
Chapter 25  baymax

In just a few short days, although Happiness was still bedridden under Eliot's insistence, the end of her menstrual cycle was undoubtedly a good thing for her. Although she had thick skin, she couldn't withstand their casual and indifferent handling of her menstrual pads, not to mention the embarrassment of being carried to the bathroom and washing away the blood on the floor.

Ignorance is bliss. If Happiness knew what this menstrual cycle meant, she would probably either wish for it to never come again or prefer to have a little more blood every day. Being fantasized by the beasts was always better than the real thing.

However, even though she felt extremely uncomfortable these past few days, Happiness didn't waste even a second of her time. In terms of language and writing, her progress was very fast. Even Eliot genuinely praised her several times. Perhaps when a person is pushed to their limit, they will always surpass their own limits. Happiness surpassed her limit in terms of learning. She wasn't a genius, but she understood the principle of hard work compensating for lack of talent.

Even in such cold weather, it wasn't too bad to lie in bed all day. Besides, she could still get up and move around a bit when she got tired of lying down. Happiness was very satisfied with these days of having everything handed to her.

On this evening, after Happiness had memorized the dictionary until she became dizzy, she opened her notebook. It was only this morning that she discovered the existence of the internet in this world. You see, among various methods of language learning, communicating with people through the internet is the most effective. Before crossing over, she knew that there was a foreigner who learned to become a China expert through self-study on the internet. Therefore, Happiness adjusted her study plan. In the morning, she memorized vocabulary while her mind was clear. Afternoon, she took a one-hour break to watch a DVD as a supplement. In the afternoon, she continued to memorize vocabulary. In the evening, from 9 to 10 o'clock, she relaxed and studied on the internet. Then she went to bed contentedly. Today was the first day she implemented this plan. When she saw the prompt that the internet connection was successful, Happiness was happy and knew that her plan was successful.

Of course, in the eyes of the male beasts, Happiness was still as innocent and ignorant as a blank sheet of paper. They wouldn't stop her from going online, but she had to be accompanied by a male beast.

Lus and Ben accompanied Happiness. It was their duty to be with her on this memorable night when the female beast went online for the first time.

Ben set up the tablet and chat software for Happiness, guiding her step by step to register. Fortunately, Happiness was quite familiar with it and could guess what was to be filled in the blank spaces. She eagerly entered her account and password and logged into the internet chat tool of this different world.

This software really emphasizes privacy... Happiness thought. They didn't even ask her to write her gender or login with her ID card. However, the selection of avatars was a bit strange. They were all kinds of animals, and the tones were very cold and hard, completely different from the aesthetics of female players. Happiness casually scanned through them and chose a picture of a golden retriever because of Lu. She loved golden retrievers!

The moment Happiness clicked the mouse, Ben's eyes lit up! They had never been able to find out what race the female beast was. Could she be the same as him?! If that was true, how wonderful it would be!

Happiness didn't care what Ben was thinking. She chose an avatar and hesitated for a moment. She looked at the weather outside and wrote the characters "Xiao Dong" neatly on the tablet.

Lus raised an eyebrow. The intelligence of the female beast was indeed very high. She actually knew not to reveal her real name on the internet. But was she really a member of the canine race? She didn't even have any canine traits. No, it should be said that she didn't show any traits of any race. Otherwise, they would have been able to determine her race long ago.

Ben kept Happiness's username in mind. Although this name was ordinary and a bit weak, he still planned to change his own username to something like "winter" to prove that he belonged to Happiness.

Lus raised his eyebrow. The intelligence of the little female beast is indeed very high, she actually knows not to reveal her real name on the internet. But is she really from the Canine tribe? She doesn't even have any Canine tribe habits, no, it should be said that she hasn't shown any habits of any tribe. Otherwise, they would have been able to determine her race long ago.

Ben  remembers Happiness's screen name in his heart. Although this name is ordinary and a bit weak, he still plans to change his own screen name to snow or something similar, to prove that he belongs to Happiness.

"Ben, I want to talk to someone else." Happiness waved the mouse for a while and finally turned to him for help.

"Happiness, click here." Ben guided Happiness, then said, "Yes, that's it. Wait...okay, Happiness can choose anyone to add."

"Mm." Happiness understood most of what Ben said and was pleased with her progress. She curiously enlarged the screen and glanced at the long list of avatar pictures and names. After looking for a long time, she couldn't figure out anything and randomly clicked on one with her eyes closed.

This stroke of luck came with a bang as Happiness's message of "hello" was not responded to by the beast named Big Black with the lion avatar. Happiness had no choice but to choose a tiger instead.

Lus and Ben exchanged a worried glance. Female beasts naturally choose stronger male beasts as mates, and it seems that Happiness is no exception. The online chat partners she chooses are all naturally powerful races... They don't know that Happiness actually just randomly chose them. The reason she chose these two avatars is simply because their names are very simple. She can pronounce them at a glance - one is Big Black and the other is baymax. Can it get any simpler than that?

Happiness was not discouraged by the unsuccessful first encounter. She still wrote "hello" seriously, pressed confirm, and sent the message.

