
Chapter 29 Distributing food

Happiness had a series of nightmares during her sleep. In her dream, she was running desperately in a narrow alley, trying to reach her home but couldn't. A terrifying zombie was chasing her from behind. When she thought she had reached the end, she was greeted by a monster with a gaping mouth. Her long-lost parents were desperately waving and shouting from the window of their house, but all they could do was watch their daughter being eaten in one bite.

At noon, Happiness woke up. She wished that everything that had happened was just a strange dream. But what she saw in front of her was a high ceiling, with the sound of wind and snow outside the window. On both sides of her bed were a huge dog and a huge wolf. This wasn't a dream. For the first time, Happiness ignored the gaze of the two giant beasts and started to feel lost.

Yesterday was too chaotic and exhausting, so Happiness didn't fully understand the concept of humanoid beasts. After a few hours of sleep, her mind became clearer and she realized the seriousness of the situation. She finally understood why Alexander was so surprised when he found her in the desert, and why these male beasts were so curious about her body structure, touching and stroking her. That's why she wasn't allowed to go out, and before entering the city, she had to let Damian suppress her scent. After all, the sense of smell of beasts is very keen.

Happiness felt anxious in her heart. Suddenly, she felt that her future was bleak and she wanted to bury herself in the pillow and cry again...what's the use of crying? ! Happiness said to herself. Didn't she already accept the fact that she had traveled to another world? Now that she understood the nature of this world, she needed to plan how to live happily!

Happiness tried her best to recall the smiles of the male beasts and the delicious fried meat, the sweet and juicy fruits. She thought about the benefits of the internet and television, and fantasized about being the "only humanoid female" and the "only ancient person" in this orc society. Judging by the level of civilization in this society, she could become an expert in the social history college or a research institution, and the former possibility was even greater! After all, she was alive, not a mummy!

After feeling a little relieved from her fantasies, Happiness leaned to the right, hugged Alexander, and kissed his nose. This kiss was different from her previous attempts to please. It had her genuine affection.

Damian murmured in response. Happiness turned her head and saw the big gray wolf trying hard to open his eyes wide, sticking out his tongue, and lifting the corners of his mouth, pretending to look innocent. It seemed that he was trying to please her. Happiness naturally wouldn't show any displeasure to Damian, but it was difficult for her to kiss Damian's nose. She smiled at Damian, turned around, and Alexander put her shoes by the bed, moving his huge body to make way for her.

After washing up, Happiness's stomach growled. She was hungry but didn't want to go down to the kitchen. So she washed some fruits she brought upstairs yesterday and took a bite. The fruits were cold and sour, making her teeth ache.

Knock knock, Alexander tapped the door with his paw. The door opened a crack, and Happiness understood that he was asking her to go downstairs for a hot meal, and he would accompany her. After hesitating for a moment, she put the fruits in a bag, walked to Alexander's side, tightly pressed against his front leg, grasping a handful of his fur, and followed him out. She needed hot food, hot water, and confirmation of the attitudes of the other male beasts.

Damian quickly caught up. He deliberately bumped into Happiness a few times with his front paws, but she didn't hold onto his fur with her small white hands as he had hoped.

In the hall, there were quite a few male beasts crowded together. Everyone was there except Lionel. It seemed that they were all concerned about the chain reaction caused by the Little Nibiru incident. When they saw Happiness coming downstairs, Ben wagged his tail happily and ran lightly by her side. Happiness immediately let go of Alexander's hand and hugged Ben's neck, rubbing against his fluffy fur, kissing him several times, and touching his nose and fur. They were so affectionate!

Damian let out a roar, making Alexander's heart ache. With a sharp gaze, Damian flew away, but the golden dog remained motionless. In the innocent heart of the Ben, there was a particularly sweet taste that rapidly multiplied and filled his entire body! He looked at Happiness, who was so familiar to him, and his first thought was not how to take advantage of her, but how he could repay her affection for him!

So, Alexander also lost the treatment of being pulled by fur. Happiness's whole person seemed to have drilled into Ben's claws, and they walked towards the kitchen side by side. Damian roared and pounced on Road, and Alexander couldn't stop it in time. Ben's tail fur was torn off by Damian's claws, and a stream of blood splattered on the ground.

Damian didn't mean to do anything to Ben, but after he transformed into a beast, it was even harder for him to restrain his primitive savage heart than in human form. Seeing that he had stayed up all night with a guilty heart, even pretending to be a dog and sticking his tongue out to please Happiness, she was cold and indifferent to him. She was not as affectionate towards him as she was to the male beasts of the canine clan who ranked higher in combat power. Damian found it difficult to remain calm, his body moved before his brain could think, and he pounced!

