
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · 書籍·文学
242 Chs

Chapter 30

After Harry had a good night's sleep he woke up and slowly stretched causing the Helicarrier to wobble around a bit and after saying hi to the many agents around him and grinning at an out-of-breath Natasha who had been trying non-stop to get one of his scales he took off into the morning sky with a mighty flap of his wings.

Though he had to dodge a few rockets shot by a very irate Nick Fury and having done so easily he disappeared high above the clouds, cackling all the way while a very pissed off Nick Fury was cursing him out and promising pain.

Soon enough after flying all the way to Tony's condo he arrived and landed on Tony's lawn where Ereshkigal was already waiting for him, Ereshkigal who immediately waved and smiled at him the moment she saw him land, jumped onto his head and then Harry took off flying towards their next destination.

Of course, this was noticed by everyone going about their mornings whenever they passed by, no one could miss the big ass dragon lazily flying through New York sky, however to the many citizens of New York City this was already a common sight, footage and photos were already often taken of Harry's giant dragon form as he cruised through the sky on an almost daily basis.

The people living in New York were already used to weird shit happening all the time, so they got used to a dragon flying around rather fast.

For Harry though, he couldn't care less about people's reactions nor the fact that fore mentioned footage and pictures were already circulating around social media, flying was an all-time favorite past time of Harry and every time he had free time he would always go for a flight, it was so often that in mundane Kyoto the were rumors of a protector dragon god sightings and some humans had even taken pictures of him flying around too.

He had become a legend in the hearts of Japan as a whole, not only on the supernatural side but the mundane side also, some humans even began to pray to him and he would often answer those prayers as long that they were genuine and not selfish.

This made him very popular in Japan even though no one knew his name or what he was in reality and now it seems that the same thing is happening in the New York of this world and since everyone now knew that he was involved in the battle of New York it inevitably made everyone aware of who exactly was flying around New york at times.

So it was no surprise when he and Ereshkigal arrived at the X-men mansion all of the kids stopped what they were doing and rushed towards the windows to catch sight of one of New York's newest heroes landing in their backyard in his dragon form.

All of the teachers just heavily sighed and gave up, it seemed that classes for today will be suspended since there was no way that the students will pay attention to them with the giant dragon in the backyard.

As Harry landed he noticed the kids staring at him through the windows and he grinned at them, deciding to give them a cool show he reared his head back, spread his wings, and let out a majestic roar while breathing out a plume of blue and white flames towards the open sky.

The kids' eyes shined and sparkled as they cheered loudly, they intently watched the cool-looking dragon breathe fire toward the sky in awe, the boys wanted to ride him or play with him, while the girls were gushing at how pretty his feathers were or how shiny and beautiful his scales looked.

After breathing fire for a while Harry stopped and grinned as the kids cheered even more loudly, suddenly he saw Hope fly out of a window and hug his snout, she had a big bright smile on her face, she looked very happy and excited to see him again, soon after Jean flew out of the same window and joined her daughter but just floated in front of Harry with a smile on her face "Did you have to make such a racket? Now the kids won't be able to do any studies done today".

Harry chuckled which made Hope shake a bit since she was still hugging his snout "Of course! How else would everyone know that I have arrived!".

Jean rolled her eyes at him but he could tell that she was amused "You could use the doorbell you know?".

Harry gasped and grasped his chest dramatically which made the kids watching through the windows laugh at the sight of a big dragon being so dramatic, in their minds it looked rather silly for a big dragon to act like he was mortality wounded by the words of a lady "How could you expect me!? A dragon god to ring a doorbell? Tch! That's for nerds".

Jean giggled and shooked her head while Hope floated up and sat on Ereshkigal's lap, Jean noticed her and waved at her "Morning Ereshkigal!".

Ereshkigal waved back but giggle when Harry complained and whined about not getting a good morning himself but was expertly ignored by Jean who floated up and sat on Harry's giant dragon head right beside a giggling Ereshkigal "Hmm this is surprisingly comfy".

Ereshkigal giggled once again and nodded "I know right? The other girls and I love flying on top of Harry, it is surprisingly very relaxing and comfortable ride".

