
Chapter 56 Interview

The sweet girl smiled and waved. This shaky scene was frozen in the hearts of all the audience at that moment. The staff of SSTV shook their hands for the first time in an important live program, and the host shouted hoarsely, but this beautiful and calm scene only lasted for a few seconds because chaos had already broken out at the scene! The beasts living near the airport gathered a tremendous force and were breaking through the airport security line! More unleashed tigers, lions, bears, and others were crazily running or driving towards Happiness's location.


"It looks like trouble is brewing! Quickly make the plane take off, hurry!!" Brooke nervously said to Alexander. He didn't have time to blame the beasts from District Five for secretly contacting the media!


No need for him to remind them, Eugene had already rushed into the cockpit. As soon as Brooke's words fell, the engine roared. The professional senses of the Beastie Boys team were so keen. Seeing that this wouldn't work, if this little girl escaped, how could they do the interview? How could they publish the exclusive news? For a moment, several bears from entertainment channels put down their cameras and rolled up their sleeves, preparing to smash open the cockpit door with their fists. More beasts tried to grab Happiness.


SSTV is indeed different from other stations. The burly host who said, "Maybe you just turned on the elevator," along with five or six colleagues, formed a security defense wall outside of Clay and the others. Happiness jumped onto a chair, cowered on the armrest, grabbed the curtains, and screamed like a hamster. Her hair was disheveled on one side. The host had taken several punches to his waist. He took a deep breath and shouted in a scholarly manner, "Colleagues from the media! Please do not forget your professional ethics! SSTV solemnly appeals! We must protect the safety of the interviewee! Oh my goodness, if any bastards hit me again, I'll hit back!!" The cabin was in complete chaos.


"Media friends, please remain calm!" Eugene's voice sounded over the broadcast, "Everyone can look outside! All the beasts of District Ten have targeted the only female! The most important thing now is to protect Happiness's safety! Media friends, do you want this precious female to be torn to pieces?!"


The broadcast was turned up to the maximum volume, making everyone's ears buzz, including Happiness's. This move was indeed effective. At least several bear tribes stopped smashing the door, but one bear shouted loudly, "We want press freedom! SSTV can't always be ahead!!"


"Leave two beasts from each station! As Happiness's agent, I represent her in agreeing to a non-exclusive interview! The interviews will be broadcast simultaneously on all channels at the same time!" Eugene said.


At the same time, the airport alarm sounded like a death knell. Looking out the window, a sea of beasts was rushing towards them. Happiness almost foamed at the mouth. This scene was no different from a horror movie! If the horde of beasts surged up, not to mention her fragile human self, even the plane would be torn to pieces!

The Beast Squad remained silent for two seconds, and finally began to orderly exit the cabin. If they didn't let the plane take off, they would also be torn apart by Happiness's crazy fans.


Fortunately, the wings and engines were fine. The plane finally took off steadily. Below, it had become an ocean of beasts. From a distance, Happiness could see a large number of police cars blocking the runway.


The first-class cabin door was closed, and the heating system started working again. Happiness sat on the only intact chair, still in shock. The remaining representatives of the Beast Squad were organizing the scattered microphone labels. Various cameras were being fixed in position, and Eliot was fixing Happiness's hair.


Who could have thought that the result of accepting the interview would be a hasty departure from District Ten? I'm afraid even Fran's nose is twisted in anger now.


The host, a big man, had a swollen cheek from being slapped by someone. But this dedicated lion didn't retreat from his duty and insisted on personally interviewing Happiness. It was clear that he had a high position in the media industry, so the people left behind by the local station had no choice. They used a computer case as a makeshift table and placed two cups of tea as decoration. In front of Happiness was a cylinder filled with microphones from various stations, many of which were already flattened. But it was just for show. The big man crossed his fingers and hung a friendly smile that looked like Simon from a distance and Ellen up close. It made Happiness's scalp tingle.


"Miss Happiness, I apologize on behalf of all the staff of SSTV for our previous rudeness," the big man said. "Would you mind if our station takes your temperature? Oh, please rest assured, this is not a rectal thermometer. You can hold it in your mouth."


"Okay, I can do that." Happiness put the thermometer in her mouth, and her cheeks bulged cutely. A male beast holding a camera stepped forward and gave a close-up shot of her cheek. Seizing the opportunity, the big man excitedly commented, "Audience friends, you can see how adorable this little creature looks with a thermometer in her mouth! This lucky thermometer will be auctioned on the SS Auction website tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. If you have internet access, you might as well start queuing up now! Our station guarantees that we won't clean the thermometer!"


