
Chapter 13 Escaped from a unscathed

Happiness originally felt as soft as a puddle of water on the bed, but suddenly everything went black and her body sank. She saw the gangster-like beastpread her legs and pressed down! The gangster beast's hard and huge dick resisted her with force, but slipped away from the root of her thigh. Even if she wanted to act cute now, it was too late! Happiness was so anxious that she was about to explode! Fortunately, this time Happiness didn't need to act cute, Alexander quickly rushed forward, and the impact force caused him and Damian to fall under the bed. Abyssyus held Happiness's armpits and pulled her back, and Happiness's legs slid up along the bed sheet. The two beasts cooperated and finally managed to stop the non-river crab incident from happening in time!

Damian's head hit the ground with a bang, and Alexander grabbed him and lowered his voice, shouting, "Are you crazy? You'll kill her!"

Damian pushed Alexander away, stuffed dick into his pants randomly, and sat on the ground panting heavily. After a while, he said helplessly in the condemning gaze of Alexander, Abyssyus, and Happiness, "The little female beast's body is inexplicably tempting. Her sweet nectar can really drive male beasts crazy. It's not my fault!"

"Really?" Abyssyus's eyes lit up, he reached out and touched a drop of shiny dew on his fingertip, exuding a strong female fragrance. Abyssyus licked his lips and immediately prepared to put his finger in his mouth.

"Don't!" Damian exclaimed in alarm, Abyssyus's finger stopped, "Don't eat it, it will really drive you crazy! It's too powerful! Alexander, you guys from the canine clan have better endurance, quickly take the little female beast and wash her butt, otherwise, she won't survive today in our hands!" Damian comically pinched his nose, keeping his eyes on his nose and his thoughts on his heart, not daring to look at Happiness for the time being.

Holy cow! When Alexander turned on the shower head and rinsed her sticky little breast, Happiness finally broke out in a cold sweat, narrowly escaping a disaster! She just didn't know if she could have some good luck! If that dick really entered her body, it might pierce through and cause a stomach perforation!

Alexander also had sweat on his forehead. After the water washed away the aroma, the little breast became less fragrant but even more slippery. God knows how much endurance he needed to calmly move his finger away from the seam of the bun! Finally, it was all cleaned up. Happiness stood there, completely naked, her legs so weak and sore that she could hardly stand. The ankle that wasn't so painful before swelled up again when she fought bravely with Damian. She looked at Alexander, grasped his clothes and twisted them, and climbed into his arms, ignoring Alexander's terrifying dick. This time, she wasn't acting cute, she just felt a little weak and afraid that once she was alone, she would be overwhelmed by him again. Being held by Alexander felt a bit safer. Although Alexander had touched and kissed her before, he was the one who pushed the gangster beast away at the most critical moment! This made Happiness have some confidence in him.


Alexander couldn't resist Happiness's extremely cute actions at all! He picked her up and let her sit on his arm, carrying her out to find a spray, and then returned to the living room.


The bedroom was filled with the fragrance of Abyssyus's perfume, and the two beasts were choked and sneezed several times, coincidentally leaving the bedroom. Damian was much better now. As soon as he saw Happiness, he greeted her warmly, but his wolf eyes full of aggression and possessiveness had already betrayed him. Happiness flicked her hair and turned her head towards Alexander's neck, resolutely ignoring this gangster beast!


"Oh, how did the little female animal hurt her foot? Quickly, bring her over so I can take a look!" Abyssyus pushed through and lifted Happiness's left foot. That small foot, so thin and white, was not even as big as Abyssyus's palm. The pink nails, like shells, covered her white pearl-like toes, shimmering with a warm glow. Even though the lighting in the room was not bright, Abyssyus's pupils narrowed into thin lines. He was stunned, amazed. He felt that he couldn't find a single flaw on the little female animal, even her hind paw was so flawlessly perfect!"

"I-I-I'll apply medicine to her." Abyssyus's tongue got tied up as he grabbed the medicine bottle from Repair. Perhaps afraid of hurting Happiness with the force of the medicinal liquid spraying, he accidentally sprayed it onto his fingers first before gently rubbing it onto her foot. Abyssyus hadn't forgotten how he had made Happiness bleed with just a lick.

The fragile Happiness brought out all of Abyssyus's masculine tenderness. This leopard was so overly concerned and gentle that it nearly drove Alexander and Damian half-mad.

Damian snatched the medicine bottle back and sprayed it a few times onto Happiness's foot, saying, "She's not made of paper, why are you being so careful?"

Abyssyus sighed with concern, "I'm really worried, truly. Look at our little female beast's sexual response. She should be reaching adulthood soon. The difference in size between us and her is so vast. How can we keep her from getting hurt?"

The three beasts fell silent, and a strange low pressure filled the air. Alexander compared himself to the size of dick then estimated Happiness's small belly, suddenly feeling a bit down.

"Pu..." Suddenly, Damian thought of something and burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Alexander asked, and even Happiness looked at him with confusion.

"Hahaha!" Damian laughed while clutching his stomach for a while before winking and saying, "What do we have to worry about? If, if the Python Clan gets hold of Happiness, what will they do? They have two of them, you know!"

