
Stay with you

Juan stayed beside hey kha to accompany her.

Hey kha see Juan who looks very worried about her. Trying to move his body slowly but still can't.

Hey kha can only move his fingers.

Hey kha smiled at Juan.

"Your face is like that, it's so bad for the view." Say hey kha who tried to mock Juan.

Juan looked at hey kha with a silent hum. He doesn't know what to react to.

He didn't know what to react to. On the one hand, he was so worried and also sad. But on the other hand, he doesn't want to hey kha get hurt.

"Do you know Juan? What I like most about you is your handsome face. Because I think you're the single most handsome and kind man in the world."

Juan who heard hey kha praised himself smiled happy. Juan also touched hey kha's lips with his fingers gently.

Hey kha looked surprised at it.

"Ju… Juan, what does you want to do? We were in the hospital, when we were in, and we were both sick."