
Harem in a Labyrinth

A man dies and takes place of Kaga Michio in another world with an extra op cheat. The plot will follow loosely on the manga, novel and anime of Harem in the labyrinth of other world. The story is me mainly "rectifying" the oozing ball of negativity that is Michio. The world and system has loads of potential but I will see how far it goes. Lastly Roxanne bestt girl!! Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y

Avi2112 · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs

Chapter 44: Because it's Master

I didn't use the Job concealment skill this time as I knew the Slave Merchant won't look at my Intelligence card and there was no point in concealing my Job from Sherry.

"It takes time to have the clothes made. Please come and pick them up in 10 days" Alan tells me after seeing that I have confirmed her age.


Just like last time the Slave Merchant tells me about my responsibilities as an Owner. After that we walked out of the establishment. While we were leaving Alan handed me the recommendation letter.

Once outside I take the Sandals out of my Backpack.

"You can wear this for now Sherry"

These are the same Sandals I stole on my first day. Knowing there was a possibility I would buy her today I brought the Sandals along.

Sherry herself was bare feet just like Roxanne when I bought her. She just has the pink tunic and the pink pants she is wearing. She didn't even have a case with her as her maid clothes would take some days to make.

"T-thank you" Sherry said while putting the sandals on

"All right then. Let's go to the Adventurer's guild and head home"


"Um, yes?" Sherry seemed nervous and stood closer to Roxanne.

I used Party Formation on Sherry.

"Eh … Ehh?"

She must have gotten the Party Formation prompt.

"Ah-Join" Sherry says while looking flustered

She joined the Party and I used Plating on her.

"Can I call you Sherry?" Roxanne asked Sherry who was still looking at me in confusion.


"Then Please call me Roxanne-san"

"Well then let's go" I told both of them and moved ahead.



We start walking towards the Adventurer's Guild. Compared to last time I am pretty calm about buying Sherry. Even while talking with her today, I was pretty chill. Maybe it's because I have Roxanne now. Or maybe it's because last time I was just a boy, and now I am a 'Man'. Is this how playboys feel? To get more girls you need to already have girls? Is it like Rich gets Richer, Girls Edition?

"Uhm … Roxanne-san?"

"What is it?"

"Well .. Um, Is there another party member who is an Adventurer?"

"No, Why do you ask?"

"Because of how Master said we'd return home"

I could hear them both talking behind me. Sherry must have seen that I am an Explorer on my Intelligence card.

"Don't worry you will understand soon enough" Roxanne says with a smile.

She gave up and didn't even try to explain. Well that is also why I am taking her back to the House first. Today will be a very long day for you Sherry.

We enter the Adventurer's guild and I go towards an empty wall.

" … Field Walk.." I mumble some words and use Warp on the wall.

"Eh? Uh … What?" Sherry gives the black door a puzzled look.

I walk through the door and Roxanne pushes Sherry into the door as well. We came out inside the Entrance Hall.

"Eh? … Eh? … Eh?" Sherry looks confusedly at the surroundings.

"This is our house in Quratar. First let's give you a basic tour of this place."

Ignoring her confusion I walk forward and they both followed behind me. Then Roxanne and I showed Sherry the Kitchen, the Main Bedroom and then we went to the Terrace.

"On the right side is a small Pond, on the back is a massive Garden and on the left is a forest-like area" I tell Sherry while pointing towards those directions.

I have been so busy that even I have not properly explored the places yet.

"We moved into this House just yesterday, that's why everything is like this" I explained to Sherry who was looking at the dilapidated Garden.

"The whole property is very huge. Is it just us three here?" Sherry asked me looking around the huge area.

"For now, yes. That's why I will rely on Roxanne and you for taking care of our home"

"Yes Master" Roxanne replies confidently

"Y-yes" Sherry though replies a bit unsurely.

I end the House tour for now and take them both to the small Dining room.

"Let's sit down and talk slowly" I said and sat down on the middle chair at the six person table.

"Should I sit on the floor?" Sherry asked Roxanne

"It's okay to sit on a chair"

"A chair? But uhm … I am slave"

"It's fine we'll even be eating together with Master"

"Eh? I am allowed to eat with Master?"

"Yes, because it's Master"

I could hear them even if they were whispering quietly amongst themselves. At last both Roxanne and Sherry sat in front of me.

"Um, is it possible that you have multiple Jobs?", before I can even speak Sherry stands up again and asks me hesitantly.

Finally she asked the question, I could see that she wanted to ask me from the moment we stepped inside the House. As I thought she is really smart she was able to infer it quickly with just a single clue.

"Close but I don't have the Adventurer's Job" I clarified to her.

"But you used Field Walk which was an Adventurer's skill, and I saw Explorer as your job in your Intelligence card. So it must mean you have multiple Jobs." Sherry replied with surety.

"I will slowly explain everything to you" I motioned for her to calm down and take a seat.

"You are one of us now Sherry, so remember whatever I am about to tell you is a Secret and you aren't allowed to divulge it to any one else" I said to Sherry with a serious look.

"Y-yes Master"

"As you already know, my Full name is Michio Kaga. The Kaga Family is a very ancient family whose Noble Blood holds many Powers. But this Power has entirely vanished in the annals of history, until recently when my dormant Blood's power started awakening" I repeat my Backstory to Sherry.

