
You're a author

Hey kha hit Juan for being annoyed with Juan who tried to make her jealous.

Even though Juan feels a little sick but Juan is so happy. Because he can be together again with hey kha even though it's only for a day because tomorrow he has to come back to town E to take care of his work.

Arriving at the house, Mr. Tan, who was sitting reading the newspaper. Opened the door for Hey Kha and also Juan, who pressed the bell.

"You guys have come back, you guys also shop," Mr. Tan said to Juan and also hey kha who looked cheerful when together, hey kha nodded his head.

Mr. Tan said to both.

"let me be the one who will cook delicious food for both of you,"

Hey kha and Juan stare at each other when they hear that.

Juan said that he is wanted to help Mr. Tan.

"Let me help Mr. Tan, hey kha also has to rest because of fatigue."