
Chapter 186: Chuuni World

Chapter 186: Chuuni World

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

------ Afternoon, in front of the entrance gate of Kuoh Academy,

"Now, you taught me everything about baking cake from basic to advance level, don't ever come back here anymore!" Sona-nee said, shooing me away as she wave her hand.

"I refuse!" I said, doing Jojo pose with a smile.

*Thud!* *Menacing...*


"Your a weird god, you know? This is a school founded for devils yet you want to keep coming here."

Tsubaki-nee said, sighing.

Reginleif who's next to me bowed at them and said,

"Thank you for lending me your books. Those was really interesting."

"No problem, Reginleif. Next time, let's go to the public library and read books there together the three of us." Sona-nee smiled.

"Sure. I'm looking forward to it."

Reginleif smiled also.

The three of them touched their glasses as it reflected light and lit up same with their forehead.


What's with this different in treatment...

Is it the glasses and wide forehead.

If Earth saw this, she will really pissed off.

"Okay, we're going then..."

Reginleif said her goodbye and we walked together waving our hands at them.

"Goodbye! Sona-nee, Tsubaki-nee. Let's meet again 10 days later. Tell Sera-nee that we left today!" I yelled, winking at them.

"Oh, I forgot that I'm wearing eye patch."

I took it off and tried to do it again but with a smile.

The two of them waved at me but they have annoyed expression.

Not effective.

Glancing at Reginleif,


She glanced at me.

I winked at her with a smile.


She just staring at me with stoic expression.

"I guess it doesn't affect you also."

At least, she didn't get annoyed with me.

Right now, it just two of us because I asked Paimon return back to our hotel room after giving her many slices of cake we baked together with Sona-nee and Tsubaki-nee.

While walking together, I suddenly remembered what Reginleif said about our relationship.

*I'm Adam's partner. My relationship with him is deeper than you think.*

I wonder what she really thinks of me?

Is it romantic or just something more like a comrade.

I don't know because I don't have the memories of Adam.

The two of us already kissed which she's the who initiated to do it.

I want to ask her now we're alone just the two of us.




What's with that response.

"Do you like me?"

"No! I love you, Adam." she quickly answered.


There was an awkward silence.

"Then, you're my girlfriend now--"

"No! We're partners and nothing less than that."


Nothing less than that?

What does she mean?

Suddenly, she stopped walking and glanced at me.

"Reginleif? What's wrong?"

"This is place where you and that Simp Goddess kissed twice yesterday, right?"


I immediately looked around.

She's right! This was the place yesterday!


Reginleif grabbed my head, turning towards her, close to her face.

She's slightly red on her face.

She kissed me on my lips without hesitation.

She slipped her tongue inside my mouth, giving me a passionate kiss.


Panting, letting go my mouth.

"That's one."

She took off her eyeglasses and jumped at me, kissing me again on my lips.

This time, she moving a lot her tongue around my mouth and making noises.



Few minutes, letting go of my lips as a thread of saliva stretched between our mouth.

She licked her lips,

"That's two."

She grabbed my cheek.

"Don't tell me--"

She kissed me again.

I was carrying her and my hands was already touching her behind.

Before I noticed, I was already aroused by her and touching her around her body.

I was feeling hot and same as her.

I just enjoyed touching her butt, making her moan a little.


Letting go of my lips.

"That's three." she said with a beautiful smile.

It was a expression that I rarely see from her.

Suddenly, I felt something wet under her.


Reginleif became more red and became flustered.


She suddenly pushed me away and hold down her skirt.

"Reginleif, are you okay?"

She became really embarrassed and ran away,


"Waaahh! I'm not horny as that Simp goddess!"


I immediately followed after her.


Arriving on our hotel, Reginleif shut herself inside the bathroom.

"Reginleif, come out! We need to talk!" I said, knocking the door.

"No! Leave me alone!" she responded.

"Paimon is wondering what's going on your heads that you two did that in the public. You should be glad that no saw you two making love in the middle of the road."


Remembering it, I became embarrassed.