Happiness was startled by a roar, and both male beasts chuckled. Then she realized that it was the notification sound of the software! She glared at Ben, looked at the message, and tried to match the vocabulary she had learned. It didn't take much effort for her to recognize it - it said "the other party has approved your certification."

This is the first online friend she has made after traveling through time! With a pious attitude, Happiness sent another message to the avatar of the big white tiger: [Hello!] Then she anxiously waited for a reply, twisting her little paw.

Not long after, the big white replied: [?]

Lus and Ben sneered. If this tiger named Big White knew that the simple "hello" was written by a human-like little female beast with soft and tender paws, would he still act like this?

Happiness recognized these punctuation marks. She picked up her sensing pen and continued to write on the board: [Hello!]. Her previous experience in chatting was not extensive, so she didn't know what to say to a stranger beast male. Suddenly, she felt a bit timid and added: [I'm a beginner!]

After a while, Big White replied: [Who are you?]

This was a very simple question, but Happiness didn't know how to answer. Who is she? How should she introduce her identity? In this world after traveling through time, she actually doesn't have any identity...

"Let's go into the chat room and take a look. Don't just talk to him all the time," Ben closed the chat window of the Big White and said to Happiness. For some reason, even though it was online, he didn't want her to talk to a beast male with such a serious attitude.

Thinking that the other person was her first online friend, Happiness politely said goodbye to baymax and then followed Ben's advice to enter a so-called chat room. This way, she didn't have to talk, she just needed to observe, which was the same!

Coincidentally, this chat room was discussing humanoid females. This topic was nothing new, even more boring than discussing menstruation, but the male beasts always enjoyed talking about it.

Happiness hid in a corner and took a look. She noticed that there were two pictures hanging at the top of the chat room, both of them were of human females. One had a voluptuous figure and was wearing a red bikini, while the other was slender and dressed in a flowing skirt.

The male beasts in the chat room were clearly divided into two factions and were arguing. One faction said that the one in the red bikini had a good figure and a big butt, and that it would be great to have her in bed. The other faction said that they were all perverted animals who only cared about physical pleasure and didn't understand the deeper meaning.

The two factions were rapidly filling the chat with their comments. Happiness used her mouse to slowly read through them one by one. Suddenly, Lus pointed with his finger and said, "This one is good." He was referring to the picture of the slender female with more conservative clothing. These were stills of two popular 3D female stars from a movie. The movie was extremely well-made and realistic, and both of them had many fans. Of course, the simple plot was just about them fallowing love with a same male beast.

"Relatively speaking, it's okay, but it's far from being as good as our Happiness," Ben said without hesitation. He took a deep breath and felt the warmth and sweetness of Happiness right next to him!

Lus laughed, "Of course, how can the fake compare to the real thing."

"Huh?" Suddenly, Happiness exclaimed and opened the chat software. She looked at the ID of the person named "baymax" and then returned to the chat room to confirm. She said to Lu and Ben, "What a coincidence! It's baymax!"

Ben took a look and indeed, it was the tiger clan that was super cold to Happiness.

Happiness became interested and read baymax's words word by word: "If it's fake, then it's fake. It's better to hunt a few more ancient species than to argue for virtual characters." She mispronounced a few words, and Lu corrected her one by one.

Obviously, after baymax said this sentence, he was attacked by both sides.

SDR2: [Look at this bumpkin, talking as if he's seen the real thing!]

Sad Wolf: [Where did this guy come from? Born in District 1, right?] This insult was more malicious and subtle, because District 1, like District 2, did not have a breeding camp. This sentence was similar to "Did your mother throw you away and raise the placenta?"

Killer: [Another show-off + poser, how many high-level ancient species have you hunted?] Happiness was surprised to find that this world still had English! But her English was terrible, so it would be easier for her to learn the improved version of Chinese characters now!

Call me Brother: [Even ancient species have learned to go online these days!]

There were many insults like this, but Happiness had limited language skills and could only understand a few simple sentences. However, she considered herself a righteous and passionate girl... Well, she admitted that she would only be particularly passionate in situations that wouldn't hurt a single hair on her head. Seeing her first online friend baymax being attacked without a word, Happiness bravely stood up, wrote a sentence on the writing board, and sent it out with a slap.

winter: [I think baymax is right! You guys are going too far!]

Call me Brother: [Oh, baymax winter, born in District 1, don't you know how to change your style with a smurf account?]

That Night: [Haha, it's probably not a smurf, but another brainless tiger clan.]

I Own All Human Females: [A smurf will never be able to argue!]

1890.12.237.*: [Brainless, please leave automatically, brainless, please leave automatically, brainless, please leave automatically, brainless, please leave automatically, brainless, please leave automatically, brainless, please leave automatically...]


Before the beasts could say more, Ben quickly closed the chat room for her. He was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead. Looking at Happiness's ignorant expression, not knowing exactly what they had been insulted with, he comforted her, "There's nothing interesting here. Let's find another chat room."

At this moment, baymax sent a message: [Don't worry about those boring guys, I've also quit.]
