
Stupid or heavenly decision?

Wiping off his sweat, Denear jumped onto a large boulder next to this beautiful flowing river.

"Colors really are the masterpieces of nature. *sigh*" He was admiring the view when his ears shot up.

There's a disturbance in the forest. What's that sound? Its like a dipping sound far ahead by the river. Like water moving in stagnant water? Should I check it out?

Denear looked towards the opposite direction from where the disturbance was coming from. The sun was setting over the flowing river. "I need to hurry up" Denear jumped off the boulder and ran at a medium pace towards the sound.

Denear ran deeper into the woods. It was a little bit dark and the forest trees were blocking the sunlight the further you entered. Denear continued to follow the sound from a kilometer away. "Is it someone or something? Why do I hear water moving?"

He went into a walking pace and continued to follow where the sound was coming from. Where is this place? He pushed away some bushes in front of his face and saw a lake. It was a lake surrounded by trees. It was massive. The tiny lights coming from the tiny gaps in the trees and reflecting on the dark lake below made it seem like a painting. His ears shot up again. Where is that sound coming from?

In the middle of the lake was a tiny island. Like only 10 meters wide and 10 meters long with the edges in slope in the water. There was a tall tree in the center of it. Denear slowly walked around the lake. The sound of water grew louder.

Denear reach the other side of the lake, and it was a sight to behold. The sunlight's angle was just perfect that it was like it glittered down the trees leaves.

A figure emerged from the water. Denear was startled and stood in place.

A slender figure with sleek dark purple appeared. Water dripped down her hair and fall gently back onto the water's surface.

It was girl!? A naked one at that!

Her body proportions were just perfect. Denear realized that this beauty could not be compared to any of those make-up artists in his world. Beauty is not caused, It is. Life is unfair ain't it? Those were the thoughts that ran through Denear's head. This is on a whole other level.

The girl immediately noticed Denear and stood there in shock and covered very embarrassing body parts. Denear, the gentlemen he was and not a pervert, immediately turned around as well. However, the scene could not be erased from his godly memory. It was like replaying movie tape in his mind, not that he wanted to of course. Ahem!

"Who are you?" A soft delicate voice said.

"I'm a first year in the Sword and Magic Academy....And may I ask a question?" Denear answered without revealing his full identity. 'I don't wanna be called a peeping tom but seriously....' He was beating himself up in the head. 'Can't believe I didn't see this coming....Dang it! Moving water!? Dipping sounds!? How the f*uck did I not see this coming! UGH!! How stupid can I get! A lake in a secluded area, far from any people and I freaking go to find out what disturbance is happening?! *sigh* Breath in, breath out, breath and breath out...Calm down....Was this such a stupid decision? Or can it also be considered heavenly?'

The voice seemed to get closer to where Denear was. "Sure, go ahead, but could you please get my towel first?...."

"Uh sure." Denear got the towel from a near by stone with his back facing the girl, he handed the towel to the girl. "Thank you." The voice said.

"My pleasure." Denear responded.

Denear sensed her moving and wrapping the towel around her. After a few seconds, the unknown girl said. "Okay, you can turn around now." She said it so calmly and without any hostility.

"You sure?" Denear asked for confirmation. He just didn't want to turn around and meet with a hand slapped to his face.

"Don't worry, I won't bite or anything." She giggled from behind.

"I just think it won't be proper for me to do so." Denear still didn't wish to look at her. He was those one in a million true gentlemen, i think.....probably.

"Don't be such a gentlemen." The girl pinched his shoulder with incredible strength which made him look behind. "I'm all covered anyways." She was looking at him while smiling sweetly.

Denear admired her beauty and scratched his head. He thought, 'Yeah you're covered, you're covered with that thin towel.'

"If you insist I guess...But is it really alright to? I mean....You don't even know me.." Denear asked.

"Well.." She said, putting her finger on her cheek near her mouth. "I know you school at the same school and besides..."

"You seem like a very nice guy...."