"If you two wants to continue, feel free to do it here in this hotel room. Paimon will play with Kurē and other kids for the time being."


I grabbed Paimon's leg before she floats away.

"Don't leave me! Help me solve this together!"

"Huh? You're currently just horny as her. Take off your clothes and get it on with her inside the bathroom. That's solves your problem. Paimon will leave now."

"Me? Horny? Same as Gaia?"

"Yes. you are." Paimon clearly said to me.


Now... I understand how Reginleif feel.

I am disappointed of myself.

Facing the door of the bathroom.

"Reginleif, hear me!"


She was silent.

"I want you to know that I love you too."


Reginleif finally opened the door.

I noticed that she took off her shoes and currently, she not wearing her pants under her skirt.

When she noticed that I'm looking on her bare legs, she immediately hold down her skirt in embarrassment.


I gently touched her face.

Reginleif closed her eyes and just stayed still.


Staring at her face which gave me a sense of strong familiarity.

I wonder what we are when I was still Adam.

I glanced down at her lips which waiting for me to kiss.

This feelings...

I slowly move towards her, kissing her lips.


"Where are you looking at, kiddo? Your opponent is in front of you."


I saw a tall, terrifying old man with sunken eyes grinning at me. He has a small tuft of spiky grey hair on the very top of his head, thick eyebrows and a goatee.


"What?!" I was completely shocked.

He suddenly swing his fist towards my face.

<<True God's Right>>


In surprise, I unconsciously tried to dodge, tilting my head while throwing a counter punch.



My fist felt nothing,


But the old man's punch hit my face.


I fell down the floor and everything turns blank.


When my consciousness returned,



I felt something tapping my cheek.

*Adam! Wake up!*

Opening my eyes, my vision was very blurry.

But I can see a silhouette of Reginleif and Paimon.

"What?! Your eyes!" Reginleif sounds surprised.

"Ugh..." I tried to sit up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know... You suddenly threw your fist out of nowhere then became unconscious." she explained.

"What?!" I was surprised too.

"Paimon will explain what Paimon read from his mind. Harukin saw a big, terrifying old man trying to attack him."

"Old man?"

"That's right, he has a long grey mustache and his skin look stretched out. It was really scary!"


Reginleif frowned, looking down.

"Zeus-sama..." she mumbled.

My vision now slightly became clearer.

Her expression suddenly became sad.

"I'm sorry... Adam."

Tears fell her eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"I wasn't... I wasn't any help to you..." she cried.

She suddenly hugged me.

I don't know what to do and just hugged her back.

While trying to calm her, I noticed that her skirt is flipped, making her thighs completely expose to me.

She's not wearing any panties.


Paimon hit me with a stick on my head.

"Read the mood, Harukin."



After Reginleif calmed down, we packed our things and threw it inside my dimensional storage.

Checking out of the hotel,

"Reginleif, are you okay now?"

I glanced at her.

"Mm... I'm sorry, Adam."

She's still a little bit sad.

Dãmn that old man! I was already having a good time with her.


I sighed.

"Let's go."

I grabbed her hand.


She was surprised from what I did.

We went out of the hotel, holding each other hands.

Arriving in the alley way with no people hanging around except us.

I opened the portal to the next world,




Paimon responded while riding on the stroller and Reginleif just nodded at me.

We entered the portal.


Arriving to the new world.

We arrived on a train station.

Looking around, everything was still modernize just like pass world we just came from.

"Is this Maple's home world?"

Luckily, there's no people around when arrived here.

From what I observe, it was already winter here in this world.

"Can Paimon get out of this thing. This is embarrassing."

"No! Act as a baby for now."

We walked together following the direction to the exit.

Suddenly, I saw two people I recognize sitting together.

Wait! Aren't those...

A guy that has short brown hair which falls into a slight fringe, green eyes and a slightly tanned complexion.


And a girl with cyan-colored eyes and dark blue-purple hair.


"Dark Flame Master... And Wicked Eye of Truth..." I mumbled.

"Eh?" Paimon reacted.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)