Harry was about to whine about being used as public transportation when he noticed the rest of the X-men come out he waved at them and lower himself to the ground so his snout was facing them "Good morning guys! How's the morning treating you?".

The X-men rolled their eyes at him causing him to chuckle, however, he noticed the girls staring at his scales in a completely uncomfortable way "Err.. girls?".

Kitty, Storm, and Rogue looked up and smiled at Harry "Hey Harry those scales look mighty shiny and pretty, do you shed?" this came from a very serious Kitty which made Harry sweatdrop.

Harry however honestly answered her question "Every 200 years or so...".

The girls looked devastated causing the men of the group to chuckle nervously, Logan however tried to poke Harry's scales with his claws but all he got was sparks, not even a single scratch appeared on the scales.

Harry raised an eyebrow in curiosity, while the professor and Hank McCoy aka Beast gaped at what they had just watched happened, how ever Logan grinned "Well isn't this interesting, my Adamantium claws didn't do shit to your scales".

Harry looked intrigued so he decided to ask "Adamantium? What is that?".

Logan looked up at Harry and was about to answer his question but Hank coughed "Allow me to explain, Adamantium is a virtually indestructible man-made steel alloy that does not occur in nature and whose exact chemical composition is a United States government-classified secret, Adamantium is not an element, its properties do not qualify it for any known space on the Periodic Table of Elements, it is an extremely rigid steel-based alloy that the density of is virtually indestructible... and Logan's body was laced by this metal, the exact procedure is unknown nor do we know why they did this to him and since he has no memories of that time of his life there's no way to find out, as a matter of fact, he doesn't remember anything about his past prior to some decades ago".

Harry moved his gazed towards Logan who was looking down in thought and frowning "I see, well I am a true supernatural being, most human or natural resources are unable to harm us unless someone is or has a weapon with dragon-slaying or god-slaying capabilities than its impossible to harm me and even then I'm powerful enough to ignore such weaknesses that and the fact that I have a healing factor or I can just heal myself with magic but Logan?".

Logan looked up towards Harry who grinned "If you want I can help you regain your memories however it might be painful so you have to make sure that this is what you want".

Logan stared into Harry's eyes for a long while but eventually nodded when he saw the sincerity in those dragon-like eyes of his "Let me think about it... I have a family now and I don't really need my memories back" he turned towards the X-men and grinned at them "The past is the past and I decided to move on a long time ago... but it's nice to have the option".

Harry nodded and noticed the kids begin to rush out of the mansion and gather around him excitedly, Harry chuckled and let them do so.

He might as well play around with Hope and the kids for a while.


After spending a few hours playing with the kids in his dragon form and then turning back to his human form he proceeded to connect Jean's closet door to Tony's condo and turn it into a password-controlled automatic portal that only Jean and Hope could use.

Harry, Ereshkigal, Hope, and the X-men then gathered after that in Professor Xavier's office, the professor himself had been very quiet and accepting of everything happening which was a bit weird.

It seemed like the old professor learned his lesson or at least he didn't want to die and be brought back to life again, it could be any of those two.

As Harry sat Hope claimed his lap and sat there happily, Harry smiled and turned towards Jean "How was she? Did you have any problems?".

Jean shook her head "No, surprisingly she was immediately accepted by the rest of the kids and everyone here but I wished they wouldn't spoil her so much, everyone keeps giving her candy" Jean playfully glared at the X-men but most of them look unrepentant about it, Logan even had the gall to grin proudly at her.

Harry raised an eyebrow and poke Hope in the head which caused her to turned her head slightly back and gazed at her father with one eye "You have candy and you haven't given some yet? That's mean Hope!".

Jean sighed as she watch Hope take out a whole chocolate bar and give it to her father with a big smile on her face, Harry smiled "Nice!".

Everyone but Scott chuckled at the sight, Jean just rolled her eyes "Sigh.. I see that I'm going to have to be the responsible parent here, right Ereshkigal?".

