'For Merlin's sake, how many spells did Blaise learn, there are hundreds of spells here, I would have to spend my whole summer just mastering these spells if not for the gamer system. Because every spell is above level 5 and the system still considers that I am Blaise so the proficiency is the same, my body and magic are used to cast the spells and it is almost like muscle memory at this point to cast complex NEWT level spells.'

I felt quite fortunate right now, without the gamer system this would have been a lot harder, now I just need to cast each spell one time so that I could feel the magic form because I don't think Blaise had this weird magical sense that I seemed to have developed ever since I have taken that potion.

"Flickwi?" I asked aloud and the elf popped in front of me, vibrating with excitement.

"I'm hungry prepare something for me to eat, and what about the task I gave you?" I asked as I walked out of the room.

"Flickwi went talk to the elves of Hogwarts, Temmi and Minki came back with Flickwi hoping for you to take them in," the elf jumped around as she levitated a serving of bacon and steak on the dinner table.

"Hmm, where are they?" I couldn't feel anyone else around us and even the wards responded with a negative answer.

"They can't come in Master Blaise's house, only Flickwi, Master Blaise's elf can!" the elf replied proudly so I had to urge her to get an answer, "and did they go back?"

"No master Blaise they be waiting outside the house." Flickwi finished as I took a bite out of the meat.

'Hmm, so they can't come in the house until their master can and guessing as they were working at Hogwart's they shouldn't have any masters... this does prove some of my hypothesis,'

"Temmi, Minki!" I said aloud and two pops greeted me and I looked at another pair of blue and green eyes.

'So they came in when I called for them, did I give them permission unconsciously to enter the house? What is this Vampire Diaries? And how did they even know I called them if I am in an untraceable house?'

Another set of questions appeared in my mind as I look at the frozen elves who were staring blankly at me.

'What now?'


AN: Do you guys want to see Blaise practice spell's or should I do small time skips as he reads various course books and practising the important spells?