Happiness almost accidentally bit the thermometer. Quickly, she took the thermometer out of her mouth and handed it to the host. The host carefully held it and pointed the reading towards the camera, exclaiming, "Audience friends, please look at this close-up shot. Our little creature has a normal body temperature, although slightly lower, but this matches her claim of being a human!"


SSTV's official forum and hotline were overwhelmed with messages. In order to appease the rioting beasts, SSTV decided to temporarily include a hotline for netizens in the live program, and Happiness would personally answer the lucky number. Meanwhile, the big man continued to open his notebook and switch the camera between the forum and the live studio. Tens of thousands of netizens quickly built up a super high demand, asking SSTV to cancel the blood test on Happiness, as they couldn't bear the bloody and horrifying scenes appearing on the young female.


The power of the masses is formidable. After receiving instructions from higher-ups, the host promptly announced that District Ten officially gave up on the blood test for Happiness and opted for a saliva test instead.


The male beast holding a thin straw and a cotton swab approached, and the camera followed closely. Happiness obediently opened her mouth, her rosy lips and pink tongue exposed under the camera's exposure. Countless beasts watching TV pressed their faces against the screen, sticking out their tongues and desperately licking the delicate lips and tongue in the frame. Many televisions were poked with holes by their owners' tongues.

"There was a lucky audience member who called the hotline and said, 'Please let Miss Happiness answer the call.' The host handed his phone to Happiness. This girl had never been interviewed before, nor had she attracted such terrifying attention. She was completely confused and bewildered, like a mess. She tried to focus her attention, held the phone to her ear, and just as she said hello, she heard a very lewd panting sound on the other end of the line: 'Little female... huff... does big brother have a big XX? Do you want big brother to XX you? Huff...' Damn it... the first lucky audience member turned out to be a perverted man! The host quickly took the phone back and pretended that nothing had happened. He calmly said to Happiness, 'Now, Miss Happiness, please describe to us the process of coming to our world.'


"Um... it was like this. It was the summer of 2012, yes, in the human ancient civilization calendar year 2012. Um, at that time, I came out of the supermarket. Um, yes, our supermarket was very large at that time, compared to... how should I say it... it should be a little bigger than it is now..." Happiness tried hard to remember and restore all the facts. She had to be responsible for human history, right?


In the cockpit, Vincent, still in shock, said to Eugene, "Are the land beast tribe's minds messed up? Are they crazy?"


Eugene was speechless. He was discussing with Brooke where to fly next, but he took a moment to say to Vincent, "It's mainly because of Happiness. Usually, we land beast tribe members are very rational and normal."


"Yes, yes, I understand. Please rest assured," Brooke hung up the phone and looked at Eugene with a strange expression. "...It was Fran's call. He watched the TV and asked us to bring Happiness back to Atlantis after the interview is over. Let the whole society cool down during the extreme cold of February..."


Vincent grumbled, "You said the land beast tribe's minds are messed up."


"Okay," Eugene secretly delighted.


"Fran said... he has already boarded a special plane and will meet us in the outskirts of District 2. He wants to go with us..." Brooke delivered the shocking news.


"..." Eugene was dumbfounded.


Happiness got into the state and gradually began to speak and laugh in front of the camera. Due to the influence of perverted otakus, SSTV canceled the audience hotline and only accepted questions from netizens on the BBS. It couldn't be better to create program hype. After describing the entire process of her time travel, encouraged by the host, Happiness registered an account on SSTV's forum under the name snow. Five moderators were waiting eagerly and immediately granted her VIP privileges. During the live broadcast, every male beast could see her typing "Hello everyone, I am Happiness, who is currently being interviewed" with her delicate and fair fingers.


After posting the thread, it instantly accumulated over twenty replies. Divers and male beasts who had never registered before joined and commented. Then Happiness realized that her laptop had frozen. And then... the host discovered that SSTV's forum server had crashed...


Well, there's no need to make it so complicated. The host signaled to switch the screen and said to Happiness, "So, does that mean that under the influence of your father, you were good at math when you were a child?"


"Um... actually, I'm really bad at math... sometimes I even want to bang my head on the table during exams."


"Really? Did you actually bang your head later?" interrupted the cameraman, a big brother beast carrying the camera.

"..."At this moment, Happiness deeply felt that no matter even if a thousand years have passed, the famous host of Central TV and any talk show are all a joke!