Everyone turned towards Ereshkigal who froze mid-bite from her own chocolate bar given to her by Hope when everyone was distracted, everyone sweatdropped except Hope and Harry who were enjoying their snack, Jean just rubbed her head "Right... ".

Harry grinned at her which was mimicked by Hope and Jean couldn't help but just giggle at the craziness that is her life now.

After having finished his snack Harry turned towards the blue-haired man "Oh yeah! We haven't introduced ourselves right? Sorry about that, I am Harry Potter and this beautiful lady beside me is Ereshkigal, it's nice to meet you".

Hank smile and nodded "My name is Hank McCoy but I am known better as Beast, it's very nice to meet you, especially since I've never thought that I would ever meet real gods and supernatural beings".

Harry chuckled "Aren't you a supernatural being yourself? You look like a werebeast, just blue".

Hank raised a blue eyebrow "No, I'm a mutant, it's my mutation that causes me to always look like this. I believe werebeasts are able to turn back into their human form right, or at least that's what I have read ".

Harry nodded "That's right, well most there's some who were turned and lose the ability to turn back human or are forced into transforming, one of my uncles is a werewolf himself and up until he was taught to accept his inner wolf by a pack of wolf yokai, he had no control over his werewolf transformation, every full moon he was forced to painfully morph into a deformed lupine form".

Everyone frown in thought, they all practically had the same thought running through their mind and that was that it must have been horrible to live like that.

Hank look up in thought "Do you think the same method could help me?".

Harry scratches his chin "Honestly I don't know... this is a mutation we're talking about, not a supernatural affliction but I might be able to help in some way since it seems like mutations count as individual skills or abilities, Rogue is proof that one of my skills actually aids her in controlling her mutation, so the same skill might work with yours too, want to give it a try?".

Hank thought about it for a minute, he had heard from everyone what had happened yesterday and honestly he was intrigued by these supernatural beings but was even more than happy to find out that they seem to be good people since they helped both Jean and Rogue with their problems.

So deciding to trust the god in his presence he nodded, Harry smiled and picked Hope up and sat her on Ereshkigal's lap where the goddess hugged the tiny physical form of the Phoenix Force tightly after that Harry approached Hank and once he was in front of him he lay a hand on his head and transferred the skill 'Perfect Control' to him he then he stepped back and looked intently toward Hank who seemed to be lost in thought.

Hank immediately knew that something had changed in him and as he raised his hands and looked at them his eyes widen in surprise when he saw his ever-present blue fur slowly recede and vanished living only pink pale skin.

He touched his face and smiled when he didn't feel any fur and looked up to Harry who was grinning, suddenly Hank picked him up and hugged him tightly while celebrating his new control over his mutation, he then let Harry down and tried shifting back and forth between both of his forms and noticed how fast and easy is the shift.

Harry smiled and sat back down on his seat, Hank turned towards him "Thank you! I honestly had given up on finding a solution to the lack of control of my mutation, I don't know how to repay you".

Harry shook his head "Don't worry about that, I'm just glad I could help".

Hank nodded and the X-men joined in his celebration after a while everyone calms down and began to talk about all kinds of things which surprisingly lead to the X-men lamenting the fact that their mansion gets destroyed at least two times a year.

Harry tilted his head in curiosity "The mansion gets destroyed that often? How?".

All of the X-men began to whine and complain about crazy government agents, giant robots, some juggernaut guy, Logan said something about a metal-bending asshole, and last but not least they mentioned the many enemies that just love to come to the mansion to start trouble.

Harry and Ereshkigal sweatdrop, the X-men were practically in tears with the amount of destruction that goes around the mansion daily {it must be super expensive and a pain to deal with your home getting destroyed by this level of craziness this often...}.

Harry coughed and the X-men turned their tear-filled faces towards him "If you guys are okay with it, I can raise a couple of wards around the mansion not as deadly or as powerful as the ones in Tony's condo but they would have auto repair and it won't let anyone not registered to enter into the mansion".

The X-men stared at Harry in silence and as the professor regained his composure he asked "Would you? I admit that it would take a big weight off our shoulders".