Oh no, did he scare Happiness again? Damian took two steps back, not caring about the golden-haired Ben that had turned around, but instead worriedly looking at Happiness. If this were in the breeding camp, Damian's behavior would have already violated the law. Male beasts were absolutely not allowed to fight each other for the sake of a female beast. During mating, you could be as fierce as you wanted, but you couldn't attack another male beast just because the female beast was more attached to him.

Happiness didn't understand so many laws and regulations. She clenched and unclenched her small fists, not even lifting her eyes to look at the big gray wolf. She just stared at the bright bloodstain on the ground. Lost in the moment, she actually caused Ben to get injured, so she quietly moved a little distance away from Ben.

Seeing Alexander shaking his head slightly, Ben retracted his gaze that was fixed on Damian. He turned his head and licked Happiness, still leading her towards the kitchen. But this time, Happiness didn't pull his fur anymore. She lowered her head and followed him in, and with a snap, she closed the kitchen door behind her.

"Ben, does it hurt?" Happiness held Ben's tail, but in fact, she couldn't hold it at all. It was Ben who gently placed his tail in Happiness's hand.

There was a small piece of fur missing, but really, this kind of injury was nothing at all. Ben didn't want Le to worry, so he didn't take the opportunity to act spoiled. He bent over, licked the wound once, wagged his tail, and signaled that he was perfectly fine.

Happiness stepped on the low sink and climbed onto the large kitchen countertop. She turned on the tap and tried to adjust warm water little by little, then placed Ben's tail under the flowing water to rinse. She carefully separated the rest of his fur with her small paws and whispered, "Ben, yesterday when I said you were my family, it wasn't just to please you. I really meant it. From now on, you really are my family. In my heart, besides my parents, you are the closest to me. Even though I don't have any status or qualifications to say these words right now, if something really happens to you, I'll risk my life and do whatever it takes to protect you."

Happiness said all of this in Chinese, and Ben didn't understand a word. He blinked his eyes and gently licked Happiness's nose.

Happiness poked her little head out and pecked Ben's nose, then continued rinsing his wound until it was clean. She then stepped down from the sink and searched left and right in the kitchen, seemingly looking for a clean cloth to bandage him.

Ben used his nose to push open the refrigerator door and used his claws to pull out a first aid kit. He squatted on the ground and placed the kit in front of Happiness.

Happiness opened the box and indeed found alcohol swabs and the like. She couldn't understand the other medicines and didn't dare to touch them, but she knew how to use cotton and alcohol.

"It doesn't hurt, oh." Happiness gently touched the smooth fur of the road, and wiped the alcohol-soaked cotton on ben's wound. Of course, Ben wouldn't show any pain in his eyes. In order to cooperate with Happiness, he softly barked.

Happiness wrapped Ben's tail with gauze and tied a knot, then she washed her hands and looked for something to eat. There was plenty of food in the refrigerator, and she recognized the fried meat that she had eaten before. She tore open the transparent packaging and looked at the electric stove, then at the heavy pot hanging high, feeling a bit unsure of where to start.

Ben raised his paw and pressed the electric oven, indicating Happiness to put the fried meat in. Happiness memorized all of Ben's actions in her mind. After the first batch of fried meat was hot, she carefully used tongs to put it into two separate plates. With a puzzled look in Ben's eyes, Happiness carried the plates out of the hall and placed the fried meat in front of Damian and Alexander.

Damian was naturally overjoyed, although raw meat was more satisfying and more in line with his appetite as a beast, this was made by Happiness herself! She wasn't angry with him, instead treating him and Alexander equally! Damian couldn't see the smiling expression on his wolf face, he lowered his head, rolled his tongue, and licked Happiness's little paw. At the same time, he even felt a little sorry for the innocent injured Ben.

"I thought it would be inconvenient for everyone, so I heated up a little meat. It's for everyone, if you can wait a bit..." Happiness said loudly, then she ran back to the kitchen.

Alexander silently glanced at Happiness, knowing that last night's incident must have had a great impact on her...

After fiddling in the kitchen for a while, Happiness happily brought the fried meat to each male beast. Although it was just a small amount, it was still her intention. Looking at her smiling face, even Lus temporarily put aside their doubts and ate the food in the dish, giving her face.

Strangely, there was a harmonious atmosphere in the hall. However, not far from here, in a dark house in the second district, a terrible tragedy was unfolding.

Two giant pythons threw a female beast that had already lost its breath to the side. This female beast had not yet fully grown and was still a young one. Its flesh between its hind legs was mangled, killed by the four giant objects of the two pythons, with a miserable and pitiful appearance.

This tragic incident happened less than five hundred meters away from the house where Happiness lived.
