
Harbinger of Calamity

a Neet who has worked hard his entire life, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, living much of his life in poverty, depression and drug addiction, at the end of his difficult road, dies of cancer at the age of 26. Having suffered his entire life trying to face the cruel reality of the world, always chasing higher pursuits and exploring ideas but his pursuit of truth only leads to his own collapse. In his last days instead of weeping, he laughs, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. It seemed as if fate had played the biggest joke on him, he had taken too seriously what had no value. What is life? a blink of an eye! as unreal as a dream, what a mysterious world, we are just born out of nowhere only to vanish later on. A profound sigh was uttered "If only I wasn't dealt such bad cards! I was made for the heights yet here I am crashed in the abyss of life."  Looking at the world he was soon to leave, he sighed "Humanity truly has fallen in this era, it has crashed from the heights of embodying divinity to succumbing to their animalistic selves becoming creatures of decadence, slaves to pleasure, lust and the lowly desires of the body. Truly my heart weeps for the tragedy of humanity, the industrial revolution, a slave society disguised as 'modern society', poisonous foods filled with chemicals, an entire network engineered to enslave minds called the internet, an absolute infestation of decadence and mediocrity in the very Human spirit that used to overpower all. All humanity is enslaved, what can't parents even teach? they are slaves themselves. Atleast in this life, I refused to be a slave, I was a free being, atleast in the later half of my life, I followed my own passions and lived my own life but in the end, sigh I failed! But oh well, who ever lived a perfect life in this world? as the darkness of death engulfs him, he fully accepts it and is gone. A pair of eye opened and an absolutely stunning sight appeared, he was transmigrated. For the first time in so long, he could see clearly without glasses or contacts, he could feel physically powerful instead of a sickly body and a destroyed pleasure system. He resolves that this time, this life, He would pursue his own freedom! He would never give up on himself and he will walk his own path to the very end. "That's right, I was wrong depending on sympathy. Cold, heartless, I won't forgive them, they can't be forgiven! That's right, it wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world that was wrong!" A descent towards Madness. A cruel world where no refuge can be found, countless obstacles obstructing one's path, mountains of corpses, an abyss of blood, a heart of darkness, a cruel fate to all living beings. No heart or soul, only an abyss of despair and a heart to ascend beyond. ... Support me directly : patreon.com/aloneinthisworld (only if you don't pay for chapters) Discord : https://discord.gg/aGumZnuF3u

aloneinthisworld · 東方
48 Chs

Mental origination

Nameless laid on the grass peacefully sleeping.


A giant beast crashed on the ground creating a giant crater a few tens of meters away.

Nameless immediately woke up and opened his eyes, what entered his vision however was a vertical eye pupil and a big mouth filled with sharp teeth, it was the previous raptor that had chased him!

"Ahhh!" Nameless screamed in shock as he stood and retreated.

"What are you screaming about?" Yugo spoke as he pulled the beast by its tail towards the cave.

From a far, it looked as if an ant was pulling a giant beast.

Upon seeing Yugo, Nameless sighed in relief, the previous fight was a very close call.

He didn't even fight the beast, only escaping yet he still run out of energy and was cornered forced to activate the teleportation formation and losing half the dao marks on his body.

Nameless went over the previous events before he was flabbergasted seeing Yugo casually pulling the giant raptor by its tail towards the cave.

Nameless smiled, he didn't expect such a development, but he now knew that the mushroom miniman immortal was truly unfathomable.

Yugo pulled the raptor through the grass leaving the big area in front of the cave bloody.

At the entrance of the cave, the minimen had come out to watch the feat of their leader.

As he expected, all the minimen were shocked beyond belief, the beast looked so domineering and dangerous yet it had effortlessly died to their leader.

The only one who wasn't shocked was Ecto, he was salivating so much expecting the future meal that he couldn't even be shocked.

"Tribe leader, please give me the honor." Flobo spoke as his white beard fluttered in the air.


Flobo was an expert at cutting meat, especially gutting beasts, he could seperate the different tissues and muscles from the bones without damaging them, as well as flawessly removing its organs while maintaining their freshness, the corpse couldn't be in better hands. 

Yugo wasn't selfish, although he could do it, it would be better to leave it to the elder and instead fully focus on the meal.

"Will, give me some clothes." Nameless had been naked ever since he turned into human form.

As he spoke, a purple blackish rope appeared and enveloped his body.

After this exchange, Yugo moved, sitting on top of a rock before mentioning for Nameless to get closer.

"I'm sure you have some questions, do ask."

Nameless sat on a nearby rock before he sighed and spoke : "I was supposed to simply gather beast cores, why did I get into such a mess?!"

"It's simple, you just don't understand how beast cores work. Beast cores are extremely rich in nutrients, the moment any appear, other beasts of the same path would flock to consume them. Especially after such a chaotic beast tide. It is also your fault, you had enough time to gather beast cores and escape but you got greedy."

"I understand but still, why did I encounter such a dangerous beast with so many animas?!"

"That's what I asked the will as well but I couldn't get a concrete answer, that's why I went to kill the beast, I investigate what happened and I now finally understand why such an extreme event has happened."