Harry nodded "Of course plus there are children living here so I think some extra set of protections is necessary".

Everyone nodded in agreement, having to send the kids to their homes or hotels while the mansion gets rebuilt is quite the hassle to deal with, especially since this seems to happen too often.

Jean spoke up "What would you need to do this Harry?".

Harry smiled "Nothing, I can do it from here" Harry waved his hand and everyone could see a translucent orb take form and begin to spread and grow until eventually the entire area surrounding the mansion was covered.

Harry then close his eyes and focused on everyone present in the mansion and began to connect everyone into the wards registering them, after that he began to enchant the wards with self-repairing, anti-teleportation, healing, protection, and an alarm system which he connected the X-men too.

After all of that was finished Harry then connected the wards to one of the small leylines going through New York after empowering them with senjutsu first and then left it to keep the war#s charged all the time.

With a good job done Harry opened his eyes and stared at the X-men who were feeling out what they were connected to now.

The professor was impressed, he could feel the wards and everyone moving about the mansion, and the same was going on with the rest of the X-men.

Hank looked up at Harry "Amazing... it's like I'm aware of everything around the mansion, I can feel all of the kids and where they are and if I focus enough I can even see what they're doing".

Harry grinned "That's right but just don't abuse this, it's meant for emergencies not to spy on your student's private time".

The younger members of the X-men nodded in agreement, meanwhile Hope pulled on Harry's shirt causing him to look at her "You connected it to their souls?".

Everyone except Ereshkigal widens their eyes at that, Harry grinned at his daughter "Yes, since no one here has magic I had to find something to anchor the wards to them so I used their souls".

Hank was once again intrigued, as a scientist he has always been curious about whether the soul really exists and so he decided to ask Harry about it "Harry, how is it possible for you to be able to do that?".

Harry turned towards Hank "Well since I am the master of death that gives me a certain talent towards anything soul related, I can rip souls out, destroy them and even consume them, yesterday I showed everyone here that I can even bring the dead back to life".

Hank nodded in understanding "Yes, Xavier did tell me what had happened, to think that the soul exists and that it can be manipulated... it is a terrifying thought".

Harry nodded "I agree which is a good thing that only I and the death deities can do that and that I'm the only one with no restrictions to do so".

The X-men nodded glad that Harry was a good person and Xavier was even more glad that Harry didn't automatically decide to end him.

After that Harry spent the day talking with the X-men and Hope but eventually it was time to leave, though he did promise the X-men to help in their training something that everyone except Scott excitedly agreed to.

And so Harry and Ereshkigal left promising to visit again soon.


Time passed by and Harry and the girls spent a lot of time training and visiting their new friends.

The girls were getting all kinds of training from Harry, something that they were glad for since they didn't want to be left behind by everyone back in Kyoto.

Jessica spent most of her time in the zombie instant dungeon, training and improving her white mage magic since it was very effective against this type of undead, plus she received a lot of hand-to-hand and more sword practice with Harry so she wouldn't rely solely on her whip.

Fuu got further shinobi training and had already managed to master the toad-style senjutsu with the help of Harry who decided that she was ready Harry asked her to pick a new element to master and she choose wind which was Harry's primary element and having had experienced in teaching this element since he trained and thought his friend Naruto many kinds of this type of elemental jutsu during their trip with Jiraiya.

Harry himself had even helped Naruto along with Kakashi and Yamato master the wind element further so he could complete the Rasengan, making him the perfect teacher to teach Fuu this element.

Milim was on a completely different level than the rest of the girls so Harry instead let her fight as she pleased in the instant dungeons but did teach her all kinds of supportive skills and spells along with teaching her a martial art, surprisingly she seemed to take the mazoku-ryuu (demon clan style) rather easily, this style belonged to Piccolo and was a very aggressive style so Harry wasn't surprised that Milim had a knack for it.

Ereshkigal had the same situation as Milim, she was a goddess and so she was already quite powerful herself so Harry asked her what she wanted to learn, Ereshkigal just smiled and said everything, which caused Harry to sweatdrop but agree nonetheless and thus he began to teach her everything he knew.

