
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · 書籍·文学
162 Chs

Chapter 99: 3rd attack

The next day Mike became an existence that could walk sideways in Hogwarts.

   This is not because of how strong Mike is, but because Mike will follow a group of Muggle wizards wherever he goes.

After the last incident broke out, wizards of Muggle descent have completely united, because Mike's unity is strength, so no matter what they do now they are in groups, and there are even many mixed races. The wizard also joined.

  The people gathered around Mike are undoubtedly the most. Mike also asked them why they did this. The answer was that he was worried that Mike would be retaliated against by the Slytherin students and Snape for what happened last time, so they will take turns guarding Mike.

   Mike was a little moved at first, but after only one morning, Mike was desperate.

   Because even when Mike went to the bathroom, there were a few male students standing guard next to him. Although they said that they would never peek, Mike still noticed their sneaky eyes and shocked and enviable expressions.

   Although Mike is very proud of the development of his capital, he is still annoying. Mike is not easy to drive these people out loud, after all, they are also out of good intentions.

   So in desperation Mike applied for a patrol mission.

   Fortunately, Professor Flitwick is a reasonable person. After learning about Mike's situation, he agreed to Mike's request.

   Since most of these little wizards of Muggle descent did not join the management team and did not have the right to leave the auditorium, Mike was finally cleaned up.

   But when Mike walked out of the auditorium to start his first night tour after nightfall, the accident happened.


   Mike and the two fellow patrol members felt a tingling pain in their left chest, so they took a breath.

   A few people reacted instantly, it was someone who had sounded the alarm.

   Mike and others quickly opened up their magic perception, and under the clear vision of magic perception, they clearly perceive a warning brooch that is constantly emitting intense red light in the distance.

   "Not good! Go and support!"

After dropping such an order, the team leader led by    rushed forward, and Mike and the other team members followed without any hesitation.

   When Mike and the others circled around the corridor and finally came to the early warning scene, they found that other teams had arrived first.

"Hurry up and report to Principal Dumbledore! Three players died here! At the same time Harry Potter was petrified, and the other two Gryffindor second-year students were slightly injured!" One of the team members shouted.

   The player who received the order nodded towards their captain and ran towards the principal's office, and Mike finally had the opportunity to observe the scene.

   I saw 6 people lying on the ground all the way. Hermione and Ron didn't seem to be in any serious trouble, but they looked terrified. They were shrinking in the corner and crying.

   Harry looked exactly like Penello, stiff limbs fell to the ground in a very strange posture, and he knew that he was petrified.

   And the other three night watch team members have a lifeless, dead gray skin, as if the vitality of the whole body has been sucked away, seeing that they can't live.

   Although Hermione and Ron looked miserable, especially Ron, it seemed that what happened before gave him a lot of excitement, so he vomited.

   But the players on the scene did not come to comfort them. On the contrary, the captain who had ordered the two screamed again and again at the two: "What the **** is going on! Why are you here?"

The other team members around didn't stop the captain's inappropriate behavior. After so many days of getting along with each other, they have accumulated deep feelings. Now they are still playing with your friends yesterday. But lying on the ground silently, no one can stand it.

  Ron didn't respond at all to the captain's questioning. He just continued to vomit, and Hermione tried to say something but couldn't breathe.

   "Hey, Hermione." Mike stepped forward and soothed, "Don't be nervous, breathe through your nose, yes, that's it, breathe through your nose."

"Yeah... it's Harry, he said he could always hear a voice in the wall saying that he was going to kill the Mudblood. So... so he took Ron and me out of the auditorium with the cloak of invisibility. Investigate the voice. Then we really met the basilisk. Harry was petrified just by looking at it, and we fleeed desperately. Later, the night patrol team discovered the anomaly here. Looking at it, it turned out... and it turned out to be...oooooo..."

   Breathing through the nose for a long time as Mike said, until her breathing became more stable, then Hermione gave a rough account of what happened, and when she talked about it later, Hermione was already crying.

   The captain, who was heartbroken for the death of his teammate, immediately ran away after learning that his friend had actually died under the actions of Harry and others.

   "You **** bear kids!"

   Seeing that the captain roared and kicked Hermione who was crying, but his body suddenly froze just before the kick.

   Dumbledore appeared in front of the crowd with a wand in his hand and said, "Calm down Blaz! It has already happened You can't save Baker's life if you let these kids out."

The captain of the night watch named Blaze burst into tears after listening to Dumbledore's words. As soon as Dumbledore lifted the hold spell, he collapsed to the ground, his mouth still lingering. Muttering: "I blame you... Baker, Joselle..."

Dumbledore looked at Blaz, who seemed to have lost all his strength, and the rest of the night patrol team members who were also distressed. Finally, he said to the only Mike who was in a normal state: "Mike, you take care of him here. Laiz and them. I'll take Harry and them out of here first."

Mike was shocked when he heard that Dumbledore wanted to leave the night patrol team members in this dangerous place to take Harry away first, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he replied blankly: " Yes, the principal."

Fortunately, when Dumbledore left, he also brought three bodies belonging to the night watch team. This behavior made Mike feel a little better, but the deep chill in his eyes lingered. Don't go.

   After Dumbledore left, Mike had a twelve-point vigilance. According to Mike's understanding of the basilisk, the cunning basilisk was likely to attack them again after seeing Dumbledore leave.

   Fortunately, other night patrol teams also rushed to Mike's place soon.

   Mike told everyone what happened, including Dumbledore's departure first, without adding any gusto. Everyone was plunged into grief, and most of them did not notice the strange behavior of Dumbledore.

   And under their escort, Mike and others also returned to the auditorium smoothly.