
Chapter 9 Machine warfare Orcs

Damian and the members of his clan, as well as the dog clan Eliot, were waiting in an open space outside the west gate of District Five. Abyssyus, the leader of the leopard clan, also came over, probably wanting to see the joke of the wolf clan. Abyssyus stopped as soon as he stepped out of the west gate. His long golden hair was tied up and hung down behind his head. His golden-brown leopard eyes carried a strong sense of danger. Wearing a black military uniform, he managed to exude an aristocratic laziness. Then, as usual, he did something that made Damian very angry. He took out a white handkerchief, and Abyssyus elegantly covered his nose with it.

Does he dare to be more affected?! The smell of the leopard clan is much stronger than that of the wolf and dog clans. This guy Abyssyus, who has a serious cleanliness obsession, actually covers his nose every time he appears in the sight of the wolf clan! Compared to the dog clan, Damian actually dislikes the leopard clan more. He dislikes them to the point where communication is impossible. Abyssyus and his brainwaves are simply not from the same planet.

Fluttering sounds came from the distant sky, and a giant egg flew over. Damian, who was already in a bad mood because of Abyssyus's annoying behavior, became even more annoyed. The flying vehicles of the primitive beast clans were originally inherited from the human civilization thousands of years ago. These fellows of the same beast clans, however, abandoned ancient civilization and insisted on creating their own pseudo high-tech gadgets. In plain terms, were the basics not taken from humans? What's even more shameful is that the Mech Combat clan even gave up their own beast forms. From birth, they no longer transform into beasts. Instead, they prefer to control biological mechas and maintain a human form during battles. This is simply a betrayal of history.

Two out of the three largest cities in the world were built by the Mech Combat beast clans. Their technology is far ahead of the primitive beast clans in various aspects. For example, the giant flying egg in front of Damian, the primitive beast clans have not mastered the technology to manufacture such eggs. However, Damian does not believe that the giant egg has any superiority over fighter jets. In the words of the wolf clan, these Mech Combat beast guys are purely posing and have too much free time.

Although the Mech Beast Tribe and the Primitive Beast Tribe are of the same origin, the two tribes rarely interact officially, but they are not at odds with each other. However, the media of the two tribes have been spitting at each other for a long time. On the largest BBS forum's military section, the nerds of both tribes constantly mock each other, and the elites and trolls from both tribes always have various reasons to accuse each other.

But when it comes to dealing with the ancient species, the Mech Beast Tribe and the Primitive Beast Tribe have always been able to put aside their differences and cooperate, just like now.

The giant egg slowly landed in the Fifth District, and the buzzing sound of metal rang out. Two long metal arms were extended from the lower half of the egg and rested on the ground. With a few claps, metal plates about one and a half meters long flipped back and forth and were already laid on top of them. Disdainfully, Damian exclaimed, "It's been two years, and Eugene has come up with something new again. Why doesn't he just scatter flower petals everywhere like in ancient times? Clearly, he is more pretentious than Leopold."

Eugene, a Mech Beast from the Wolf Tribe, stepped out of the sleek battle suit onto the metal plate. He had short silver hair that shimmered with a cold metallic sheen, emerald green eyes like a calm pool of water, and handsome facial features. There was a hint of a mocking smile on the corner of his lips. Eugene had a slender figure, almost as tall as Damian, and his muscular body was wrapped in a neat military uniform, making him one of the most handsome men among the Wolf Tribe... Ah, what a noble look in his eyes, the shiny silver buckles on his armor, the clean white boots, and the flowing silver hair. Oh, Damian really wanted to borrow a handkerchief from Leopold to cover his nose. It was so disgusting!

At first glance, the white wolf Eugene saw Damian and a confident smile appeared on his handsome face. He turned halfway like a gentleman, took off his gloves, and reached out his hand towards the cockpit. A flawless little hand, as white as snow, was placed on his large hand, and with delicate steps, a tall humanoid female was led out by him.

"Humanoid female!!!" Abyssyus exclaimed, dropping his handkerchief to the ground. Several members of the Leopard Tribe who came with him stared with their mouths wide open, completely losing their elegant image as the Leopard Tribe.

As the humanoid female took another step, Damian, Abyssyus, and the other Primitive Beasts all saw the clues. This was not a real humanoid female at all. Her movements were mechanical, her expression was stiff, and her gait was predetermined. The unnaturally white texture of her skin was eerie.

Even so, the Leopards were shocked. Since two years ago, the Mech Beast Tribe had announced that they would develop highly realistic humanoid females, and they actually did it! No male Beast could resist a humanoid female. Even if the cost of this simulated female was high, the Primitive Beast Tribe would be willing to pay a hefty price for it! At least Abyssyus was already considering buying one from Eugene. Just imagine how much pleasure he would get from watching entertainment films every night with this highly realistic female! Even if he couldn't actually mate with her, just looking at her was a kind of enjoyment!

Damian sneered in his heart. After the initial surprise wore off, the wolves and dogs present all laughed and remained silent. Haha, they actually have real humanoid females, so they don't need these highly realistic toys. Can she talk? Can she eat? Can she smile at them?