Harry himself continued to train, he had a couple of skills and techniques that he wanted to master still, and that included his new skill Chaos Eater, so it could evolve and his secret project which he had been working on since he witness it on the DragonBall world.

Though Harry and the girls always made sure to make time to train with The X-men and the Avengers, they even introduced both of the groups to each other which resulted in them helping each other once in a while during their missions.

However, it was during one of Harry's days off that he finally met the notorious Magneto and his group of allies known as the Brotherhood.

Too bad that this would be the last time they would meet since they made the mistake of annoying Harry.


Harry had chosen to spend his day off with Hope and Jean on a small trip around New York, he had decided to spend the entire day with his new daughter who dragged Jean with her, something Jean herself didn't mind since she liked spending time with Harry, but their day was ruined when they were suddenly attacked by the Brotherhood who Harry later found out, was a group of supervillains.

Avalanche and Sabertooth attacked Harry ignoring the fact of who he was, while Mystique, Toad, and the Blob attacked Jean.

Apparently, they saw them walking around the city and decided to ruin their day.

However it was their day that was ruined when Harry and Hope proceeded to beat the ever-loving shit out of the Brotherhood, it was a down right massacre, there were limbs broken, skulls cracked, teeth flying and the Toad had his tongue used to tie them all up after the beatdown was done.

Jean was sure that Harry and Hope had more than likely crippled a couple of them, did she care though, no not really these guys have been annoying the X-men for a long time and besides it was their fault for attacking beings like Harry and Hope.

It seems that now that Jean had all her emotions unlocked her sadist side was coming out and she didn't seem to care if it did.

Though she did have to stop Harry from killing them so instead Harry took their powers away which turned into skill orbs and put them away into his inventory thinking that maybe some day he'll find a use for them, after that he handed them to the police who were glad to finally had such dangerous and notorious criminals behind bars where they can pay for the many crimes and innocent lives they have taken.

This would later shock the world after this day and the news that someone was capable of taking powers away would terrify the many supervillains that already exist, many would find out that it was a bad idea to mess with Harry Potter and his friends in the future.

Of course, Magneto being the arrogant prick that he is, appeared later on that day an attacked Harry, Hope, and Jean in revenge for having taken away his minions, while they were playing in a park.

He intently tried to kill Harry with all the metal he could find, this as a result injured many innocent bystanders and caused a lot of destruction, he didn't even say anything or announced his presence, Magneto immediately attacked but Harry was able to sense him allowing him to protect and save many bystanders who were also enjoying the day in the park.

He dodged everything that Magneto threw at him while keeping the crazed master of magnetism distracted, Jean and Hope helped anyone injured or protected anyone close by, and at this point, the local news crew had appeared and began filming the attack, showing Harry and the girls protecting everyone while keeping the well know villain Magneto occupied.

Eventually, Magneto got tired of failing to hit Harry and tried to raise the buildings around the park to throw them at Harry, who noticed that a lot of people were inside watching what was going on in the park in said buildings and he couldn't let them die or get hurt so he made a decision.

Without any hesitation Harry blurred and disappeared, suddenly he reappeared right in front of the crazed mutant and swiftly ripped Magneto's still-beating heart out and crushed it, this resulted in Magneto's instant death to the shock of everyone watching, after that Harry ripped his power off and placed the resulting skill orb in his inventory.

Harry then cremated Magneto's body to make sure that no crazy scientist would get their hands on it even though they wouldn't get anything from it.

The many innocent bystanders thanked and cheered for Harry, Jean, and Hope, and after Harry fixed everything and then healed anyone injured during the attack the trio left and went back to the mansion, where all the X-men had watched what happened during the news broadcast.

Magneto's death caused a bit of an argument between Harry and the professor, Professor Xavier argued that they shouldn't have relied on aggression and that it was best to give people a chance to change, to which Harry just responded with "If you want to be naive and believe that anyone can change that's fine, just don't expect me to agree if I see a bad and evil person causing harm and destruction then I'm putting a stop to it" Harry then turned around and left being followed by Hope and Jean.

