
Prologue 1

In an underground chamber paved with marble and dimly glowing walls, a ritual to raise the most powerful wizard in all of history was underway. He would be more powerful than the dark lords Voldemort and Grindle-something... even stronger than Albus Dumbledore, the founders of Hogwarts and even the Wizard god Merlin. He would be able to reshape the world with a single spell. Most importantly, he would be their puppet in controlling the world. Wizards would hide from the muggle-world no longer. Wizards would finally be able to fulfill their potential after stomping on the muggles like the feeble insects they are.

The muffled sound of chanting emanating from a large number of black-robed men and women who were taking part in the ritual slowly increased in volume without getting any clearer. In the center of the octagram, they surrounded, floated perpendicularly, the still body of a young boy called Peter Potter of about 8 years of age. He would be their latest test subject, the only wizard in the world with a semblance of a chance to succeed in the ritual. With the lineage of Harry and Albus Potter, he was the best choice for the ritual. His young age would make him easier to mold as well. It was unfortunate that he had not been too willing to take part in the ritual and had to be kidnapped and sedated before being bound and forced to take part anyway. If he had agreed whole-heartedly, the ritual would be much simpler. Of course, he was never asked if he wanted to take part because who in their right mind would tip off Albus Potter about something like this. Known to be very protective of their own, the Potter family were not to be taken lightly. Especially considering the firepower the boy's parents and grandparents packed even if the rest of their monstrous family were to be disregarded.

The various contents of the ritual include the body parts of magical beasts such as dragons, titans, phoenixes, trolls, unicorns, and rocs. But they were not the only things used as the bones of famous wizards throughout history were ground and had their residual magic extracted to be used as a binding agent connecting the other ingredients. The orchestrators were not picky about their choice of material and included living house elves as part of their ingredient selection.

As the ritual reached its climax, Peter's body started to give off a bright golden glow as his hair and clothes fluttered in the air with magic in a room with no wind. His young body developed to adulthood at a visible rate. Soon, what appeared in front of the magical folk was a golden young man who appeared to be in his 20s brimming with magical power.

But before the ritual could be completed, the entire chamber shook violently and the chanting was interrupted along with cracks appearing on the ceiling. With the spreading of the cracks, an enormous amount of magical energy was felt leaking from the other side. With loud thumps, the cracks seemed to enlarge quickly before breaking open as two wizards jumped inside, wands at the ready. One was an old man of about 50 years. Graying hair covered a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. His full beard and mustache gave him a wise yet reckless look. The young man beside him was the spitting image of Peter who was now undergoing the ritual. He wore a pair of rounded spectacles and had narrowed eyes which showed his present rage.

But before either of the two could take any action, the golden light surrounding Peter suddenly turned a contrast taking on black. His demeanor no longer appeared to be that of an innocent boy but that of a blood-thirsty monster. Intermixed with that black were reddish spots which quickly mixed together to become a red hue. The amount of magic emanating from him at the moment was enough to cause all who were present to lose the ability to breathe. Space itself seemed to freeze with the injection of the horrifying magic power which continued to increase with no signs of stopping.

When Peter opened his eyes, a ferocious insanity not present even in the eyes of prisoners of Azkaban could be seen. He seemed to want to devour all life. Even his creators shuddered in his aura and regretted ever thinking that they would be able to control such a being. But, the result was not supposed to be like this. The final product shouldn't have had its own free will. Neither should it have had such a terrifying aura. What they had created could be called nothing but a monster. As they were contemplating future actions, a magical voice exploded out across the room.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I CAN NEVER BE KILLED! PREPARE TO FACE YOUR DOOM, GODS!!! HAHAHA-ah? where is this? why am I in this puny body?"

Peter searched around him before reaching towards the closest wizard, a bald old man with a white beard. The old man flew into Peter's grasp as he was caught by the throat.

"Where is this, mortal? Why am I in such a weak vessel? and where is Zeus?"