
Harem of Enchantment: A Second Chance Saga

[Check out "Zero's Harem: Clone Lust Nexus.... you guys would love it.. not my book though but an assured one] Loading Lust System Into Host...] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Lust System] [Loading Death System Into Host... ] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Death System] [Combining Both Systems Together, Host Shall Feel Pain In 3, 2, 1...] [Lust and Death System Successful Combined, Congratulations Host Together We Will Be Unstopable] [Host: Ego Sabastine |Age: 20 | Level: [1] Virgin | PP Size: Massive] [0. Harem Members, 0. Orgasm Points, 0. Number Of Virginity Taken,] [Good luck with your new life, Ego Sabastine. This world is the gift Asmodus promised] A new world far beyond his mere comprehension, a world falling apart, a place where women take up to 80% of the remaining population, Ego finds himself in a different universe, where he is quested to mate with the women and bring the souls of men to his savior, unknowingly unleashing a malevolent darkness that threatens humanity's existence. Additional tags: Smut–weak to strong–Magic–Action–Beasts–Monster girls –Elves–Demon girls–Dragon girls–No NTR–No Yuri–Handsome male lead. A/N: English isn't my first language, so use the paragraph comment in case you spot any grammatical errors, Merry Christmas, also support with gifts. 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 Golden tickets for 2 bonus chapters. 200 power stones for 3 bonus chapters.

JJ_Francis · ファンタジー
130 Chs

Chapter 2 The Beginning Of Another Life

And in that fleeting moment, the world around him blurred into darkness, and the whispering promises of power and redemption became his reality.

Ego's consciousness floated in an abyss, a void where time and space held no meaning. It was as if he was suspended in an eternal dream, weightless and adrift. He felt neither fear nor joy, only a profound sense of detachment from the life he had known.

Then, like a falling star streaking through the night sky, a radiant light pierced the darkness. It beckoned to him, drawing him toward its brilliance. Ego felt an irresistible pull as if his very essence was being tugged by unseen hands.

As he descended towards the light, the cacophony of voices filled his ears. Whispers, echoes, and murmurs swirled around him, like a chorus of secrets waiting to be unveiled. The promises of power and redemption grew louder, more tantalizing.

And then, with a suddenness that stole his breath away, Ego emerged from the void into a world bathed in hues he had never seen before. He blinked against the blinding radiance, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

Before him stretched a landscape of wonder. Towering crystalline trees, their leaves shimmering with iridescent light, reached towards a sky that seemed to be painted with the colors of a thousand sunsets. Flowers of every shape and size carpeted the ground, exuding fragrances that were simultaneously sweet and intoxicating.

Ego stood on a cobblestone path that wound its way through this ethereal forest, and as he looked down, he realized he was no longer the same. His body felt lighter and more vibrant, and when he raised his hands, he saw a faint, silvery glow emanating from his fingertips.

"Good morning Ego! How was your sleep," a soft voice spoke behind him.

Startled, Ego turned to find a girl standing there. She had long, flowing hair the color of midnight, and her eyes held the depth of ancient secrets. Her robe shimmered with intricate runes, and a staff with a crystal orb rested in her hand.

"Who are you?" Ego stammered his heart racing.

The girl smiled, a smile that seemed to hold both warmth and sadness. " oh! Ego, stop with all this your funny jokes, " she said, her voice like a gentle breeze. "We have to hurry up, we've got classes today."

Ego's mind swirled with questions, his memories of the past and the whispers of promises he had heard in the void colliding like conflicting tides.

Ego's heart raced as he absorbed the revelation. Not only had he been reborn in a different world, but his current body bore the same name as his previous one—' Ego.' It was a peculiarity that sent shivers down his spine. Lysandra, sensing his confusion, offered a reassuring smile.

Destiny! that elusive force that had brought him here. As he pondered this, the tranquil forest around them seemed to pulse with hidden energies, and he felt a connection to this world, like a long-lost memory slowly surfacing.

But before he could delve deeper into his thoughts, a guttural growl echoed through the trees. Ego and Lysandra turned to see a hulking figure emerge from the shadows. It was a low-level goblin, its grotesque features contorted into a snarl.

Without hesitation, the goblin lunged at Ego, its gnarled fists swinging wildly. Ego's instincts kicked in, and he reacted with a speed and precision he hadn't known before. He sidestepped the goblin's attack, and in a swift motion, struck back with a powerful blow.

To his astonishment, Ego's punch sent the goblin tumbling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree with a resounding thud. He stared at his own hands, unable to comprehend the newfound strength and combat skills at his disposal.

Lysandra clapped her hands in approval. "Impressive, Ego! It seems that you have really increased in your combat skills. "

Ego's heart still raced from the encounter, but a surge of excitement coursed through him. This world was full of mysteries and challenges, and he had just taken his first step toward understanding it.

Ego stood amidst the fallen leaves and the defeated goblin, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and questions. He had been given a second chance at life, a life filled with magic and untold potential. The encounter with the goblin had shown him that this world was not without its dangers, but it had also revealed his own newfound abilities.

With a sense of determination burning in his eyes, Ego looked at Lysandra. "I want to learn, to understand this world, and to discover the purpose of this second chance."

Lysandra nodded, her expression filled with a mixture of pride and hope. "Ok! If you want me to give you a brief explanation about your life, I will do just so even if I don't know the reason why, But why is your voice so different? Ego is that you? She asked with concern.

Ego thought for a minute if he should tell Lysandra all the madness that had just happened to him in the past few hours and if she would even believe, but he came to a different decision.

"Don't mind voice, I think I caught a cold, and I don't know why but my memory just seems to be scattered, I don't remember things clearly anymore I think I hit my head somewhere. Can you please help me?"

"Awwwn! I'm so sorry about that, don't worry I will help you but first we have to head back to the Academy. "

As they continued along the cobblestone path, the forest around them seemed to come alive with magical energy. Ego couldn't help but feel that he was part of something much larger than himself, a grand adventure waiting to unfold.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, Ego's reflection shimmered in a nearby crystal-clear pond. He gazed at his own image, his heart filled with gratitude for the second chance he had been given.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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