"I see. So what is exactly happening?"

"Why such a hurry? Aren't you gonna ask me about the beast who nearly killed you first?"

"The beast that attacked me could reduce and increase its size, it could fly as well as let out powerful screams that would destroyed the powerful trees. It's skin could even solidify to repell tree roots and... the red cicada?!"

It was only now that Nameless remembered the red cicada that emerged out of the beast's forehead and rushed towards him.

"It's this, right?"

Yugo extended his empty hand before a red cicada appeared in his palm.

Nameless instinctively retreated in fear.

"Don't worry, it's just a mental origination."

"A mental origination?"

"Here, pick it up."

Nameless cautiously picked up the red cicada from Yugo's hand, it felt powerful and dangerous. He examined its body, the cicada looked very detailed as if it was real.

"Now, try squeezing it."

Nameless tried squeezing it but as soon as he applied a bit of force, the red cicada turned ethereal before it faded like thin air.

"Wow, how did you create something like this? what is it?"

"It's a mental fabrication as well as a mental projection."

Nameless felt chills running down his spine as he understood, he immediately spoke : "Wait, so you are telling me that you can turn thoughts into something physical?!"

"Yes, that's what being a wisdom path immortal means, breaking through the barrier that seperates the mental and physical world."

Nameless was shocked beyond belief, the possibilities of such an ability were virtually limitless!

"I know what you're thinking but it's not, there are requirements as well as limits, which of course can be overcome but the more powerful an imagination is, the more difficult is its creation, you also need Qi to keep sustaining its existence."

"I see but still, it's stunning." 

Nameless realised that this was very similar to the concept of a hologram in his previous life except made with thoughts.

"Haha interesting, it seems you are very curious about wisdom path, I can show you more."

In Yugo's palm another cicada formed.

Nameless grabbed before he was stunned, the previous mental projection didn't have touch, so although it looked real, it didn't give any sensation nor did it give the same aura as it did now, it felt real.

"It's not real, right?"

"Yeah, it's not."

"So it's an illusion? is it fooling my sensory organs or does it physically exist?"

"Both. Paths are interconnected, in this creation, I used wisdom path to mimick illusion path, so its a a real creation that also fools your sensory organs."

"How does that even work?"

"Sensory organs interpret the information in the environment, illusion path works on sending specific signals to fool the processes of the senses."

He continued : "Squeeze the cicada."

Nameless squeezed the cicada but this time it didn't fade away.

"The cicada is not there." In Yugo's eyes, the cicada disappeared but to Nameless, it was still there.

Yugo snapped his finger before the cicada finally disappeared from his eyes.

"What a mysterious world." Nameless spoke with deep interest.

"This is merely the tip of the iceberg of what's possible kid, hehe, are you interested?"

"Who wouldn't?" Nameless looked in Yugo's eyes before he smiled.

"Well, cultivation takes time, like a seed sprouting from the ground, it requires a long time, the right environment and elements as well as a powerful persistence, becoming an immortal is as hard as ascending the heavens after all."

"You said you would tell me something about the beast, why did it appear?"

"Oh that, well, how do I explain it to you? it seems the forest will enter another turmoil."

"What? Why?"

"It's simple, it seems the energy left by the previous formation, the immortal fetus and the dead beasts had caused countless new animas to emerge, only weeks have passed since then but the anima birth rate has skyrocketed. This might attract countless cultivators but it will also cause the beasts to become more dangerous. The farther the distance from the Tree of eternal life, the stronger the beasts even reaching immortal ranks, the area here is tame because of its closeness to it but now it seems that will be changing too."

"I see." Nameless paused as he sank into his thoughts organising before he finally asked : "Can you explain to me what anima that red cicada is?"

"The red cicada is called Blood frenzy anima, it is the reason why the beast kept chasing you."

"What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, raptorian vulture beast kings have the tendency to move their subordinates to a red field that exists in the forest, this red field, the blood frenzy field, has red bushes which are the birthplace of the blood frenzy anima. This anima puts their subordinates on a frenzy, killing anything that is not their species and fighting without regards for their lives. All these subordinates are controlled through the best king or in this case, beast emperor who lives with the blood frenzy anima in symbiosis. Effectively helping the beast emperor control all their subordinates through the blood frenzy anima in it. However, the beast emperor was a newly advanced one and because of injuries, it's rank fell back to rank 4 before even hibernating. Although blood frenzy anima lives in a symbiotic relationship with the beasts but that is only because of necessity, they, in fact crave their brains, so if the beast is critically injured, they take over its brain sending the beast in a chaotic frenzy, the beast operates only in instincts, that's the beast chased you to begin with. At the same the blood frenzy anima after consuming the brain began looking for a new host."

"Wait, you mean?!"

"That's right, the blood frenzy anima was aiming at your mind in those last moment, you are much weaker than it and humans have a powerful sea of consciousness, you would have been a feast."

Nameless's heart sank before he sighed : "Thank god, I teleported before it attacked me."

"Haha, it did in fact teleport with you."
