
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · 書籍·文学
51 Chs


AN: This is the start of a small Hydra and escape arc, the main Marvel stuff will come later, this is just to get some roots in place...


{Somewhere in the USA}

{2:24 AM, 5th Jan 1988}

The room was dark, a bright screen was flickering with a spiral that was alternating with various colors. A high-pitched sound was constantly played on repeat through the earbuds of an 8-year-old boy. Two men stood behind a glass screen looking impassively at the sight before them.

"It's been 16 days, how long do you think before we can assume his will has broken down." The man with dark hair asked, he looked to be in his mid 30's. His hand traveled to his chest, the metal now attached to his skin was itched a little bit every now and then.

"He's the first wizard we got John, be patient, we don't know anything about their resistance so Mr. Pierce has asked him to at least be put under it for 30 days. No one no matter how extraordinary should be able to survive that." The blond man replied.

"Was this really necessary, I mean I read the file, after how he was treated by his family there was no need for this, I could have just as easily achieved everything with some isolation and making him dependent on me." He seemed displeased that his original idea was rejected without any reason given to him.

"I know what you can do John," the blond man replied, "but since he's the first wizard we got, the higher-ups are more focused on the outcome. So he has to be left with no capabilities to think about useless stuff, just missions and that's it, he needs to be better than the winter soldier."

"But you see that don't you, so much wasted potential," John looked as Harry's eyes and hair color changed in sync with the screen, "He could have been trained to be so much more, he could have been anyone, we could have used him to infiltrate the wizarding world, just imagine, no one would have suspected an 11-year-old kid going to Hogwarts," John replied with a bitter undertone.

"It is what it is John, let's go we'll come back in another two weeks. It is up to you to train him after that however you see fit, my work would be done."

The two men walked away and left the room, Harry's eyes flickered for a bit before he went back to staring at the screen.

[Mental Reconditioning resisted]

[WIS +1]


{Hydra hidden base}

{6:45 PM, 20th Jan 1988}


Harry had gotten used to darkness throughout most of his life, his cupboard was dark, the lab was dark, and the container in which he was stuffed was dark. He had gotten used to the darkness, and that was the reason why he was annoyed at having to stare at the screen for 30 days straight, with that annoying sound blasting in his ears. Although his weird powers allowed him to resist whatever his captors were planning it still was annoying, he could have worked on his magic instead, well at least he did find something new.

As the screen flickered off and the noise stopped, Harry just continued staring blankly at the now Dark screen. He liked it this way, after days he had some relief, his joints were sore but at least his weird power allowed him to regenerate easily if just got enough sleep.

As a dull lamp flickered on in the room, Harry stared at it emotionlessly, he remembered, that there was a time when everything was okay, his aunt and uncle weren't the worst of people, and although he wasn't loved he had gotten used to their indifference. Dudley was always the better one, even if he managed to score full marks on every exam, even if he could read advanced books, Dudley was the favored one and he had gotten used to that.

'I mean if even my parents didn't want me, why would they care...' Harry thought, keeping the bitter emotions from his face.


{Flashback, sometime when Harry was 5}

The house in 4th Pivet Drive was just like any other in the row of houses, it had a well-maintained yard, in the spacious living room sat Petunia Dursley, she was waiting for her son and her sister's spawn to arrive home after school. The Dursleys were well off even before the generous amount of money Lily's husband deposits in their bank accounts every month. She wondered what it felt like to be as entitled as Lily, she got everything that one could ever want. She heard the sound of the door closing and her thoughts changed to Harry, the boy was okay, if a tad too eager. She watched as he bounced in the room with a sheet of paper stretched, it quickly became clear that it was his mark sheet. Petunia read the paper as her eyes found her son, he looked sad as he clutched his own almost crumpled piece of exam result. His eyes conveyed his fear and inferiority as she read the full marks Harry received in every single subject.

For a second Petunia saw herself in Dudley, that was how she looked at her sister when they were younger, she knew what it felt like to have grown alongside someone who was perfect in the eyes of everyone. Her eyes flashed as she glared at Harry, " You think you're better than my Dudley? Remember we provide everything you eat to what you wear? Do you think that just because you were fathered by some wooden stick-wielding freaks you are somehow better than my son? That you are better than us? That you are entitled to live a better life than us? That you are superior, your own Mother and Father didn't want you, you were not good enough for your own parents. That's why they left you behind with us!..."

She was about to continue screaming to make sure her son knew that he was better than the son of a freak when she saw Harry's eyes. She suddenly felt fear as she glanced at Harry's eye color changed from greed to red, his eyes were glowing as tears escaped from the corner of his eyes, and his dark red hair flashed with red before he crumpled in pain as his eyes and hair color returned back to green and black.

Harry never knew if what she said was true or not, but by the time he woke up, he was already in his new home. Just a cupboard under the stairs as a weird-looking screen in front of him.

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