Though inwardly Harry was thinking back on his friends Naruto and Goku {I'm not like you, my friends, I don't have your charisma nor the forgiveness that you both possess, even to this day I still don't know how you both could forgive Sasuke, Obito or Vegeta and Buu after everything they did... I certainly wouldn't have and not only did you forgive them but you also got them to side with you, hehe both of you have always been very unpredictable}.

Many of the X-men had agreed with Harry, having witnessed the destruction and the deaths that the Brotherhood and Magneto had caused during all their confrontations so they could understand why Harry decided to just deal with them permanently, he didn't have a long history with Brotherhood as they did nor was Magneto an old friend like he was to the professor which they knew, was the main reason the professor let Magneto continue on with his insanity in hopes that his old friend would change.

Things were tense between the professor and Harry but as always Harry didn't care and just continued to visit and train the X-men, Hope began to visit and stay over with Harry more often because she didn't want to kill the professor again for being an ignorant fool and get yelled by Jean again, this endeared her to the Avengers who liked to spoil her, even the Hulk would let her ride on one of his shoulders often enough that it would be common to see her perched in one of his shoulders.

Jean had a big fight with Scott about what Harry had done and when she defended Harry's actions, it caused them to break up, surprisingly Jean found herself not caring and instead started to spend more time with Harry, the girls and the Avengers who eventually -to Jean's happiness- made her a member of the team.

With the Brotherhood out of commission and Magneto dead, the X-men had a lot of free time now and so they began to work and join the Avengers in their mission which resulted in the team growing in strength and fame.


Eventually Harry began to travel around the world with the girls to see if there were any big differences in this world compared to his.

It was during one such trip through Asia that he got a phone call from Tony, apparently Happy was heavily injured during what the news were calling a terrorist attack and Tony had found out who did it and had called them out.

Harry getting worried about his friends he called his girlfriends, Jean and Hope to let them know that he was going back to the united states to help Tony with something that came up and that they shouldn't worry and continued visiting and touring wherever they were.

The girls trusted Harry to be able to handle anything that could come up they told him to say hi to Tony, Pepper, and Happy for them.

With that done Harry waved his hand and materialized a dark corridor back to Tony's condo, where he watched Tony and Pepper arguing about something and an unknown lady watching.

He narrowed his eyes at the lady when he sensed darkness in her heart when suddenly the condo was hit by multiple missiles causing everyone except Harry to crouch in surprise and shock.

However, the wards prevented the condo from receiving any damage but Harry raised an eyebrow "Okay... who do I have to very aggressively kill?".

Tony and Pepper smiled at Harry since they now felt at ease with his presence here, however the unknown lady gulped and became very nervous about his presence knowing full well who just showed up.

Harry turned towards the unknown woman and glared, causing her to step back "Tony, don't let her leave her heart is full of hate and lies, I bet she has something to do with all of this".

Tony nodded trusting Harry and summon his armor, was ready he pointed his repulsors at who he knew as Maya Hansen who raised her hand in surrender.

Harry smiled and nodded and turned towards Pepper "Hey Pepper! Has Tony proposed yet?".

Pepper grinned "No not yet".

Tony groaned "I was in the process of it but all of this happened".

Harry grinned "Well there you have it, do give the idiot a chance okay?".

Pepper giggle while Tony complained, "I'll think about it, he's going to have to propose properly first".

Harry nodded "You heard her Tony! Better hurry!".

Tony just rolled his eyes but inwardly he was thankful that Harry was able to make Pepper forget why she was mad, to begin with, a few moments ago, Harry was a bro for sure "Just go out there! and take care of the asshole who just tried to just blow up our home!".

Harry nodded and saluted, which made Pepper giggle.

After that Harry waved a hand and disappeared into the dark corridor that materialized, he appeared high above the mansion and watched a helicopter fly around the condo, he glared at it and was already planning on making whoever is inside suffer.

It seems that both Harry Potter and Ironman will be having a small adventure where the poor bastards that dared hurt a friend of both of these powerful men will soon regret doing so.