Eugene was a little surprised. In his opinion, these naive Primitive Beasts who had never seen the world should be drooling over his little Julie, just like those Leopards. But Damian the perverted one, seemed indifferent to the highly realistic humanoid female.

Eugene flicked the button behind Julie, and the simulated female took a few steps and mechanically bent over, saying, "Hello, I am the X-003 model of the female type. My name is Julie."

After undergoing precise calibration tests, the electronic sound emitted by Julie is significantly different from that of a wild beast, at least much more pleasant than the women in entertainment films. Abyssyus couldn't contain his excitement and rushed forward, exclaiming in amazement and his eyes shining brightly! Abyssyus reached out and touched Julie's arm, feeling the smoothness but also the metallic coldness. He eagerly said to Eugene, "Name your price!"

"Julie is my personal possession, a limited edition of the class female X. The production process requires extremely high craftsmanship and the output is very low. If you're interested, you can participate in the auction in District Eleven next month," Eugene said proudly and reservedly.

"Will they have this at the auction in District Ten?" Abyssyus asked.

"Of course not," Eugene said with a faint smile. "Even our mech warrior clan doesn't have enough to go around. How could you guys have a chance?"

Abyssyus's smile disappeared instantly. He straightened his back and took out a handkerchief, covering his mouth in front of Eugene and let out a sneer.

Damian and the others scoffed at the new scientific research results of the class female. The terrifying metallic sound made their teeth ache. It couldn't even compare to a fraction of the soft and tender voice of the little female beast at home. The class female has the word "class" in front of it, no matter how good the imitation is, it is still fake. Damian sniffed, Julie only had the smell of unpleasant machine oil, and the warm and enticing feminine fragrance of the little female beast was something it could never possess.

"You didn't come just to show off this thing, did you?" Damian crossed his arms and said with a sideways glance.

"Of course not," Eugene said as he hugged Julie. "I can't be away from my little Julie even for a second. Since I got her, I haven't been to the breeding camp." Yes, Eugene was just showing off.

"Oh," Damian shrugged, showing no envy or jealousy. "Then let's go. You shouldn't carry this toy with you, put it in the egg instead. I see it moves so slowly, by the time it gets inside, it'll be dark already. Hey, why didn't you think of putting some wheels on its soles?"

Damian's attitude of not considering Julie as a female beast made the proud white wolf Eugene very unhappy. But when he thought of the turbulent waves in Damian's heart and how he had to suppress himself to appear uninterested in Julie, Eugene's mood improved a bit. He patted Julie's buttocks, lifted her up horizontally, and said, "Of course the class female should be made to resemble a human. Have you ever seen a woman's soles with wheels? Let's go, I'll carry Julie."

"I've never seen wires inside a female beast's body," Damian sarcastically commented without mercy.

Eugene ignored him and carried Julie into the Fifth District. Along the way, it caused a sensation without any suspense. Except for those who had seen Happiness, all the beasts were dumbfounded. For the first time, they felt that the mech warrior clan was not so bad. At least they could develop such a captivating object!


Eliot absentmindedly followed behind Eugene's group. He was thinking about how to come up with an excuse to leave and go to the Alexander's house to accompany Happiness. Hmm, maybe he should go to the supermarket first. The promotional flyer he received yesterday said that a new seasonal fruit would arrive today... Glasses man, his mind filled with thoughts of Happiness, didn't pay any attention to the class female Julie. He didn't notice if it was round or flat.

Poor showing off. Happiness had a great disdain for Eugene's flaunting of this love affair, clearly coming for the ancient mutated species, but insisting on getting a technological product like the class female. If he were to carry a little female beast without clothes and take a stroll, causing a sensation would be nothing. It would probably immediately provoke a small-scale war.


Happiness was watching a fairy tale story about a strong young boy from the canine tribe and seven human older sisters, but her attention was forcibly drawn away by the noise outside the house. She was a little scared of the loud and chaotic howling of the beasts, so she instinctively nestled against Alexander, holding onto his arm.


"Scared," Happiness said to Alexander using the newly learned word.


Alexander extended his long arms and embraced Happiness, turning up the volume on the notebook a little. He gently patted her shoulder and kissed her soft black hair above her head, saying, "Don't be afraid, everything's fine."


"Mmm!"Happiness nodded vigorously, feeling very safe in Alexander's embrace, and continued to focus on watching the animated fairy tale.


The story is about a young boy from the dog tribe who accidentally enters a cave and discovers seven adult women living a secluded life inside. They are very interested in the boy's physical structure, which is completely different from their own, and they tease him constantly using seemingly innocent but actually very provocative methods. The boy, pure and naive, ends up unable to resist... If you ignore the slightly awkward and disharmonious plot, the simple and understandable dialogue, and the smooth lines and rich colors of the illustrations, it is very attractive to Happiness. She is confused and guessing, only half understanding, and then suddenly realizes that this is actually a story about beastmen, just like the harem stories on Earth. Otaku culture is universal!
