
Harem for The Dragon God

Being born into a world of fantasy Kenji Itsumora always wondered why everyone looked down on him until one day when he made a huge discovery. "My father was from a family of dragon gods?!?!" Kenji asks with confusion in his voice. "Yes and that means you are a dragon God yourself." The woman answers with certainty. "Don't I have to be a dragon to be a dragon god?" Kenji questions stupidly. "Not in this case. You possess the means to use that power, and you should use it to conquer everything." The woman Responds with a smile on her face. Yes I will gladly use it to conquer the world and will make my own harem!! I want everything and anything I can get! No one will ever look down on me again if I become the ruler of the world! This world was already plagued by such evil that it made Kenji look pure and more like a hero. Follow along to see where Kenji goes and what comes from his journey! -------- ------ ------- Warning!! R18 Content is included! Sex scenes, Potential incest, and Yes gore. Since it is considered to be in the category obviously. Also please be patient for updates, as I'm also working on two other stories atm! But if you really enjoy it, make sure to let me know! Powerstones, Reviews, and comments! Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me and if it is yours and you want it taken down, let me know immediately. ---------- Also feel free to check out my other works! "My Own Succubus" "Why Can't I Be the Hero?!?!"

Kota_Sama · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Mysterious Girl

Smoke surrounded me as I sat on the ground, that impact took a lot out of me but I think it might've worked. I could slowly see the barrier disappearing as the smoke faded with it.

I didn't see any other barriers behind this one so maybe I was able to get in now. This was the exact place that those visions led me to so I have to check out the tomb.

Without much hesitation I got up and walked over to the tomb, it was time to open this damn thing up.

It took a few moments to get it open but as I did a girl with long blonde hair was laying before me. Magic was clearly felt from the air in the tomb but her clothes resembled that of a mage. Her ears were that of an elves, such a rare race to see nowadays.

Before I could say anything, her eyes had opened and she was staring at me with a blank expression on her face. I'd be pretty lost for words too if I woke up and saw a strange guy just standing there.

"Who are you?" The girl questioned with a curious tone.

"A traveler. I stumbled upon this place and it showed me visions of this tomb." I respond with an honest tone.

I'd prefer not to scare her off since she could be pretty powerful.

"Where am I?" She questions with a soft tone in her voice.

"The Cave of Istel." I answer with a calmness in my voice.

She was a baby from what the visions showed so it's a miracle that she even knows this much, unless that magic had knowledge imbued within it.

It's not uncommon for elves to imbue such things with it since it helps the children if they are in the said location of the imbued magic. I learned about that a long time ago but I'm not sure what else is in the magic since it's for her.

"I guess it's time for me to leave." Miza Says as she slowly gets up.

From behind me I could hear someone coming but I wasn't sure if it was my companions or not since I was last with them.

"At last I've found her." A mysterious man says as he enters the room.

The aura on this man was filthy, he reaked of bad energy all around. I don't think there's much to say, he's definitely not a good guy by any means.

"You should turn around." I suggest while staring at the strange man.

That's when a hideous grin revealed from his hood as he looked directly at me.

"I will do no such thing. You will move." He says while moving closer.

I prepared to fight as this was going to be a battle with no doubt on my mind. I channeled the magic into my hands once more and raised up my arms to fight.

(The View shifts to the battle)

The mysterious man begins to charge at Kenji with light speed as Kenji braces for the attack against the man.


As the man's fist connects with Kenji's arms a wave is sent throughout the room.

"Dumb idea to block such an attack." The Mysterious man says.

"Huh?" Kenji questions with a bit of confusion.

He looked down to realize that his arms had dropped from his blocked stance, the attack had done a significant amount of damage with just the one punch. It didn't stop Kenji from defending the girl though, he quickly dashed in himself to fight back against the man.

"Foolish boy." The man says while waiting for Kenji to get close.

As he got close a bunch of clones formed around him and began to channel magic within their hands.

"Shit." Kenji thinks to himself as he stops in place before reaching the man.

All different forms of magic began to come towards him at once. Fire, Ice, Wind, Water, mystical, and more.


Thump. Thump.

Kenji got knocked down to the floor from every attack and could barely move, but something seemed to be happening again. All he could hear was his own heartbeat getting louder and louder with each passing second.

"Slam! Fuck!" Kenji shouts after slamming his fist into the ground.

His eyes began to turn bright red while his pupils shifted to that of a dragons.

The pain slowly began to subside as he stood back up, almost like he was a completely different person. His aura was completely different from before, his hands were also filled with a mysterious source of power.

"This hurts more than the guys damn attack did, but I'll beat him." Kenji thinks to himself.

Before the man could react, Kenji had appeared behind him kicking him straight in the back across the room.


As the man began to recoup from the attack, Kenji disposed of his clones in seconds before shifting his focus back towards him.

"That was quite an attack kid. Cough. Cough." The Mysterious man says while coughing a bit.

Kenji had shifted his eyes just barely towards the man's direction and realized it was time to end the battle before anymore time was wasted here.


Wind followed by his fast speed towards the man until he punched the man right through the wall of the tomb.


"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!" The man screamed as he went flying through the walls.

With him sent out of the tomb it was time for Kenji to seal the hole so he couldn't come back so easily. It took a few moments but that's exactly what he did before looking back towards the girl.

(Back to Kenji)

Everything around me was starting to get blurry and my chest felt like it was being torn apart. But it didn't stop me from stumbling towards where the girl was, I needed to make sure she was okay.

As I made my way over I began to feel like I was falling over.

I fell to the ground within moments and I could feel all the pain returning back to me once again.