
Chapter 23  having period

A black giant canine raced through the snow, its claws kicking up snow like mist. The off-road vehicle was fast, but it couldn't compare to the speed of the beast form.

Alexander was extremely anxious and directly rammed open the door of the villa. After transforming into human form, he followed Happiness's scent and rushed to the third floor. The door was not closed, and the pitiful sight of Happiness, barely breathing, instantly caught his eye.

After dealing with Happiness's medicine bag, Lionel wanted to go back to the room to go online, but he was forced to stay by the four male beasts. Now, one leopard, two wolves, and two dogs were standing guard next to her. Alexander didn't have time to say anything and went straight to Happiness's bedside. In just over an hour, the healthy female beast had become pale, with weak breaths. Alexander was so angry that he punched a hole in the wall and angrily asked, "What's going on?!"

"It's all my fault!" Ben regretted it deeply. "While Happiness was taking a bath, I couldn't resist touching her. After she finished washing, she got sick!"

Alexander grabbed Ben by the collar and lifted him up, his eyes filled with rage. He raised his fist high, and Ben stood there blankly, offering no resistance. It was easy to imagine that the force that could easily crush steel would break several bones if it landed on Ben's body.

"A...Alexander..." A faint voice came from the bed. Alexander angrily threw Ben into the corner of the wall and immediately turned around to support Happiness's body with his arms.

"Eliot, remove this thing!" Alexander said. "Happiness, hold on. I'll take you to the medical facility!"

Happiness's cute attack had the desired effect. At least Alexander would rather give up keeping her hidden and have her be healthy.

"Not yet!" Eliot quickly stopped Alexander. "Happiness has vomited several times before. After the medicine was administered, she hasn't vomited for a while. It's windy and snowy outside, and I'm afraid her condition will worsen due to the bumps on the road!"

Alexander hesitated for a moment, acknowledging Eliot's words. He gently put the small, weak body back on the bed and touched her head, softly comforting her, "Happiness, I'll stay here with you. I won't go anywhere."

"Alexander..." Happiness muttered, struggling to open her sore eyes. She desperately raised her right hand, which had no IV needle, and grabbed Alexander's arm. Following her strength, Alexander placed his arm in her embrace. Happiness sighed with relief, holding Alexander's arm and whispered, "Ben, good, No, don't hit him."

Ben felt warm inside, tears almost falling. He called out Happiness, his throat choked up and unable to speak. At this moment, even if he had to die for the little girl, he wouldn't even blink his eyes. He was willing to do anything for her.

"Okay, I won't hit him." Alexander bent down, placing his arm beside Happiness to avoid putting pressure on her. He softly assured her.

"Mhmm." Happiness rubbed her flushed cheek against Alexander's arm, finally closing her eyes peacefully. Although her condition was serious, she felt embarrassed. When Alexander burst in with his imposing presence to scold Lu and then comfort her, both of them were naked...

"She's not dead yet, right?" Lionel said mercilessly. Were these two canine creatures acting in a melodramatic movie? They made it seem like a life-or-death situation, it's really intense!

"I'll stay in the second area for now. I can't leave Happiness like this." Alexander said, carefully laying down beside Happiness, not daring to withdraw his arm.

After Ben's confession, Andy,lus and Eliot's expressions were a bit grim, but since the little girl spoke up for him, they had no standing to blame him anymore. Andy,lus coldly glanced at Ben, retracting his exposed fangs and claws. He approached again, picking up the alcohol swabs and wiping Happiness's joints and armpits. Seeing her cold arm where the IV was, Andy covered it with his large hand, warming her with the palm of his hand.

Outside, it was freezing cold, but inside the room was warm. Although the beasts had intentions of invading and possessing Happiness's body, their care and love for her were genuine. It was the nature of the canines and wolves. Perhaps their mating process was rough and wild, but their loyalty to their chosen partners was unwavering until death.

Halfway through the saline infusion, Lionel replaced it with a small bottle of glucose. At this moment, the beasts were all concerned, but only he remained calm. However, Happiness's condition wasn't getting any better. Her fever didn't go down, she didn't sweat, and her skin remained cold. Although Lionel didn't say it, Alexander and the others knew that if this continued, they would have to send the little girl to the medical facility overnight.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lus, who was sitting on the sofa chair with his eyes closed, made a puzzled sound. He sniffed and a faint smell of blood drifted over from the bed.

Almost simultaneously, all the beasts smelled the scent of fresh blood.

"Oh no!" Alexander's face changed drastically. He sat up, staring at Happiness. That smell of blood was clearly coming from her. Did her condition suddenly worsen and deteriorate?!