"Pu!" Now Abyssyus was also amused, imagining the appearance of the python clan beasts turning into human forms, proudly showcasing their two hard and black members, making it impossible for Happiness to know where to start. It was really funny. It should be noted that while there were no female beasts in human form, the comparison of sexual prowess was a long-standing entertainment among male beasts.

Alexander suppressed his laughter and wrapped Happiness in a prepared blanket before saying in a serious tone, "So we must never let Happiness fall into the hands of the Python Clan, whether it's the Mecha Python Clan or the Primitive Python Clan."

Damian and byssyus nodded in agreement. Happiness's female instincts allowed her to understand how lascivious these two guys' smiles were. She curled her lips and buried her head in Alexander's arms.

"It's not okay for the little female beast to always be wrapped in a blanket. We need to find her some proper clothes,"Abyssyus said, stroking his chin. "Alexander, why would you let her wear your underwear? It's such a waste. Don't you want to see how beautiful Happiness would look in those female clothes from ancient records?"

Damian used his gaze to caress Abyssyus's leopard head and smiled without saying a word. He had felt extremely satisfied when he tore apart Happiness's dress and underwear.

"As long as it's warm and practical, it's fine. Besides, she looks the most beautiful without clothes," Alexander said straightforwardly.

"I have some clothes from District Ten. I can modify them to fit her," Abyssyus suggested.

"No need, Eliot has already gone to take care of it," Alexander shook his head.

As soon as they mentioned it, Eliot and Ben's clothes were bulging. Like thieves, they sneaked up to Alexander's door. When the two of them saw Abyssyus inside, Eliot didn't react much, but Ben was very surprised. He hadn't attended that meeting before, so he naturally didn't know that the cat was already out of the bag.

Despite the scent of perfume that hampers their sense of smell, Eliot and Ben still caught a whiff of the scent of a female in heat. Ben looked worriedly at Happiness, and took out a neatly folded dress from their clothes.

Happiness was very fond of Ben, and she greeted him with a smile, "Ben!" This attracted the jealousy of three male beasts. Although the law stipulated that female beasts were shared, leaders always had a certain special power. They could tolerate male beasts who were also leaders to have a female beast together, but they couldn't tolerate the female beast liking other male beasts more than them. Even if Ben wanted to have sex with the female beast, he had to wait until after them!

Eliot cleared his throat, and the excited expression on his face was no less than when Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation.

"Gentlemen!" Eliot imitated the tone of experts and scholars on TV, unfolding a small piece of fabric in his hand. "Please pay attention, this is a work I made according to ancient records."

Everyone's eyes shot towards the white underwear in Eliot's hand, which was triangular and had a small lotus leaf border. Although Happiness was new here, she had experienced many bizarre events, so she calmly watched the saliva fly between the Glasses man.

"Today, underwear plays a role in absorbing sweat, blocking bacteria, and facilitating movement for us male beasts. As you all know, during outdoor activities, if the reproductive organs are not restrained by underwear, they will swing around and affect our hunting. So why should humanoid females wear underwear when they don't need to hunt and their reproductive organs do not affect their movement?" Glasses man successfully aroused the curiosity of the male beasts. He paused and proudly said, "Based on my research, combined with the ancient female fantasies I have watched in every period, I have come to a conclusion that for humanoid females, concealing and being shy is more attractive to males than being completely naked. In the history of ancient civilization, this type of clothing is referred to as lingerie!"

Glasses man signaled for Ben to unfold another piece of underwear and introduced, "And this one, you may be unfamiliar with it. Even in fantasy entertainment films, it is rare to see females wearing bras. Yes, this bra is worn inside the female beast. Gentlemen, please take a look at those two round cups. The female beast can place her breasts inside them. I don't know why they did this, but females in ancient civilization did."

This bra also has a lotus leaf border, and it actually looks quite cute, Happiness thought.

"Don't waste time, you've said so much, it's better to let Happiness try it on!" Damian urged impatiently.

Everyone was thinking the same thing. Even if Glasses man gave a long speech, it wouldn't be as effective as letting the female beast wear this set of underwear for them to see for a minute.

This time, Happiness turned her back and fumbled in the blanket to put on the underwear. It was much better than wearing Alexander's square pants.

Happiness stood up, and all the male beasts were stunned! The little fat breast was tightly wrapped in the white fabric, and the lotus leaf border slightly pressed down on the fat rabbit, while the thin fabric lifted up the two little beans, making her buttocks appear firm and perky. There was even a small dog tail sewn by Eliot, only as big as Happiness's little finger. When Happiness moved, the little fat rabbit and tail trembled. Alexander rubbed his eyes and realized that he was completely wrong to say that the female beast wouldn't look beautiful without wearing anything. When she wore the ancient underwear, it was like taking the male beasts' lives away!

"And, there's this." Ben shyly handed a long-sleeved thick dress to Happiness. This was made by him and Eliot in a hurry. Happiness gratefully accepted it and quickly put on the dress. It was a bit big, and the hem covered her ankles, but at least Happiness was finally relieved from the hungry gazes of the male beasts. With the underwear and dress, she felt much more comfortable!