
chapter 15 Ancient Evolution Species

This blue planet called Earth is located on the edge of the Milky Way, which is like a burning red river. It avoids hundreds of thousands of exploding supernovas and struggles to nurture life. According to ancient civilization records, Earth has experienced five mass extinctions: the Ordovician, the Devonian, the Permian, the Triassic, and the Cretaceous. In these terrible histories, there are always resilient forms of life that survive and start a new era, whether it's microorganisms, bacteria, or even atoms. Both amoebas and cockroaches should be respected by later generations.

But there has never been an era as shameful and desperate as the present. When Moses pressed the launch button of the SR4 long-range rocket launcher, his mind was filled with all these chaotic things. Maybe it had something to do with the book he read last night.

If ancient humans have truly been eliminated by the Earth, why should the ancient species evolve? From lifeless and mindless walking corpses driven solely by hunger, to undead beings that inherit ancient memories and possess intelligence and emotions but cannot regain life, Moses spent six years adapting to this new world after waking up from an ice glacier. What does the mysterious god want to do? Leaving him, who has no kind, to watch humanity tragically fall from the top of the food chain.

The wild animals that lost their instincts in the zoo, the beasts that were driven to the brink of extinction by human civilization, took advantage of humanity losing everything and seized control of this blue planet, forever towering above.

Why did this happen? Humanity has not perished, so why did God let these beasts dominate everything? This drove Moses to collapse, almost driving him insane.

In fact, Moses cannot hold on for much longer. He is already a 97-year-old man, and even if he has life, he should be approaching death. Now, he can hear the sound of bones cracking even when he moves his fingers. This body is no longer capable, and this strange life is also coming to an end.

Moses pressed a button on his waist belt, and a red light flashed. A tall figure appeared in the distance, blinking at an extremely fast speed, and stood firmly beside Moses.

The man's eyes were cold gray, his skin ashen, but his features were unusually handsome. His marble-like muscles tightly wrapped around his strong skeletal structure. His thin upper garment clung to his body, giving him the appearance of a sexy muscular man from ancient civilization. His lips were pursed into a line, and there was a hint of sadness in his expression as he looked at Moses.

"Noah, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know, I feel uncomfortable here." Noah pointed to his temple.

"Hehe... you are the most intelligent child I have created and have inherited all my knowledge, but you lack the emotions of ancient humans. I was actually regretful about this... but now it seems that you do have some emotions." Moses said a sentence and then took a breath. Noah remained motionless, listening attentively.

These two stood among the lower-level ancient species surging forward like waves, but it felt as if they were in a deserted place. When the lower-level ancient species and a small number of humanoid advanced ancient species passed by them, they instinctively avoided them, knowing that there was fresh flesh and blood in the distant city. Moses and Noah were threats that had to be avoided.

"You don't need to regret it. Emotions can only affect rational judgment." Noah said coldly, "As you said, I am your most perfect successor. But have you really not considered transforming yourself?"

"As you said, I have found the most perfect successor, and the mission is complete." Moses smiled and took out a sharp, blade-shaped object covered with densely packed protrusions from his pocket. He handed it to Noah and said, "This is the final information about cultivating the base purification species. From now on, you will be the new emperor. No matter what the final outcome is, as long as you can do your best without any regrets, you will have lived up to me."

"Okay." Noah nodded and took the flat object, leaning his neck forward and pressing it. Surprisingly, his entire head slid open from the middle of his neck. Under the moonlight, his bones and blood vessels emitted a cold, hard light that was even colder than death.

Moses fell to the ground. After witnessing Noah inserting the chip into the back of his head, he saw his own skin crack and turn to dust inch by inch. Finally, he could return to dust and find peace. A smile appeared on Moses' aged face, as he raised his staff to part the Red Sea in ancient times. Now it was up to Noah. Don't disappoint him, his proudest "son"...

Noah squatted beside Moses' ashes and reached out to pick up a pinch of bone ash. He placed it in the bullet casing necklace hanging from his chest. This necklace was given to him by Moses when he was born. Now, Moses should rightfully return to it.

In the distance, the sounds of battle and roaring came from the shattered walls. The wild beasts were mercilessly slaughtering in the lower-level zombie tide. Noah expressionlessly watched the bloody carnage in front of him. Unlike Moses, he didn't sigh with pity for these low-level zombies preserved beneath the glaciers, who had come so far. Their sacrifices would only awaken more companions.

But the cultivation vessel was already full of companions. Moses didn't really need to launch a full-scale attack on the Fifth District today. However, Noah didn't oppose it. He vaguely guessed Moses' thoughts. Maybe Moses knew that his body was about to be destroyed and wanted to enjoy the spectacular battle of ancient races attacking the beast city in the last moment. Moses didn't tell Noah this, but that's how Noah felt.