The beasts crowded around, but Happiness was sleeping peacefully. Her breathing was normal, and there was no bleeding from the spot where the IV was inserted. Where was she injured?

Another scent of fresh blood filled the air, accompanied by a seductive fragrance. As this fragrance spread, even Lionel, who was sitting far away, felt a tightness in his lower abdomen, an inexplicable surge of violent desire.

Eliot pushed his glasses and cleared his throat. He moved forward, extending his trembling hand to gently lift Happiness's blanket and slightly lift her skirt hem. Under the light of the desk lamp, the bright red bloodstains between Happiness's legs were clearly visible.

"I didn't do this!" Ben panicked when he saw the blood, hastily saying, "I didn't touch Happiness there, how could she be injured?!"

"Shh..." Eliot signaled for everyone to be quiet. He took out a small glowing tube and illuminated Happiness's little white private part. The eyes of all the beasts were focused, and Alexander helped Eliot separate Happiness's thighs a bit. The cute pink crevice wriggled slightly, and a small trickle of blood overflowed, staining her fair thigh. This scene made all the beasts present involuntarily hold their breath.

Eliot carefully separated the meat of the bun and confirmed that the private part was intact before turning off the glowing tube and covering Happiness. He exclaimed in excitement, "Happiness, she... she must have matured! She... she's having her period!"

Having her period?!

Suddenly, except for Lionel, the gazes of all the beasts towards Happiness changed. The arrival of her period meant that she had mature reproductive organs, capable of mating with the beasts and conceiving their off spring. They couldn't help but think about the membrane inside her little white private part. Who would be the first? Who would be like the legends and obtain the first time with a human female, forever merging their DNA into her womb? Who would become the beast that Happiness would never forget?

"Cough, actually, we should have known that the little female was maturing fast, or maybe she has already matured!! Everyone saw it, Happiness is already having her period, but she doesn't have pubic hair yet. At the same time, we can observe that she doesn't have armpit hair either. I think Happiness might be naturally hairless." Eliot made a reasonable speculation.

Alexander nodded. With his and Damian's caresses, the little female secreted the lubricant several times to adapt to the male's enormous size. Her body was responsive to the stimulation from the males.

"Happiness's period tonight is a sign." Eliot continued analyzing, "Earlier in the car, Alexander, you just kissed her for a while and Happiness secreted a lot of fluid. The handkerchief was soaked. I think this is because her body is particularly excited and sensitive before her period."

"Then, her illness, is it also caused by her period?" Lus asked.

"No, I think that's just a coincidence. I've read related literature, and the resistance of females decreases before their period, making them particularly weak during menstruation." Eliot said.

Andy finally understood what it meant for Happiness to have her period. He was so excited that he kept pacing around the room, then suddenly said to Eliot, "So, so, so, so after she has her period, C-c-c-an we...?"

"In theory, yes." Eliot pushed his glasses again, "But please look, Happiness's body is so young. I don't know if her sexual maturity is a good thing or a bad thing because it means her body may not grow anymore. Obviously, she won't be able to accommodate any of us. I would rather she mature a few more years."

Andy clenched his enormous member and his face showed a worried expression. Hesitating, he said, "Then, then, then, can I insert in h-h-half...?"

"Let's wait until Happiness's body is completely healed before discussing this." Hearing Andy's implication that Happiness should naturally be taken by him, Alexander felt displeased. He held Happiness in his arms, and the bloody and enchanting scent of the female overwhelmed him. His heart was also in turmoil. Just thinking that he could now taste the most exquisite pleasure from this little one in his arms, how could he calm down?

"We can't just leave it like this." As the smell in the air became stronger, Eliot decisively said, "Ben, bring a few clean underwear, and towels that are soft in texture." Then Eliot thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, don't use cloth, just bring a roll of toilet paper, but not the ones in the bathroom, take the ones that are still in the packaging."

Originally,, Ben stood there stupidly, smiling foolishly. At Eliot's command, he hurriedly started to act. He opened a package of light green rolls of paper, and Eliot cut the paper to the same length as Happiness's little butt, folding it piece by piece.

"I'm going back to my room," Lionel frowned, enduring the pain. He felt quite annoyed. He couldn't believe that a humanoid female beast could emit such a smell. What was even more terrifying was that, although he was repulsed by the humanoid appearance of the female beast named Happiness, he found that he didn't dislike her fragrance. Lionel thought, if she transformed back into her beast form and still retained this scent, he would be happy to mate with her.