"Kaga Family? I have never heard about such a family, even in all the books I have read there was no mention of such a family name" Sherry said looking at me dubiously.

"Yes my family traces have been erased and I am the lone surviving member now" I replied calmly.

"If everything has been erased, how do you know about this all Master?" Sherry asked curiously

"Master's Master told him about all of this. He also helped Master awaken his bloodline power, but sadly he died in that ritual" Roxanne eagerly answers Sherry's question.

I think Roxanne wanted to show that she knows more about me.

"Hmm, I see", Sherry nods taking all of this in.

"So my bloodline powers work in a very peculiar way"

I take out 10 Gold coins and spread them over the table in a line.

"Suppose these Gold coins are my Power. They are distributed in 10 equal parts. Now through them I can use different abilities and can even make Equipments"

I add points to summon Gram.

"Eh??" Sherry appears shocked seeing how a sword appeared suddenly in my hand.

"Like this sword Gram" I place it on the table and place a gold coin in front of it

"Making it would consume 1 Gold coin or 1 part of my Power, now I have 9 remaining with me"

I summon Durandal and place it on the other side of the table and place 5 Gold coins in front of it

"Making a much more powerful sword like Durandal would take 5 Gold Coins, so 5 parts of my Power." I explained to them my Powers by replacing Bonus Points with Gold coins.

Sherry traces her finger over Durandal.

"These are all very High Quality Weapons. So you can create them out of thin air? No one in the entire Dwarf race could do that!" Sherry exclaims in shock.

"I can also do this."

I take Gram in my hand and take away one BP from the Weapon making it disappear from my hand. I place back the 1 gold coin with the other 4 Gold coins.

"I can take back the sword and the part of my Power returns to me" I take back Durandal too and place the 5 gold coins with the pile

"So the multiple Jobs is also a skill of yours which you can use by using a part of your power" Sherry caught on quickly and told me her inference.

Meanwhile Roxanne just sat silently on the side with a smile on her face.

"Yes the more Jobs I keep active the more Gold coins or more parts of my Power I would have to use" I smile at her in appreciation.

"There were myths and Legends about Gods having Multiple Jobs" Sherry mumbles "But Myths are just false stories" She said while looking at me.

"Every story, every Myth has to be based on something. I think that even if my Family has its traces removed their presence stayed in the form of legends"

Now even I am doubting if the Kaga family ever existed in ancient times.

Jokes aside, there must be someone in the past who had multiple jobs. Maybe he, she or they were these so-called Gods who made these different temples of the present day.

"But you said you don't have the Adventurer's Job so what was that skill you used?" Sherry asks another question.

"It's called Warp, it's also a skill I can use because of my Bloodline Powers. Its an advanced version of any movement skill out there as it almost have no restriction hence I am able to use it inside and outside of dungeons and even on Shield cement" I said while pointing towards the walls covered in shield cement.

"Warp, so is it also a time and space magic?" Sherry asks curiously.

"Time and space Magic?"

When did I have something so OP?

"Well not many know but when [Field Walk] is used it doesn't just affect the location but time as well, so it's actually a Time and space Magic" Sherry explains to me what she meant

"Are you talking about the time difference" I ask her with a speechless look.

"Yes, the time difference, sometimes you move to a location that is night time when the starting location was daytime. Field Walk is a magic that affects time like this"

"This planet, do you know that it is Round?" I ask her getting at the crux of the problem.

From all my observations this planet must be round just as my Earth but magic exists here so I may as well be wrong.

"I have heard the story that there was a great old scholar who insisted it was so, but the people who made the story called him a useless fool"

"Why was it considered a silly theory?"

"If the planet was round, a person on the other side would fall off" She replied with an 'obviously' look.

Ughh spoken like a true Flat Earther. Sigh I will have to explain everything from the basics

For the next 15 minutes I tried to explain Gravity and why this planet is round instead of being flat to Sherry. Even though Sherry is very smart, some inertial Medieval thinking isn't escapable for her, at least she accepted that there is a possibility that this planet might be round.

Through this discussion I could see how passionate Sherry was about knowledge. I could see the spark of curiosity in her eyes. And despite her knowing that she is a slave of mine, she doesn't shy away from questioning me. If all the people in this world were as inquisitive as her then this world wouldn't be stuck in the medieval ages.

"I am sorry for questioning you Master, I know that if you try to learn too much you'll bring ruin upon yourself" Sherry says with her head down

"No I like having these discussions with you" I reassure her with a calm smile.

One of the reasons I am explaining everything to Sherry is because she is smart, even smarter than me. All she needs is a bit of guidance. She and Roxanne are both the pillars for my future in this world, they would be my helpers, my Brain and Brawn.

"Master also does experiments to learn things, so I also think it's good" Roxanne tells Sherry with a smile

"Really?" Sherry looks at me in wonder.

Roxanne was smiling but I feel like she was holding a grudge because of the different experiments I tried in the labyrinth. With a cough, I changed the topic.

"Let's make a list of things we need to buy. Today we will go to Quratar and the Imperial City for Shopping"

Umm I know the pace is slow for this story. But that is the reason why I added the 'slice of life' tag.

2.1K words! Long Chap.

Avi2112creators' thoughts