A large number of ancient races were torn apart. The strength of the beasts was considerable, obviously well-prepared. The snipers on the city wall didn't miss a shot. Only less than ten advanced ancient races were still standing.

"These are ancient relics that have been preserved for hundreds of years! Each one of them was once the spirit of the ruler of the planet!" Moses used to say this every time, but Noah didn't care. In his eyes, they were just rotten flesh.

The first batch of ancient races was almost wiped out. Noah released the restrictions on the second batch, allowing them to replace the vanguard. The low-level zombies with missing limbs brought back a lot of fresh flesh. Noah casually grabbed a low-level zombie with an obviously bulging belly, used his right hand as a knife, and cut open its stomach. He took out a piece of fresh meat that belonged to some kind of beast and threw it into a large box. The fresh meat instantly froze.

The low-level ancient race with its empty stomach didn't die. It staggered and joined the pile of corpses, pouncing forward. The retreating advanced ancient races showed a frightened expression and hid to the side. Noah didn't even look at them. They were too unintelligent. Otherwise, why would they worry about him attacking them?

Outside the Fifth District, there were roars of beasts again. With so many ancient races, their hearts were all empty. They must be very angry. What is anger? Noah wasn't very clear, but he knew that if all the future batches of purified companions were born, he would seize this opportunity and wipe out the beasts in the Fifth District.

Moses had always strictly limited the activities of true purified races like Noah. In other words, the beasts had never captured a "ancient purified race" with a body made entirely of metal and only a human brain. They had never discovered the existence of this race.

Indeed, the flesh and blood of the beasts were naturally immune to the zombie virus. A serum could be extracted from it. Moses named the sierum after the goddess of fate. Lacusis could expel the virus from the zombie's brain, and the powerful cell vitality of the beasts could make the dead brain work again. The bodies of the ancient races were tattered, but their brains were always intact. As long as the virus was removed, their intelligence and memories could be gradually awakened.

Of the thirteen purification species that have been born so far, only Noah does not have any memories of the past. His life before waking up seems like a blank slate. Moses often said that in his past life, Noah was either a madman or a genius, but who cares about that... No, why is he constantly thinking about Moses tonight? This is very strange.

The earthquake stopped early. Happiness struggled to move away from the tail blocking the way and took big steps to cross Eliot's hind legs. However, his long fur tripped her and she almost fell. The body temperature of canines is high, and being squeezed by the two of them makes her feel hot and stuffy. She couldn't stand it anymore, so she broke free from the circle of dogs surrounding her. Happiness felt much cooler and turned off the TV with a snap. The heavy metal rock music was giving her a headache.

The Golden Retriever and Border Collie looked up at her. Happiness gestured and said, "Hot, I'm really hot."

Fortunately, Eliot and Ben were not the kind of rogue beasts who shamelessly leaned on her. Happiness walked towards the refrigerator and halfway turned to ask Lu, "Ben, can you get it for me?"

Ben stood up and silently walked to the refrigerator. He used his paw to flick it open, and he rolled out a bottle of juice with his tongue and placed it in Happiness's hand. They didn't intentionally avoid turning into human form. After all, they couldn't speak in animal form. But tonight's situation was very unusual. If before they were just trying to tease the little female beast, now they had to stay in animal form and be extremely vigilant.

Happiness licked her lips and sat back on the carpet. She discreetly rubbed her hand on the ground. Ben had a lot of saliva in his mouth, making the juice bottle wet. It would be better for her to get it herself. After all, she could tell what was juice and what wasn't.

Ben affectionately licked Happiness's cheek and nudged her with his nose, seemingly sorry for not being able to chat with her.

"No, no need to be so polite..." Happiness wiped Ben's saliva off her cheek with the back of her hand. She was about to drink the juice when Eliot picked her up and placed her between his two paws. Eliot's mouth curled up, revealing half of his tongue, making it look like he was smiling. Happiness glanced at his sharp white fangs a few times, tightened her neck, and chuckled as she unscrewed the bottle cap. She gulped down almost half of the drink and was about to wipe her mouth when the big dog stretched out his tongue and licked her several times from her chin to her forehead.

Damn it, her whole face was wet with saliva! This was the true face wash with saliva! Looking at the tails wagging vigorously behind the two big dogs, Happiness softened. She reluctantly drank another sip of juice in front of these innocent and enthusiastic male beasts. She couldn't bring herself to run off to wash her face because she found their saliva disgusting!

She didn't know how much longer she would have to squat here. After a long time, Happiness stood up and walked around. Ben followed her closely, wrapping his tail around her left wrist like a golden bracelet. Happiness looked up at the entrance of the basement, which was now only a small square. After a while, Happiness rubbed her neck, which had become a little sore from looking up for so long, and prepared to find her textbook. Just as she turned around, she heard a creak from above her head, and a gust of wind swept by her side. Happiness looked and saw that Alexander had moved the steel plate and jumped down shirtless.